The Meijin Title Collection

I have collected about two thirds of all games played in the Meijin title match from 1962 to 1995.

The games are in Smart Go Format.


Jun 16, 2009: Removed compressed version, and reference to invalid web page.

Mar 31, 1996: Added the 1995 title match.

Jun 23, 1995: This is the first real release.

Jun 21, 1995: This is the first prerelease.

Miss List

The following games are missing from the collection. If you have any of these games, either electronically or on paper, please send them to me. In total, I have collected 124 Meijin title games so far, while 58 (plus those of the first league) are still missing. 22 matches are complete, from 8 I have some but not all games and from 4 matches I have no games at all.

Thank you

Games, game records on paper, and/or corrections were supplied by:
Back to games collection
Last modified: Jun 16, 2009

Martin Müller