(;GM[1]FF[4]CA[UTF-8]AP[CGoban:3]ST[2] RU[Chinese]SZ[19]KM[7.50]TM[3600] PW[Mogo]PB[FudoBot]DT[2009-05-14]PC[The KGS Go Server at http://www.gokgs.com/]C[FudoBot [-\]: GTP Engine for FudoBot (black): Fudo Go version 3.0 ]RE[W+Resign] ;B[dp]BL[3599.54]C[Mogo [-\]: GTP Engine for Mogo (white): MoGo version 3.0.0: I'll resign if you win and playing until you pass if I win. If you passed and I did not, it often means that the status of some stones are not clear enough for me (I want to be sure we will agree on dead stones). Clarify them. Maybe I am losing, but have not enough time to be sure I should resign. In this case play until the end :'( (very rare cases) ] ;W[dd]WL[3592.666] ;B[pp]BL[3599.283] ;W[pd]WL[3592.377] ;B[ki]BL[3568.153] ;W[qh]WL[3574.687] ;B[dj]BL[3536.836] ;W[fq]WL[3556.541] ;B[fp]BL[3505.295] ;W[gp]WL[3537.019] ;B[fo]BL[3473.565] ;W[eq]WL[3515.717] ;B[dq]BL[3441.632] ;W[jq]WL[3494.225] ;B[gq]BL[3409.503] ;W[hq]WL[3471.223] ;B[gr]BL[3377.182] ;W[hr]WL[3447.649] ;B[hp]BL[3344.642] ;W[go]WL[3422.657] ;B[gn]BL[3311.9] ;W[ho]WL[3396.554] ;B[hn]BL[3278.983] ;W[io]WL[3368.317] ;B[fe]BL[3245.882] ;W[fc]WL[3339.334] ;B[hd]BL[3212.573] ;W[hc]WL[3309.532] ;B[gd]BL[3179.08] ;W[ic]WL[3278.894] ;B[gc]BL[3145.355] ;W[gb]WL[3246.346] ;B[hb]BL[3111.474] ;W[fb]WL[3213.29] ;B[ed]BL[3077.397] ;W[dc]WL[3179.342] ;B[id]BL[3043.132] ;W[jc]WL[3144.154] ;B[ec]BL[3008.65] ;W[eb]WL[3107.225] ;B[de]BL[2974.033] ;W[jd]WL[3068.946] ;B[je]BL[2939.22] ;W[ce]WL[3029.977] ;B[ke]BL[2904.205] ;W[df]WL[2989.432] ;B[ee]BL[2869.029] ;W[cf]WL[2947.857] ;B[db]BL[2840.667] ;W[in]WL[2905.347] ;B[cb]BL[2812.126] ;W[bc]WL[2862.32] ;B[cc]BL[2776.25] ;W[cd]WL[2817.03] ;B[bb]BL[2747.372] ;W[bd]WL[2771.158] ;B[dh]BL[2718.258] ;W[eg]WL[2723.568] ;B[fg]BL[2688.945] ;W[eh]WL[2674.552] ;B[bg]BL[2659.442] ;W[ib]WL[2624.885] ;B[fh]BL[2629.728] ;W[ei]WL[2573.751] ;B[ej]BL[2599.841]C[derPlumps [2d\]: apparently, FudoBot has not joseki pattern database ] ;W[fi]WL[2520.972] ;B[gi]BL[2569.704] ;W[fj]WL[2467.476]C[gghideki [2k\]: You're right, no. :) ] ;B[fk]BL[2539.369] ;W[di]WL[2412.991] ;B[ci]BL[2508.827]C[chiaping [?\]: Excuse me. arpad , Mogo have Joseki database? ] ;W[gj]WL[2357.024] ;B[hj]BL[2478.042]C[derPlumps [2d\]: D18 .... arpad [?\]: not really but it has big pattern, it has a similar effect ] ;W[gk]WL[2299.805]C[derPlumps [2d\]: how big? ] ;B[cj]BL[2447.112] ;W[hi]WL[2241.557]C[derPlumps [2d\]: i wonder about this false ladder on the left - is it the same problem as with forcing moves? gghideki [2k\]: Arpad is playing chess now... ] ;B[ii]BL[2415.982] ;W[gh]WL[2182.704] ;B[hk]BL[2384.686]C[derPlumps [2d\]: toothpaste go ] ;W[ch]WL[2124.255] ;B[bh]BL[2353.214]C[gghideki [2k\]: Right, gghideki [2k\]: