(;GM[1]FF[4]CA[UTF-8]AP[CGoban:3]ST[2] RU[Chinese]SZ[9]KM[7.50]TM[1800] PW[MoGo]PB[Fuego]DT[2009-05-13]PC[The KGS Go Server at http://www.gokgs.com/]C[Fuego9 [-\]: GTP Engine for Fuego9 (black): Fuego version 0.3.SVN ]RE[B+Resign] ;B[ee]BL[1799.748]C[mmueller [-\]: GTP Engine for mmueller (white): MoGo version 3.0.0: I'll resign if you win and playing until you pass if I win. If you passed and I did not, it often means that the status of some stones are not clear enough for me (I want to be sure we will agree on dead stones). Clarify them. Maybe I am losing, but have not enough time to be sure I should resign. In this case play until the end :'( (very rare cases) ] ;W[ec]WL[1790.148] ;B[dd]BL[1799.508] ;W[gf]WL[1789.869] ;B[ff]BL[1799.232] ;W[gg]WL[1789.566] ;B[fg]BL[1798.984] ;W[dc]WL[1789.289]C[Meepy [-\]: whoa Lew [2d\]: quick exchange :) rsegal [?\]: opening book merge ;-) MaLa [1d\]: so if someone finds a mistake in this openingbooks ^^ he can really rock ^^ ] ;B[ge]BL[1738.034] ;W[he]WL[1789.014] ;B[gd]BL[1696.028] ;W[hd]WL[1788.732]C[Lew [2d\]: unless it adapts. rsegal [?\]: .51 g6 f2 e2 h6 c7 g7 Lew [2d\]: mogo? ] ;B[gc]BL[1640.768] ;W[cd]WL[1788.47]C[arpad [?\]: no number arpad [?\]: not while it is in the opening book Lew [2d\]: ah Lew [2d\]: I see ] ;B[ce]BL[1612.434]C[arpad [?\]: .53 B7 B6 rsegal [?\]: .52 c5 b6 b5 b8 h7 chiaping [?\]: Mogo will win I guess rsegal [?\]: With .47-.52 probability, you are right ;-) chiaping [?\]: the opening book is excellent Lew [2d\]: :) Lew [2d\]: I think W is ahead few points goIngo [-\]: is this opening known from human games? mmueller1: added this morning :) theshining [2d\]: what happens if this is always going to be that white wins? theshining [2d\]: games with reduced komi? mmueller1: I think komi should be 7 mmueller1: allow ties goIngo [-\]: would komi=7.0 lead to boring games? mmueller1: not yet :) ] ;W[bc]WL[1593.328]C[xiefan [?\]: with 7.5, black can not win if white have a good openning Lew [2d\]: would ties spoil go? goIngo [-\]: Last year Giancarlo Pasucutto wrote Lew [2d\]: B7 very nice move goIngo [-\]: that integral komi would not be good MaLa [1d\]: well, but 7 gives some nice problems ^^ goIngo [-\]: because his Leela was not prepared forties ;-) goIngo [-\]: for ties MaLa [1d\]: like what is better a 50% win or a 80% draw ] ;B[be]BL[1547.577]C[rsegal [?\]: .5 b5 f8 c8 c7 f2 arpad [?\]: .53 F8 C8 xiefan [?\]: the two professional go player in my lab, all said that 7.5 is better for white goIngo [-\]: the results of this comp tournament seem also to point in this directiion mmueller1: fuego 8x8core vs 16core still won 60% with black mmueller1: but like 84% with white ] ;W[fb]WL[1415.327]C[Lew [2d\]: g2 is huge mmueller1: w wins goIngo [-\]: martin, how was it in autoplay? ibd [13k\]: wasn't 8x8 much stronger anyway? Lew [2d\]: I think B wins :) goIngo [-\]: I mean, identical hardware theshining [2d\]: should be 50/50 mmueller1: did not try recently ] ;B[cb]BL[1435.379]C[rsegal [?