(;FF[4]CA[UTF-8]AP[GoGui:1.1.9]SZ[9] KM[7.5]TM[1800]PB[Yogo]PW[Fuego]DT[2009-05-11]RE[W+Resign]RU[Chinese] C[Fuego9 [-\]: GTP Engine for Fuego9 (white): Fuego version 0.3.SVN ] PC[The KGS Go Server at http://www.gokgs.com/]ST[2];B[ee]BL[1755.08];W[dg] WL[1799.825];B[fg]BL[1726.845];W[ce]WL[1799.542];B[ec]BL[1716.383];W[fd] WL[1795.981];B[dd] C[mmueller [2d\]: ths is round 1, return game. Yogo is black gogonuts [4d\]: thx ] BL[1672.684];W[ff]WL[1732.549];B[fe]BL[1625.929];W[gf]WL[1674.86] ;B[ge] C[goIngo [-\]: Return game? So, what was outcome of the first game? ] BL[1580.876];W[ef] C[ZenAuthor [-\]: Fuego won goIngo [-\]: thx ] WL[1618.227];B[hf]BL[1517.669];W[hg]WL[1613.221];B[he] C[gogonuts [4d\]: http://ams01.egihosting.com/90509 isnt working for me anymore ] BL[1469.981];W[gg] C[goIngo [-\]: at my pc it also stopped now. goIngo [-\]: Perhaps too many spectators ?! gogonuts [4d\]: or maybe they only wanted to show the boring stuff goIngo [-\]: ;-) ] WL[1558.811];B[de] C[goIngo [-\]: We even did not see Giancarlo Pascutto during the first round of chess. goIngo [-\]: In Pamplona he is not starting in Go. goIngo [-\]: only chess ] BL[1430.536];W[cf] C[gogonuts [4d\]: They had a wonderful flamewar about the 8-core restriction for chess in the forum ] WL[1504.285];B[bd] C[goIngo [-\]: Yes, it is terrible. goIngo [-\]: I hope that such things wioll never happen in go. goIngo [-\]: will ] BL[1385.83];W[cd] C[gogonuts [4d\]: the logic actually was we will restrict chess because the best humans are allready beaten goIngo [-\]: It is a pity that the KGS score estimator is switched off for 9x9 ] WL[1452.343] ;B[cc] C[goIngo [-\]: concerning 8 cores: there are as many logics as participants gogonuts [4d\]: so you can spend the time counting yourself :-) ] BL[1344.958];W[be] C[goIngo [-\]: "trying to count myself ..." gogonuts [4d\]: its allways been on your todo list ] WL[1426.745];B[bc] C[goIngo [-\]: hmm gogonuts [4d\]: w gets J4 goIngo [-\]: Martin, what outcome expects Fuego right now? ] BL[1303.042];W[if] C[gogonuts [4d\]: he may not be able to see your comments ] WL[1378.305];B[dh] C[goIngo [-\]: oh, I see. ] BL[1262.338];W[ch]WL[1330.797];B[ie] C[gogonuts [4d\]: fudobot vs flexgo started ] BL[1219.95];W[ig] C[goIngo [-\]: congrats to Fuego team mmueller [2d\]: hi I cannot see during games ] WL[1286.611])