I've not implemented PW yet, Fudobot reads very narrow area sorrounding previous moves. ] ;W[hl]WL[2064.438]C[derPlumps [2d\]: excuse me, PW means what? gghideki [2k\]: Progressive widening. ] ;B[il]BL[2321.591]C[gghideki [2k\]: It increases the number of moves to search with the seach advances ] ;W[fl]WL[2004.931] ;B[hm]BL[2289.723]C[gghideki [2k\]: If using PW, I Fudobot doesn't need toothpaste :) ] ;W[gl]WL[1946.722]C[chiaping [?\]: Fudobot reads very narrow area sorrounding previous moves and ignore the other area? ] ;B[im]BL[2257.664]C[gghideki [2k\]: PW is a very strong technique and used by CS for example, anyway. gghideki [2k\]: less than 30% for B ] ;W[ih]WL[1887.258] ;B[jh]BL[2225.429] ;W[ij]WL[1828.937] ;B[ik]BL[2193.059] ;W[ji]WL[1770.31] ;B[gg]BL[2160.495] ;W[kj]WL[1712.517] ;B[lj]BL[2127.75] ;W[kh]WL[1656.94] ;B[jg]BL[2094.854] ;W[li]WL[1603.421] ;B[jn]BL[2061.796] ;W[jo]WL[1550.003]C[derPlumps [2d\]: tactics for fudo don't work very well :-( ] ;B[fn]BL[2028.58]C[gghideki [2k\]: Perhaps because, Fudo ] ;W[ig]WL[1498.632]C[gghideki [2k\]: Since Fudo's was developed based on MoGo's paper, ] ;B[kg]BL[1995.191]C[gghideki [2k\]: it cannot beat MoGo now :X ] ;W[if]WL[1448.625] ;B[ie]BL[1961.675]C[gghideki [2k\]: _Fudo was ] ;W[mc]WL[1400.29] ;B[lh]BL[1928.031] ;W[ki]WL[1353.468] ;B[mh]BL[1894.506] ;W[mi]WL[1308.929] ;B[ni]BL[1860.982] ;W[nh]WL[1264.634] ;B[oh]BL[1827.26]C[chiaping [?\]: exert yourself ] ;W[ng]WL[1223.394] ;B[mf]BL[1793.457]C[chiaping [?\]: it will be come true ] ;W[nj]WL[1182.594] ;B[oi]BL[1759.563] ;W[of]WL[1142.995] ;B[oe]BL[1725.579] ;W[pe]WL[1103.993] ;B[pf]BL[1691.516] ;W[pg]WL[1066.352] ;B[og]BL[1657.355] ;W[nf]WL[1031.329] ;B[ne]BL[1623.097] ;W[qf]WL[996.343] ;B[oj]BL[1588.796] ;W[ok]WL[962.945] ;B[mj]BL[1554.463] ;W[nk]WL[930.761] ;B[pj]BL[1520.067]C[gghideki [2k\]: less than 15% ] ;W[mg]WL[899.683] ;B[lg]BL[1485.647] ;W[pf]WL[868.738] ;B[lk]BL[1451.601] ;W[kk]WL[838.721] ;B[kl]BL[1417.475] ;W[ll]WL[810.155] ;B[dg]BL[1383.398]C[nuBO [2k\]: desperate ] ;W[cg]WL[782.406] ;B[oc]BL[1350.115] ;W[me]WL[755.497] ;B[md]BL[1316.826] ;W[od]WL[729.904] ;B[nd]BL[1283.576] ;W[nc]WL[704.849] ;B[ml]BL[1250.375] ;W[ld]WL[680.94] ;B[mk]BL[1218.808] ;W[lm]WL[657.914] ;B[hf]BL[1187.254] ;W[mm]WL[635.833] ;B[nl]BL[1155.776] ;W[nm]WL[614.509] ;B[ol]BL[1124.341]C[gghideki [2k\]: 17% ] ;W[pk]WL[594.121] ;B[pl]BL[1092.982] ;W[qk]WL[574.058] ;B[ko]BL[1061.718] ;W[ql]WL[554.204]C[nuBO [2k\]: 0% ] ;B[pm]BL[1030.569] ;W[qm]WL[534.495] ;B[pn]BL[999.54] ;W[qn]WL[516.034] ;B[ip]BL[968.596] ;W[jp]WL[498.173]C[chiaping [?\]: that is your human's feeling ] ;B[qj]BL[937.725] ;W[qo]WL[480.543] ;B[rk]BL[907.161] ;W[po]WL[463.236]C[gghideki [2k\]: Thank you for the game. ])