\]: .52 c8 c7 g8 arpad [?\]: .54 C7 G8 rsegal [?\]: Interesting, same sequence, different evals. ] ;W[cc]WL[1264.703]C[goIngo [-\]: is this sequence complete or do you give only first two plies? goIngo [-\]: or 3 plies, resp rsegal [?\]: go much deeper, only typing a portion. arpad [?\]: after 2 plies it doesn't mean much teytaud [?\]: "fuego 8x8core" means that Fuego is running on 8 octo-cores ? rsegal [?\]: true rsegal [?\]: yes rsegal [?\]: yes, 8 octo-cores goIngo [-\]: so, the new cray-type box ?! rsegal [?\]: not yet :-) ] ;B[gb]BL[1334.027]C[goIngo [-\]: last year this name "cray-type box" was used in German magazines goIngo [-\]: "Der Spiegel", for instance rsegal [?\]: Not that it means much, but here is the full eval: .52 G8 G2 D8 E8 B8 B9 A8 A7 F9 E9 E6 F2 E2 E3 D2 E1 D1 E4 D4 F5 F6 arpad [?\]: i have to copy by hand so it will only be the first move^^ arpad [?\]: .56 G2 B8 goIngo [-\]: arpad, can you give us in case of coincidence, how long coincidence is? ] ;W[gh]WL[1132.64]C[arpad [?\]: i will try but it changes a lot goIngo [-\]: thx nevertheless ] ;B[db]BL[1242.202]C[rsegal [?\]: 0.49 D8 E8 F2 H7 B8 B9 A8 A7 F9 E9 H8 E6 D5 H3 J7 J6 J4 J3 H1 G1 J2 arpad [?\]: .61 B8 H2 RemiCoulom [4k?\]: Hi. How many games in the playoff ? goIngo [-\]: this is second of two goIngo [-\]: when mogo wins this one, two more mmueller1: 2+2+1 if needed RemiCoulom [4k?\]: thanks. mstarsup5 [-\]: Remi: it's 1 - 0 for fuego for now goIngo [-\]: and white seems to be winning all time RemiCoulom [4k?\]: Could someone collect hardware info, so that it is displayed on the ICGA web site ? ] ;W[bb]WL[1004.197]C[theshining [2d\]: dead :D goIngo [-\]: it is in the comments of game 1 of playoffs MaLa [1d\]: looks like white winning is voer ] ;B[eb]BL[1198.355]C[chiaping [?\]: oh my god goIngo [-\]: hardware info theshining [2d\]: or maybe ... dead :(? theshining [2d\]: i dont know ^^ mstarsup5 [-\]: omg :/ arpad [?\]: .66 F7 H7 ... mstarsup5 [-\]: ;( rsegal [?\]: .78 E8 F7 F9 E9 D9 G9 H9 C9 B9 D4 D5 F2 E9 B3 E3 E2 D2 D3 C4 C2 C3 goIngo [-\]: clash of evaluations arpad [?\]: now .52 arpad [?\]: .48 goIngo [-\]: downtown mogo? ] ;W[fc]WL[888.107]C[Meepy [-\]: fuego just sees a bunch of ways to delay the kill Meepy [-\]: horizon effect? rsegal [?\]: f9 the key? ] ;B[fa]BL[1148.49]C[rsegal [?\]: 0.80 F9 E9 D9 D4 D5 G9 H9 C9 B9 B4 E9 A5 A6 A4 C4 D3 C3 B3 B2 A2 B1 mmueller1: mogo missed f9 for some reason. very strange chiaping [?\]: G2 is slip up ] ;W[ea]WL[785.569]C[Fuego9 [-\]: GTP Engine for Fuego9 (black): Fuego version 0.3.SVN enz: why did Fuego reconnect? ] ;B[da]BL[1107.146]C[rsegal [?\]: because it disconnected, why? I dunno. rsegal [?\]: 0.80 D9 D4 D5 C9 B9 G9 H9 B4 E9 A5 A6 F2 E3 E2 D2 D3 E4 C2 D1 C1 goIngo [-\]: main line of Fuego stable ] ;W[df]WL[692.643] ;B[de]BL[1085.874]C[goIngo [-\]: what is mogo's eval? Lew [2d\]: mogo seems to have a bug arpad [?