Computing Science 466/551
Topics in Machine Learning
Suggested Research Projects

* * * DRAFT [ALWAYS being revised!!] * * *

There is a lot of latitude in choosing a project but I reserve the right to veto or alter a proposed project if I think it falls too far outside the scope of the class, or is too ambitious, or too unambitious.

(For further suggestions, see also my proposed project ideas   or  possible 652 projects   or  Projects for Mitchell's Class .)

Title of previous projects: (2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2005, 2008)

New proposals -- Sept'2009

Slides from Nasimeh Asgarian's presentation
Slides from Barnabas Poczos' presentation

From R Goebel + O Zaiane: (slides)

From E Ludvig From Istvan Szita

From R Greiner (moved from below)

From R Greiner
Earlier stuff.
WARNING: the remaining material is EMBARASSINGLY out of date! Please just glance thru, just to get an iea of things that might be interesting types of directions.



AIxploratorium : eg, helping to design webpages that communicate the often subtle ideas related to machine learning -- eg, neural nets, reinforcement learning, PAC learning, ...