AIIDE-23 Workshop on
Artificial Intelligence for Strategy Games (SG)
October 8, 2023

[please check for updates often]



From 2012-2017 successful workshops on AI for adversarial real-time games were held at AIIDE in response to the considerable interest in the subject and the limited time for reporting on the annual StarCraft competition in the main AIIDE conference.

Since 2018, we've broadened the workshop scope to cover AI for all kinds of strategy games in the hope to attract more submissions and to spark discussions between research groups focusing on board game, real-time strategy game, and general video game AI.

The goal of the SG workshop is to again bring together AI researchers and game AI programmers from industry, who are interested in strategic game AI, to present and exchange ideas on the subject, and to discuss how academia and game companies can work together to improve the state-of-the-art in AI for games.

This year we also invite submissions describing agents submitted to the IEEE MicroRTS Competition. Developing bots for RTS games such as StarCraft involves a very large amount of engineering, which often relegates the research aspects of the competition to a second plane. The MicroRTS competition has been created to motivate research in the basic research questions underlying the development of AI for RTS games while minimizing the amount of engineering required to participate.

Workshop Format

This one-day workshop will consist of paper presentations on strategy game related AI topics (listed below), game competition descriptions (StarCraft Broodwar), show-and-tell presentations, and a discussion on future research.

Contributions will be peer-reviewed and meet AAAI workshop standards. Accepted workshop papers will be published as a single CEUR proceedings book.


The SG workshop welcomes original research contributions, position papers, competition AI system descriptions, and post-mortem game analyses in the area of AI for strategy games --- including modern video strategy games (such as FPS and RTS games), and turn based games and puzzles. Topics include, but are not restricted to:

Important Dates

Submission Format

SG Workshop Programming Committee

The following people served on the workshop PC last year and will likely help this year as well: