Where I have lived (and what I did there)
- Current work:
- Since 2021: Canada CIFAR AI Chair with Amii
- Since 2019: Amii Fellow
- Since 2009: Professor
- Since September 2000: Faculty member in
Department of Computing Science, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada
- 2025, Jan - Jun: Sabbatical
- 2019-2024: DeepMind Chair in Artificial Intelligence
- 2020-21:
Johannes Kepler University Linz, Austria
- 2014-17: Associate Chair (Research) for our Department
- 2006-07:
Department of Computer Sciences, Universität Salzburg, Austria
- December 2004: awarded tenure
- September 2000 - 2009: Associate Professor (tenure track),
University of Alberta
- April -August 2000:
NTT Communication Science Labs,
Media Information Lab,
Dialog Understanding Research Group,
Cognitive Science Group,
Atsugi, Japan
- October 1997 - March 2000:
STA fellow and researcher,
Complex Games Lab,
ElectroTechnical Laboratory (ETL),
Tsukuba, Japan
- 1997: Back at
- 1996: Postdoc at the Center for Pure and Applied Mathematics,
Mathematics Dept., UC Berkeley, California,
Elwyn Berlekamp
- 1995-96: Postdoc at
ICSI, the
International Computer Science Institute, Berkeley, California
- 1989-95: University assistant and Ph.D. student
in Prof. Jürg
Nievergelt's group
at the Institute for
Theoretical Computer Science,
Department of
Computer Science
ETH Zürich, Switzerland
- 1983-89: Dipl.Ing. in "Technische Mathematik"
at IICM,
Graz University of Technology (TU Graz), Austria,
supervised by
Peter Lipp, then in the group of Prof. Hermann Maurer.
- 1965-83: growing up in
Created: Apr 2000, last modified: Jan 2025
Martin Müller