(car x) (cdr x) (cons x y) (atom x) (null x) (eq x y) (equal x y) (numberp x) (listp x) (eval y) (funcall x ...) (apply x y)
special forms (including logic connectives)
(defun ...) (defmacro ...) (let ((x y) (u v)...) z) (let* ((x y) (u v) ...) z) (lambda (x y) ...) (quote x) and its short form 'x (function y) as well as # `( ...) [added 21/Oct -- note gcl and clisp are slightly different here!] (list a1 a2 ...) (if x y z) (cond ... ) (and x y ...) (or x y ...) (not x)
and numeric operators and comparisons such as
(+ x y) (- x y) (* x y) (/ x y) (< x y) (mod x y) [added 17/Oct] (floor x) [added 17/Oct] (ceiling x) [added 17/Oct] (> x y) (= x y) (<= x y) (>= x y)You may also use a combination of car and cdr, such as
(cadr ...), (cdaar ...)as well as
(first x) (second x) (third x) ... (rest x)
If you would like to use any other (pureLisp) functions or forms, please contact us.