Probabilistic Graphical Models Course - Textbook Errata, Notes, and Explanations
This page lists errors in textbooks used for Cmput 651 (Sept-Dec, 2008).
Koller & Friedman Text
- Ch. 2 - Section 2.3.4, Definition 2.3.13
The definition given for a clique is actually the definition of what we call a maximal
clique. The definition of subclique corresponds to what we call a clique.
So, the
way we use the words, a clique is any complete (i.e. fully connected) induced subgraph. For
example, any two nodes that are connected by an edge constitute a clique of size 2. A maximal
clique is a clique that is not a subgraph of any clique. That is, if you add any extra node to a
maximal clique, it stops being a clique. A maximum clique (note: that's
maximum not maximal) is a clique with the largest number of nodes of all
cliques in the graph. For example, in a lattice, any two nodes connected by an edge form i) a clique,
ii) a maximal clique, and iii) a maximum clique.
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