Fundamentals of Medical Imaging


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CMPUT 616 – Autumn 2018

Fundamentals of Medical Imaging

Friday 16h00 to 18h00 in CSC 2-49






General Description:


The course starts by reviewing signal processing theory with example from medical imaging. We will then study six general medical imaging modalities: projection radiography, computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, nuclear imaging, and ultrasound. The goal will be to understand these modalities in terms familiar to medical practitioners. Following the study of modalities, we will then review basic 3D image processing such as filtering, registration, segmentation, and data driven physical simulation. Flexibility exists for the instructor to vary the depth of each topic area after determining the general background and experience of the students.




Lecture 1: Short History of Modalities:


Lecture 2: Basics of Linear Systems:


Lecture 3: Multi-modal Filtering

·       Powerpoint files: LinearSystems-II.pptx, Filtering.pptx

·        Assignment 2 (Due Sept. 21)


Lecture 4: Fourier Transform:


Lecture 5: Sampling Theorem:



Lecture 7: Fundamental of X-Ray Physics-I:


Lecture 8: Fundamental of X-Ray Physics-II:


Lecture 9: X-Ray Distortion and Non-linearity:


Lecture 10: Statistical Model of X-Ray Images:


Lecture 11: X-ray CT-I:


Lecture 12: X-ray CT-II:


Lecture 13: Fundamental of MR:


Lecture 14: MRI Image Formation Overview:


Lecture 15: Nuclear Imaging:


Lecture 16: Multi-modal Registration

·       Powerpoint files: Registration.pptx

·       Assignment 6 (Due Nov 30)


Lecture 17: Ultrasound Imaging Systems:

·       Powerpoint files: Ultrasound.pptx


Lecture 18: From Segmentation to Physical Simulation and Surgical Planning

·       Powerpoint files: Segmentation.pptx,  Simulation.pptx

·       Assignment 7 (Due Dec 7)






The following textbook is used to provide both the engineering, mathematical, and physics background necessary for this course. I will lecture from the class notes but I will refer to the textbook from time to time and some of the assignment will be from the textbook.


J.L. Prince and J.M. Links, Medical Imaging: Signals and Systems, Pearson Prentice Hall Bio-engineering

You can get access to the book at: The username and passwd will be distributed in class.



Homework will generally be handed out during a lecture and will be due on the following week. Some parts of the homework may involve SLICER exercises. There will be 6 problem sets. Don't be misled by the relatively few points assigned to homework grades in the final grade calculation. While the grade that you get on your homework is at most a minor component of your final grade, working the problems is a crucial part of the learning process and will invariably have a major impact on your understanding of the material.


Course Project

There will be an individual semester project, culminating in a final 8 pages report in IEEE format and a 20 minutes presentation during a one day workshop in December. Progress and check points before the final due date will count toward the final grade.


Course Grade

The final grade for the course is based on our best assessment of your understanding of the material, as well as your commitment and participation. The SLICER project, problem sets, and the final projects are combined to give a final grade:




Final Project


7 x Problem Sets







·       Introduction to various technologies from

o   X-rays

o   CT

o   MRI

o   Ultrasound

·       Joseph Hornak, The Basics of MRI

·       Online resource, available at (Introduction to MRI)

·       MRI safety (flying objects) []

·       The Ottawa Medical Physics Institute has a series of interesting and relevant Seminars

·       The Visible Human Project

·       Interactive Visible Human Viewer

·       The Computer Vision Test Image Database has many databases relevant to image processing. Some contain medical images

·       The MedPix Database has X-ray and CT and MRI images.

· / Images

· X-Ray CT views of living and extinct vertebrates. 

·       Online Computer vision books

·       P. K.Kaiser; The Joy of Visual Perception, Online book, 1996.

·       Kak, M. Slaney. Principles of Computerized Tomographic Imaging, Society of Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 2001.

·       Martin Spahn Flat detectors and their clinical applications Eur Radiol (2005) 15: 1934-1947