(;GM[1]VW[]SZ[19]PB[magnus]BR[1d ]PW[donjuan]WR[2d*]GN[donjuan-magnus\(B\) IGS]EV[A game played on the Internet Go Server]DT[1994-03-04]PC[IGS: hellspark.wharton.upenn.edu 6969]TM[900]RE[W+Resign]US[Brought to you by IGS]KM[0.5]FF[3];B[qd];W[dp];B[pq];W[dd];B[oc];W[qo];B[pl];W[pp];B[oq] ;W[qq];B[qr];W[rq];B[lq];W[jd];B[cf];W[di];B[cc];W[cd];B[dc]C[MM: Good opening so far.] (;W[bc]C[MM: a little uncommon.];B[bb];W[bd] (;B[ec];W[ed];B[fd];W[fe];B[gd];W[ge] (;B[hd];W[he];B[id];W[ie];B[je];W[kd] (;B[ke]C[Is K14 better?];W[le];C[ ]B[lf];W[me];B[kg];W[mf];B[mg];W[ng];B[mh];W[mc] ;B[pg]C[Is this move to greedy? Should I play O12 instead securing the center? MM: Looks like a good point. No problem here.];W[od] (;B[pc]C[MM: There is an alternative here];C[ ]W[nh];B[mi];C[ ]W[ni];B[of];W[nf] (;B[pi]C[MM: This is too greedy! This move plays a big role for the final outcome of the game]BM[1];W[mj]C[MM: B shape crumbles. The difference is too huge for words.];B[lj];W[lk];B[mk];W[nj];B[kj];W[jg]C[MM: Vital point, painful for b];B[kh];W[kk] (;B[ii]C[This move has to be on K9 I think];W[jj]C[MM: strange move.] (;C[ Angus 4k*: c12 should be a good move soon for b. MM: weak response]B[ji]BM[1];C[ Angus 4k*: now]W[jk] (;B[dj]C[MM: Wrong direction, for 2 reasons: a\) b center can become weak b\) w wall is weak, should be attacked using the c14 stone]BM[1];W[ej];B[ci];W[dk];B[cj] (;W[li]C[MM: This attack..];B[ki];W[lh]C[MM: ...Looks unreasonable, gives b a chance to strike back again]SE[ei] (;B[fh]C[MM: It is hard to find the best point for b. Anyway, this is the correct idea]TE[1];W[ei];B[ef]C[MM: W seems to be in big trouble, but b must be careful to connect everything]TE[1];W[ee] (;B[gi]C[MM: too loose. If b connects safely, he will have no problems];W[lg];B[kf];W[hh]C[MM: Good point. Makes it tough for Black. Suddenly, cracks appear in his shape]TE[1] (;B[hi];W[dg];B[df];W[eg] (;C[ wendsjo 3k : are we seeing a fight coming around d14?]B[fg];W[cg] (;B[bf];W[ff];B[bg];W[ck] (;B[ek] (;W[bk]C[MM: blunder, but...] (;B[ch]C[This move should bet at F10 and white loses, I thought that white could play C12 and capture the three black stones... MM: correct. Easy to overlook this, though.];W[fk];B[el];W[fj];B[hk];W[fl];B[hl];C[ eek 6k*: seki ? MM: It seems B will lose the side group]W[bj] (;B[em]C[MM: If b loses the side group, these stones have little meaning.];W[bi];B[bh];W[fm];B[cm];W[bm];B[bn]C[I think that E6 is the vital point for both now, is that correct?] (;W[dm] (;C[ wendsjo 3k : terrible squeze wendsjo 3k : after b d6 that is :\(]B[en];W[dn];B[dl];W[cn] (;B[fn]C[MM: Wrong direction. Don't touch what you're attacking. In a way, b plays a splitting attack, but against himself...];W[gn];C[ wendsjo 3k : wow ! a classical running battle]B[go] (;C[ Angus 4k*: f4]W[gm];B[ho];C[ eek 