\]: now it's .28 goIngo [-\]: hmm arpad [?\]: it just didn't see the E8 response to B8 rsegal [?\]: .82 D5 F6 F5 B4 E9 C4 A4 A3 A5 B3 H7 F2 ] ;W[bg]WL[613.451] ;B[ga]BL[1049.811]C[goIngo [-\]: g9, so Fuego seems to go for +0.5 mmueller1: b should just concentrate on making 2 eyes ] ;W[ad]WL[540.054] ;B[bf]BL[1014.197] ;W[cg]WL[473.171] ;B[fh]BL[983.127]C[goIngo [-\]: fuego eval? Lew [2d\]: annihilation :) rsegal [?\]: .91 F2 A4 A5 F1 D2 F6 F5 E2 E3 E1 D3 H7 B6 A7 A3 A2 A4 B2 A1 ] ;W[dh]WL[415.933] ;B[hc]BL[957.355]C[arpad [?\]: going up to .26 ] ;W[ba]WL[364.538]C[theshining [2d\]: is there some fixed percentage where they resign? arpad [?\]: 10% theshining [2d\]: thx :) arpad [?\]: once black is sure to leave it will happen goIngo [-\]: in this important game they should play until the very end ibd [13k\]: isn't b ahead by like a billion liberties? ] ;B[id]BL[921.637]C[goIngo [-\]: ibd, the board has only 81 squares ibd [13k\]: oh right Lew [2d\]: B is maximizing its score contrary to white ] ;W[hf]WL[319.344] ;B[hh]BL[892.272]C[Lew [2d\]: W alive in ko :) ] ;W[hi]WL[280.605]C[Lew [2d\]: or for pessimists W dead in ko :) theshining [2d\]: risking this ko would be bad ] ;B[fi]BL[849] ;W[ih]WL[246.409]C[arpad [?\]: still 26% theshining [2d\]: lol ] ;B[bi]BL[820.288] ;W[eh]WL[215.803]C[rsegal [?\]: .94 B1 C9 E9 E2 E1 D1 E3 F6 F5 D3 A3 A2 B2 A4 A5 B6 A3 J7 A8 J8 A1 J5 A7 A9 A8 H9 E6 A7 A8 A7 B7 C7 B6 ] ;B[ei]BL[798.746]C[arpad [?\]: now .29, be carefull fuego :) goIngo [-\]: My commercial copy of Leela sometimes goIngo [-\]: shows strange evals on 9x9 ] ;W[di]WL[189.386]C[goIngo [-\]: so -a lot may happen ] ;B[eg]BL[778.828] ;W[dg]WL[166.006]C[goIngo [-\]: Mogo in time trouble ] ;B[bd]BL[750.072]C[Lew [2d\]: not yet ibd [13k\]: is mogo pondering? goIngo [-\]: for machines this is tt ] ;W[ib]WL[145.825]C[arpad [?\]: yes ] ;B[ia]BL[726.66] ;W[fd]WL[127.791]C[Lew [2d\]: A8 might be better than A5 or A7 later to avoid ko ] ;B[fe]BL[704.232]C[theshining [2d\]: on how many cores is mogo running and on how many fuego? arpad [?\]: .14 goIngo [-\]: mogo on 16 goIngo [-\]: fuego on 8x8 xiefan [?\]: congratulations Lew [2d\]: gratulations to fuego goIngo [-\]: Congratulations to the Fuego team! RemiCoulom [4k?\]: congratulations ! Lew [2d\]: So Fuego is noe champion? goIngo [-\]: And, thanks to MoGo team for the good fighting show Lew [2d\]: *new goIngo [-\]: yes, xiefan [?\]: good games goIngo [-\]: Fuego is Gold medal winner of Pamplona on 9x9 goIngo [-\]: with 8x8 cores rsegal [?\]: Yes, thank you to the mogo team for four enjoyable games. Now to 19x19 :-) arpad [?\]: congratulations mmueller1: Thanks for watching everyone goIngo [-\]: The pleasure was on our side. RemiCoulom [4k?\]: Too bad the webcam doesn't work :-) theshining [2d\]: when will 19x19 start? goIngo [-\]: 19x19 is on Thursday and on Saturday goIngo [-\]: starting at 10.00 local time each day theshining [2d\]: danke ingo :) ])