(;GM[1]BS[0]WS[0]BL[1800.0]WL[1800.0]SZ[19]DT[1998-01-12]HA[3]AB[dp][pd][pp]PL[W]WR[8 Dan] PC[Tsukuba]PB[mm]PW[Hidaka]RE[W+R]FF[3];W[cd];B[ed];W[ee];B[fe];W[de];B[fd];W[ff];B[gf];W[fg] ;B[cc];W[he];B[ge];W[lc];B[bc];W[gc];B[ic] C[Good invasion. W gets 2 weak groups, B only one.];W[hd];B[kd];W[kc] ;B[jd];W[if];B[gg];W[fh];B[gh];W[fi];B[nc];W[nd];B[oc];W[ld] ;B[jf];W[ig];B[lf];W[le];B[jg];W[ih];B[gi];W[nf];B[ki];W[ij] ;B[fj]C[Double hane feels good.];W[ej];B[ek];W[dj];B[fk];W[eb] ;B[dd];W[ce];B[db];W[ec] ;B[dc]C[B has 1.5 eyes in the corner.];W[dk];B[jk] C[I was very happy when I got to press here.];W[ik];B[jl];W[il];B[jm];W[im];B[jn];W[in] ;B[jo];W[eo]C[So far B has done very well. But now he gets greedy and is quickly killed.] (;B[hc]BM[1]C[This is the wrong way to force. See variation.];W[gd];B[gb];W[fc] ;B[gn]BM[1] C[Overplay. B does not need to save the three stones and fight here where W has just made a strong wall.] ;W[gl]C[Strong counter. B gets into trouble quickly.];B[em];W[fm];B[dl] ;W[gj]C[Now B has to make eyes in the corner, and his shape on the left is weak.] ;B[gk];W[hj];B[bd];W[be];B[ad];W[en];B[cl];W[cn];B[fn]BM[1] C[This is another very bad exchange, but the game is already going downhill.];W[gm] ;B[bj];W[ci];B[bi];W[bh];B[bn];W[bo];B[bm];W[co];B[bk];W[al] ;B[ch];W[dh];B[cg];W[bg]C[B resigns]) (;B[do]C[After the game Hidaka sensei showed the correct way to play: push once..] ;W[en]C[..then play the right kikashi here...];B[ib];W[gb]C[..then live.];B[bd];W[be]; B[ad]C[B is in good shape. If W goes for the three stones..];W[gj];B[pf] C[..this is very big. Black's wall dominates the board.]))