(;GM[1]FF[4]CA[UTF-8]AP[CGoban:3]ST[2] RU[Chinese]SZ[9]KM[7.50]TM[1800] PW[Fuego]PB[MoGo]DT[2009-05-12]PC[The KGS Go Server at http://www.gokgs.com/]C[Fuego9 [-\]: GTP Engine for Fuego9 (white): Fuego version 0.3.SVN mmueller [-\]: GTP Engine for mmueller (black): MoGo version 3.0.0: I'll resign if you win and playing until you pass if I win. If you passed and I did not, it often means that the status of some stones are not clear enough for me (I want to be sure we will agree on dead stones). Clarify them. Maybe I am losing, but have not enough time to be sure I should resign. In this case play until the end :'( (very rare cases) ]RE[W+Resign] ;B[ee]BL[1799.467] ;W[dg]WL[1799.767] ;B[ce]BL[1799.147] ;W[gd]WL[1799.455] ;B[ge]BL[1798.807] ;W[he]WL[1799.094] ;B[gf]BL[1798.41] ;W[hf]WL[1798.692] ;B[fg]BL[1798.061] ;W[hg]WL[1736.716] ;B[fh]BL[1797.709] ;W[be]WL[1673.469] ;B[hd]BL[1797.329] ;W[gc]WL[1617.381] ;B[hc]BL[1609.066] ;W[hb]WL[1534.569] ;B[gb]BL[1442.965]C[Lew [2d\]: H6 was in black book? chiaping [?\]: I think so mmueller1: yes :) Lew [2d\]: B5 had to be there too ... mmueller1: B5 s natural ] ;W[fb]WL[1433.323]C[Lew [2d\]: h6 ? chiaping [?\]: black's opening database are professional skill Lew [2d\]: I don't think that H6, H7 or G8 are pro skill Lew [2d\]: I wonder what mogo expected after it played H7 chiaping [?\]: that is MC-UCT Search ] ;B[bd]BL[1292.612]C[arpad [?\]: mogo read the sequence perfectly until F8 arpad [?\]: played it anyway Lew [2d\]: what was predicted instead of F8 Lew [2d\]: ? arpad [?\]: 8 was predicted arpad [?\]: F8* ] ;W[bf]WL[1333.182] ;B[bh]BL[1156.312]C[chiaping [?\]: white let black get into scrapes due to the the 10 moves "H3" ] ;W[cd]WL[1241.254]C[goIngo [-\]: Hello, is this first game between the bots or second one? ] ;B[fc]BL[1030.888]C[mmueller1: secnd goIngo [-\]: result of first one? mmueller1: mogo won by resign goIngo [-\]: thx - and condolations mmueller1: no need ] ;W[ga]WL[1183.591]C[chiaping [?\]: open books sometimes are not advantageous ] ;B[dc]BL[918.985] ;W[cc]WL[1136.294]C[Lew [2d\]: for a moment i thought that mogo set up stones H7 H6 as a result of a very deep reading so it gets F7 and F6 in sente and saves B6 Lew [2d\]: but I guess computer go is not there yet :) ] ;B[bc]BL[814.457] ;W[cb]WL[1108.721]C[chiaping [?\]: own style is important ] ;B[bb]BL[723.502] ;W[de]WL[1091.495] ;B[dd]BL[642.765] ;W[cf]WL[1061.586] ;B[db]BL[572.037] ;W[ba]WL[1050.229] ;B[da]BL[506.035] ;W[ca]WL[1020.047]C[derPlumps [2d\]: how deep are the opening books? derPlumps [2d\]: and, do the programs "know" how to continue from the last stone? derPlumps [2d\]: (at least in this time setting) chiaping [?\]: the move not match in the database chiaping [?\]: traditions way derPlumps [2d\]: hm? goIngo [-\]: Congratulations to Fuego team! chiaping [?\]: draw each other derPlumps [2d\]: 9:8 ? ])