(;GM[1]FF[4]CA[UTF-8]AP[CGoban:3]ST[2] RU[Chinese]SZ[19]KM[7.50]TM[3600] PW[Fuego]PB[Zen19CO]WR[2k]DT[2009-05-14]PC[The KGS Go Server at http://www.gokgs.com/]C[Zen19CO [-\]: GTP Engine for Zen19CO (black): Zen version 3.0 ]RE[B+Resign] ;B[pd]BL[3599.573]C[Fuego [2k\]: GTP Engine for Fuego (white): FuegoEx version 6.6.CVS ] ;W[dc]WL[3583.333] ;B[pp]BL[3599.321] ;W[dp]WL[3582.995] ;B[de]BL[3599.052] ;W[ce]WL[3582.494] ;B[cf]BL[3598.762] ;W[cd]WL[3582.155] ;B[dg]BL[3564.201]C[mmueller [-\]: wow, deep book line :) ] ;W[fc]WL[3530.914] ;B[mp]BL[3530.964] ;W[ck]WL[3486.735] ;B[dj]BL[3497.896] ;W[cj]WL[3456.687] ;B[dk]BL[3465.035] ;W[dl]WL[3428.983] ;B[el]BL[3432.479] ;W[em]WL[3391.489] ;B[fl]BL[3399.747] ;W[di]WL[3373.072] ;B[ei]BL[3367.287]C[Lew [2d\]: another double hane ? Lew [2d\]: :) ] ;W[fm]WL[3338.92] ;B[ci]BL[3334.918] ;W[gl]WL[3333.466] ;B[cl]BL[3302.434] ;W[dm]WL[3307.929] ;B[bl]BL[3289.582] ;W[ek]WL[3271.006] ;B[dh]BL[3255.739] ;W[qk]WL[3248.513] ;B[qi]BL[3217.779] ;W[oj]WL[3200.473] ;B[oi]BL[3175.946] ;W[ni]WL[3179.418] ;B[pj]BL[3163.691] ;W[oh]WL[3165.924] ;B[pk]BL[3130.697] ;W[pi]WL[3159.901] ;B[qj]BL[3110.863] ;W[qh]WL[3135.487] ;B[rh]BL[3098.897] ;W[qg]WL[3113.139]C[rsegal [?\]: .54 R13 N17 L3 K2 K3 J3 J4 H3 H4 G4 G5 F4 F5 E5 E4 D5 C5 C4 C3 B4 ] ;B[rg]BL[3043.024] ;W[qf]WL[3081.959] ;B[nc]BL[3011.718] ;W[ej]WL[3052.163] ;B[di]BL[2981.005] ;W[ok]WL[3046.588] ;B[pl]BL[2950.229] ;W[lc]WL[3032.239] ;B[me]BL[2918.883] ;W[jc]WL[2987.28] ;B[kd]BL[2888.457] ;W[kc]WL[2961.249]C[wotan123 [2d\]: g3 ] ;B[ie]BL[2858.181]C[Lew [2d\]: j3 wotan123 [2d\]: ;-) Lew [2d\]: :) wotan123 [2d\]: the lower side is the one ] ;W[md]WL[2928.889] ;B[nd]BL[2825.178] ;W[ne]WL[2912.922] ;B[mf]BL[2803.455]C[rsegal [?\]: .58 O15 M15 K3 L12 S14 M13 N14 O14 P15 N13 O13 P14 Q14 Q15 P13 R15 wotan123 [2d\]: haha ] ;W[nl]WL[2869.534] ;B[mm]BL[2766.593]C[wotan123 [2d\]: n7 smells not bad, but i would prefer the lower side ] ;W[nm]WL[2826.73] ;B[no]BL[2746.165]C[Lew [2d\]: R3 Lew [2d\]: is a nice spot for W ] ;W[nn]WL[2785.68] ;B[mn]BL[2718.517]C[wotan123 [2d\]: q6 Lew [2d\]: indeed ] ;W[qm]WL[2764.644] ;B[pm]BL[2688.923] ;W[rf]WL[2747.164]C[wotan123 [2d\]: hm ] ;B[of]BL[2640.071] ;W[qc]WL[2709.567] ;B[fk]BL[2609.648] ;W[fj]WL[2688.124]C[wotan123 [2d\]: no one wants the lower side ] ;B[gk]BL[2580.589]C[xcut [1d\]: black apparently sees a moyo in the centre :) ] ;W[hk]WL[2654.443]C[xcut [1d\]: uhh wotan123 [2d\]: ;-) ] ;B[gj]BL[2551.824] ;W[hj]WL[2648.41] ;B[fi]BL[2539.956]C[xcut [1d\]: phew :) wotan123 [2d\]: nice from w, sacrifice ] ;W[hm]WL[2629.07]C[xcut [1d\]: yeah except F10 was not necessary, but still wotan123 [2d\]: yes ] ;B[kq]BL[2509.003]C[wotan123 [2d\]: hihi wotan123 [2d\]: b playing safe here ] ;W[pn]WL[2605.2]C[xcut [1d\]: i've been very impressed watching zen on kgs. zen is very popular wotan123 [2d\]: and strong ] ;B[ql]BL[2479.998]C[wotan123 [2d\]: zen is a new generation ] ;W[oo]WL[2580.951]C[xcut [1d\]: people like playing it because of its natural style ] ;B[op]BL[2430.861]C[wotan123 [2d\]: yes, sometimes i think, there is a good goplayer behind zen ] ;W[hq]WL[2547.257] ;B[qd]BL[2398.839] ;W[rd]WL[2524.68]C[xcut [1d\]: this game is a giant endgame problem ] ;B[re]BL[2378.365]C[wotan123 [2d\]: yes wotan123 [2d\]: seems we are already in the endgame ] ;W[lq]WL[2487.394]C[wotan123 [2d\]: in some kind ] ;B[kp]BL[2348.629]C[xcut [1d\]: ouch :) ] ;W[lo]WL[2466.813] ;B[lp]BL[2337.776]C[rsegal [?\]: .58 M5 M4 N5 O4 R5 S17 L2 S11 K2 M16 N17 O18 N18 O19 N19 P15 E9 wotan123 [2d\]: hm ] ;W[mo]WL[2458.857] ;B[np]BL[2327.336] ;W[qo]WL[2425.425] ;B[rc]BL[2301.223] ;W[oe]WL[2394.606] ;B[pe]BL[2273.887] ;W[qq]WL[2358.861] ;B[qp]BL[2246.464]C[wotan123 [2d\]: to come in the right side was a big sucess for w ] ;W[rp]WL[2334.735] ;B[ro]BL[2235.631] ;W[or]WL[2299.936]C[xcut [1d\]: b better not die around R10 :) ] ;B[rq]BL[2208.485]C[wotan123 [2d\]: hm ] ;W[rr]WL[2271.918]C[gghideki [2k\]: Yamato, how's Zen's WR? mmueller [-\]: p2 insane ] ;B[sp]BL[2198.177]C[ZenAuthor [-\]: 64% wotan123 [2d\]: p2 was strange xcut [1d\]: for the authors, this must be like playing pair go with a weaker player :) ] ;W[kr]WL[2240.037]C[rsegal [?\]: .48 L2 N2 C7 S11 B7 B9 A8 B10 A9 A10 A7 T16 T3 mmueller [-\]: better - you can leave the room :) wotan123 [2d\]: or w has a big plan ] ;B[jr]BL[2170.249]C[mmueller [-\]: game over now wotan123 [2d\]: yes ] ;W[mr]WL[2206.669] ;B[iq]BL[2148.99] ;W[ip]WL[2175.23] ;B[hr]BL[2122.26] ;W[pr]WL[2142.779]C[wotan123 [2d\]: w attacks a rock ] ;B[gq]BL[2095.658] ;W[hp]WL[2110.85]C[wotan123 [2d\]: living on the side is not enough for a good exchange ] ;B[kn]BL[2069.009] ;W[fq]WL[2079.397] ;B[gp]BL[2039.89] ;W[go]WL[2058.836] ;B[fp]BL[2013.549] ;W[ep]WL[2053.919] ;B[fr]BL[1984.306] ;W[ng]WL[2044.379] ;B[nf]BL[1958.278] ;W[cm]WL[2013.85] ;B[bm]BL[1922.614] ;W[bn]WL[1988.615] ;B[fo]BL[1912.747] ;W[hh]WL[1958.872] ;B[dr]BL[1871.925] ;W[ke]WL[1929.546] ;B[kf]BL[1846.446] ;W[le]WL[1905.562] ;B[lf]BL[1821.287] ;W[jf]WL[1877.082] ;B[jg]BL[1811.541] ;W[if]WL[1856.677] ;B[je]BL[1773.547] ;W[ld]WL[1851.795] ;B[ig]BL[1748.4] ;W[hf]WL[1837.119]C[xcut [1d\]: j13 was expensive ] ;B[lk]BL[1731.12]C[wotan123 [2d\]: yes ] ;W[ml]WL[1811.624]C[xcut [1d\]: probably -20 points derPlumps [2d\]: m9 attacking move? ] ;B[ll]BL[1706.646]C[wotan123 [2d\]: i think yes ] ;W[lm]WL[1793.61]C[derPlumps [2d\]: always these bad forcing moves ] ;B[ln]BL[1682.15] ;W[km]WL[1789.841]C[mmueller [-\]: it's a Monte-Carlo disease derPlumps [2d\]: wasnt this just a children-disease of MC? derPlumps [2d\]: hm ] ;B[jm]BL[1657.531] ;W[kl]WL[1781.507]C[xcut [1d\]: w might die there ] ;B[mj]BL[1623.348]C[derPlumps [2d\]: strong