Conference Organization
- Organizer (with Ariel Felner), SoCS 2010
- Publicity Chair, SARA 2009
- Instructor, CMPUT 652, Winter 2009
- Co-Instructor, CMPUT 652, Fall 2007
- Guest Instructor CMPUT 250 (formerly 299), Fall 2006 - present
- Head Instructor CMPUT 299 (now 250), Fall 2005, Winter 2006
- Coordinating planning and design of new second-year course,
CMPUT 299 Computers and Games.
- Teaching Assistant, UCLA: Fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence,
Spring quarter in each of 1998-2001
- Teaching Assitant, UC Berkeley, Spring 1996-1997
Program Committee / Reviewer
- NIPS, 2008, 2009
- AIIDE, 2008, 2009
- IJCAI, 2007, 2009
- Advances in Computer Games, 2009
- Computers and Games, 2006, 2008
- American Association of Artificial Intelligence (AAAI), 2006, 2007, 2008
- Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems (AAMAS), 2006, 2007
- Planning and Learning in A Priori Unknkown or Dynamic Domains, IJCAI-05 Workshop
- International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML), 2004, 2009
- WISEST student supervisor, summer 2005.
- President, UCLA Computer Science Graduate Student Buddy/Mentor Association, 2001-2003