6k*: if all external groups live, is it seki at C15? MM: now B is in real trouble, he cannot cut.]W[im] (;C[ wendsjo 3k : can w get an eye arsund g14, he shpuld kill b Terrible, removing the liberty I need later MM: Agree. Looks suicidal]B[cl];W[bl] (;B[eo]C[MM: terrible shape for b. Can this work?];C[ wendsjo 3k : b5]W[ep];B[hm]C[MM: impossible.];W[hn];B[in];W[io] (;B[fp]C[If I play K6, White D5 bF5 and wJ4 captures the black group in a shortage of liberties ];W[do];C[ wendsjo 3k : oops after b b5 was w d5 sente]B[fo];W[jn];C[ eek 6k*: if b starts with H13 eek 6k*: i think it's seki ]B[fq]TR[eo];W[ab];B[ba];W[cb];B[db];W[hg]C[MM: A vital point, now w is sure to win the fight. Probably w could already play tenuki.] ;B[if];C[ wendsjo 3k : w heard you, eek]W[hf];C[ wendsjo 3k : question. can b l10 group live now? kerbrat 1d*: it seems seki now]B[ig];W[ih];C[ kerbrat 1d*: sorry, did not see B14 dead, B all dead]B[jf];C[ wendsjo 3k : seems so : \( eek 6k*: tell donjuan beautiful]W[gg];B[be]C[Now I am desperate and hope for a miracle...];W[ah];B[ad];W[ae] ;B[af];C[ wendsjo 3k : so w tekuki'd painful for magnus]W[er];B[iq];W[jq];B[jr];W[jp];B[ir];W[rl];) (;B[jn];W[do];B[fo];W[ip]C[MM: The classical crane's nest])) (;B[fp];W[in];B[hg];W[ig] (;B[if]C[MM: trying to steal some liberties, but...];W[gg];B[hf];W[jf]) (;B[gg];W[if];B[ih]C[MM: only one eye. Even if the side fight is temporary seki, in the end all b will be dead.]))) (;B[ep];W[in];B[dq];W[cp]) (;B[hm];W[hn];B[in];W[io];B[jn];W[fo];B[eo];W[fp];B[ep];W[hp] ;B[fq];W[gp];B[jl];W[dq];B[eq];W[do]C[MM: B will probably die])) (;W[hm]C[MM: I prefer this shape])) (;B[ep])) (;B[dn];W[en];B[dl];W[cl];B[dm];W[do];B[cn];W[bo])) (;W[en]C[MM: yes, this looks like the strongest move.] (;B[dn];W[dm];B[dl];W[cl];B[dm];W[do];B[cn];W[bo]) (;B[dm];W[bl];B[cn];W[bp]C[MM: The only remaining problem: can b do anything against the top w group now? But maybe w can affor seki there, if he gets another move on lower side]TR[fe]))) (;B[ml]C[MM: If he stops playing there,...];W[em] (;B[jm]TB[cb][ca][da][ea][fa][fb][eb][db][pa][qa][ra][sa][sb][rb][qb][pb][qc][rc][sc][sd][rd][re][rf][sf][se][rg][rh][ri][si][sh][sg][rj][sj][ms][ns][os][or][nr][mr][ij][ik][jk][jj][kj][kk][lk][jl][kl][ll]TC[-8]TW[ad][ae][af][ag][ah][ai][bi][bh][cg][cf][bf][bg][be][ce][de][df][ef][ci][cj][ch][dj][dk][ek][el][dl][cl][bl][bk][aj][ak][al][qp][rp][mg][mh][mi][ld][lc][am][an][ao][ap][bn][bm][cm][dm][cn][bo][bp][co]C[MM: The game may be good for w, but not by much]) (;B[ho]C[MM: Or B could try something more large scale to try to catch up]))) (;B[fj] (;W[ch];B[bi];W[bh];B[ah]) (;W[bi];B[ch];W[bh];B[eh]))) (;W[fk];B[el];W[gj];B[bk];W[hj]C[MM: W will probably get the center, that's enough])) (;B[bk];W[bl];B[bj])) (;B[bg];W[ff];B[bh];W[bf];B[be];W[af];B[ae];W[ce];B[ag];W[bf] ;B[af];W[de];B[bf];W[ck];B[if])) (;B[ff]C[MM: