Policies relevant to Cmput651
Homework resources and collaboration
- Homeworks are due at the begining of class
- Important Note:
As we often reuse problem
set questions from previous years, covered by
papers and webpages, we expect the students not to copy, refer to, or
look at the solutions in preparing their answers. Since this is a graduate
class, we expect students to want to learn and not google for
The purpose of problem sets in this class is to help you think about
material, not just give us the right answers. Therefore, please
attention to the books mentioned on the webpage when solving problems
on the problem
set. If you do happen to use other material, it must be acknowledged
with a citation on the submitted solution.
- Homeworks will be done individually: each student must hand in their own
answers. It is acceptable, however, for students to collaborate in
figuring out answers and helping each other solve the problems. We will
be assuming that, as participants in a graduate course, you will be
taking the responsibility to make sure you personally understand the
solution to any work arising from such collaboration. You also must
indicate on each homework with whom you collaborated.
- The project may be completed by teams of two students.
- Code of
Student Behavior
Late policy
- Every component of the Project must be handed in
on time; no late components will be accepted.
For the assignments:
- You will be allowed 3 total late days
without penalty for the entire semester.
For instance, you may be late by 1 day on three different homeworks or late by 3 days on one
homework. Once those days are used, you will be penalized according to
the policy below:
- Homework is worth full credit at the beginning of class on the due
- It is worth half credit for the next 48 hours.
- It is worth zero credit after that.
- You must turn in all 3 of the homeworks, even if for zero credit, in
order to pass the course.
Homework-regrading policy
If you feel that we have made an error in grading
your homework,
please turn in your homework with a written explanation
and we will consider your request. Please note that regrading of a
homework may
cause your grade to go up or down.
General Comments on the Assignments
Please read these carefully. Not following these overall guidelines may
in penalties for the assignments.
- Many assignments will includes both written questions and coding
questions. Here, your submission should contain two parts:
(1) A hard-copy part with your answers to the written
questions and a high-level description of each of the coding questions.
(2) The code itself, which must be submitted using ??ASTEP??,
before the time specified in the assignment.
For more information about ASTEP, see
- For the written questions:
- Make sure your name is clearly printed on your hardcopy
submission. For the sake of your privacy, do not include your
student ID.
- if you hand-write, instead of type, the written part of your
assignment, you must make sure that your writing is legible.
- you should be clear and concise ('more' does not
imply 'better') and explain your answers.
- prominently display the question number and letter.
- For the coding questions:
- It is up to you to convince the grader that your code
not vice versa. This means you should include documentation, describing
what the code does,
and how it should work. It should also include traces that illustrate
this behaviour.
- You should follow standard 'good' coding practices:
meaningful names, proper indentation, appropriate comments, etc.
- Use the exact command-line arguments (if any), directory
names and file names as described in the assignment specification so
that we can run scripts to compile and test your programs automatically.
- In general, the question will specify the language for your
code (which will typically be C or C++).
- Each coding question should be done in its own subdirectory.
Typing 'make' in the subdirectory should compile the program. The name
of the executable should be the same as the name of the subdirectory.