Paul Lu


Professor and

   Director of Outreach


Department of Computing Science

University of Alberta

Edmonton, Alberta, T6G 2E8



paullu [at]

Office:  Athabasca Hall 3-40

Fax:  (780) 492-1071


Academic Biography


Ph.D. Computer Science, 2000, University of Toronto

Thesis:  Scoped Behaviour for Optimized Distributed Data Sharing


M.Sc. Computing Science, 1993, University of Alberta

Thesis:  Parallel Search of Narrow Game Trees


B.Sc. Honours, Computing Science, 1991, University of Alberta


Research Interests


High-Performance Computing, Cloud Computing, Machine Learning in Software Systems


I am interested in all aspects of high-performance computing, but especially parallel and distributed systems, and cloud computing. My research program centers on systems software (OS, VMs, parallel programming) and, most recently, high-performance data transfers and IaaS cloud computing. In the past few years, I have used machine learning (ML) to classify the network protocols in use, to support performance optimizations.