May be stronger here, but b cannot connect. It is already a question which way gives the better semeai for B. I cannot comment on the semeai, it is too complicated, I just give some vasriations here and there.];W[fg];B[gf];W[gg];B[hf];W[if];B[hg];W[ig];B[gh];W[ih]C[MM: I have no idea who will win this fight, too complicated.] (;B[be];W[hk];B[ce];W[gj];B[ad];W[ab];B[cb];W[fi];B[de];W[hj] ;B[ae];W[ac];B[ba];W[ij];B[aa];W[eh];B[ch];W[ck]) (;B[cg];W[fk];B[hk]))) (;B[gg]C[MM: This is a funny way to go wrong for b...]BM[1];W[hi];B[hg];W[ig];B[ih];W[hj];B[if];W[hf];B[jf];W[ij] ;B[jh];W[ig]) (;B[hg]C[MM: This may be best, but I did not read out everything])) (;B[hg]C[MM: Looks safer here.];W[dg];B[df];W[eg];B[ff];W[fg];B[gf])) (;B[fg];W[hh]) (;B[gh];W[eg];B[eh]) (;B[dh];W[gh])) (;W[dh]C[MM: Why not play simply?];B[ch];W[dg]C[MM: Now b has 2 problems] (;B[bl];W[ig]C[MM: center looks really weak now]) (;B[hj]C[MM: even if center survives somehow,...];W[ck]C[MM: This block is too severe]))) (;B[eh]C[MM: This will lead to the decisive fight. W may have trouble answering this, but b center is still weak. If K11 was on J13 it would be much easier for b.];W[gh]C[MM: The following Ko is one probable continuation.];B[gi];W[fi];B[fh];W[hi];B[hh];W[gj];B[gg];W[hg] ;B[gi];W[fc];B[fb];W[gh];B[ih] (;W[fg];B[gi];W[gc];B[hj];W[gb];B[eb];W[ic];B[ab]C[MM: This would be ok for black]) (;W[gi];B[fg];W[dg];B[ef];W[df];B[ee] (;W[de] (;B[hf];W[ig];B[gf];W[if];B[kf]) (;B[ig] (;W[hf];B[if]) (;W[if];B[jh]))) (;W[if];B[kf];W[ig];B[gf];W[eg];B[ff];W[de]))) (;B[ef]C[MM: W would not answer the peep now] (;W[ee]BM[1];B[eh]) (;W[gh]TE[1]))) (;B[jk]C[MM: The same unpredictable fight will follow]) (;B[ig]C[MM: The safe move];W[jk];B[eh]C[MM: Now this move will succeed more easily than in the game])) (;B[jk]C[MM: seems risky];W[jj] (;B[ik]C[MM: This looks impossible];W[ij]TR[kk]C[MM: If b cannot capture the marked stones, he will be in trouble]) (;B[jl]C[MM: Leads to a very unpredictable fight];W[ml];B[nk];W[km];B[ii];W[ij]C[MM: What will happen? This is frightening for both])) (;B[ij]C[MM: The simple and normal move];W[jk];B[jj])) (;B[mj]C[MM: B shape is very strong now.];W[pi]C[MM: B need not fear this move at all] (;B[eh]C[MM: Start a fight here, w will have problems]) (;B[dh]C[MM: or here, in this area anyway]))) (;B[pd]C[MM: This makes stronger shape on the side, with the cost of giving w some forcing moves on the edge. Hard to decide which is better];W[ob];B[pb];W[nc];B[pc])) (;B[jf]C[MM: probably yes.] (;W[le];B[kg];W[oe];B[pf]) (;W[ib];B[gb];W[nc]))) (;B[he]C[MM: starting a fight, maybe possible];W[hd];B[gb])) (;B[fc]C[MM:also possible];W[ed];B[gc])) (;W[ed];B[bd];W[be];B[bc];W[ce];B[fc];W[fd];B[gc];W[gd]C[MM: Everybody knows this, I guess]))