wotan123 [2d\]: good chance for death ] ;W[jn]WL[1765.622]C[derPlumps [2d\]: the tactical fights were good for fuego, in my opinion ] ;B[ko]BL[1599.306]C[mmueller [-\]: if w lived normally in bottom right, then not bad I thought ] ;W[mh]WL[1746.524]C[wotan123 [2d\]: the bottom right was a bad decision ] ;B[lh]BL[1575.604]C[xcut [1d\]: i guess it's going in the regression test suite :P ] ;W[nj]WL[1722.705]C[wotan123 [2d\]: ;-) mmueller [-\]: please put it in :) ] ;B[hg]BL[1534.854]C[xcut [1d\]: :) wotan123 [2d\]: i think mmüller will speak hard words to fuego ] ;W[li]WL[1697.35] ;B[ki]BL[1525.722]C[mmueller [-\]: no use. It won't listen to me :( wotan123 [2d\]: ;-) ] ;W[kh]WL[1673.4] ;B[jl]BL[1515.316] ;W[kk]WL[1661.6]C[wotan123 [2d\]: hm ] ;B[he]BL[1472.63]C[xcut [1d\]: it ain't over till the fat lady sings... wotan123 [2d\]: thats true ] ;W[jk]WL[1645.09] ;B[gn]BL[1448.992]C[wotan123 [2d\]: it seems zen thinks he already won ] ;W[cq]WL[1622.002]C[derPlumps [2d\]: is the sacrifice in the middle wirth H15 gain? xcut [1d\]: i wanna see the human that doesn't play black g14 here wotan123 [2d\]: ;-) ] ;B[rn]BL[1424.095]C[derPlumps [2d\]: H17 perhaps better, xcut? xcut [1d\]: not if you're winning :) ] ;W[gf]WL[1603.043] ;B[ge]BL[1406.181]C[xcut [1d\]: these games are very enjoyable though ] ;W[in]WL[1579.904]C[derPlumps [2d\]: yes the more skilled the programs become derPlumps [2d\]: it becomes harder and harder to see what the programs' "plans" are mmueller [-\]: in 2-3 years they will be interesting to watch ] ;B[fe]BL[1365.427]C[xcut [1d\]: fuego told me his plan is to throw stones randomly on the board mmueller [-\]: like 9x9 is interesting now ] ;W[gh]WL[1562.578]C[DragonXiao [14k\]: computers are very strong on 9x9 ] ;B[gg]BL[1343.673]C[xcut [1d\]: personally i will call computers stronger than humans when they beat a pro at blitz :P ] ;W[eq]WL[1539.396] ;B[ji]BL[1310.957] ;W[jh]WL[1521.758] ;B[lg]BL[1275.677] ;W[lj]WL[1498.977] ;B[hc]BL[1245.554] ;W[er]WL[1477.53] ;B[mb]BL[1207.192] ;W[fs]WL[1460.262] ;B[gr]BL[1199.115] ;W[hd]WL[1446.658] ;B[gc]BL[1178.661] ;W[qn]WL[1430.663] ;B[po]BL[1142.054] ;W[on]WL[1414.49] ;B[rm]BL[1127.234] ;W[ib]WL[1400.42] ;B[fb]BL[1107.225] ;W[hb]WL[1384.114] ;B[ec]BL[1084.601] ;W[eb]WL[1367.134] ;B[ed]BL[1063.1] ;W[gb]WL[1351.499] ;B[db]BL[1037.018] ;W[fa]WL[1348.415] ;B[cc]BL[1029.143] ;W[cb]WL[1333.848] ;B[dd]BL[1021.866] ;W[bc]WL[1330.706] ;B[dc]BL[1009.129] ;W[bf]WL[1311.876] ;B[bb]BL[989.817] ;W[ab]WL[1299.272] ;B[ca]BL[969.401] ;W[bh]WL[1280.292] ;B[bi]BL[950.448] ;W[ai]WL[1261.944] ;B[bg]BL[931.484]C[derPlumps [2d\]: blitz, how do you define it? ] ;W[ag]WL[1245.496] ;B[aj]BL[917.319]C[derPlumps [2d\]: i think white will give up when he has evidence that his left side group died ] ;W[cg]WL[1226.97] ;B[bd]BL[903.12] ;W[ob]WL[1207.767]C[derPlumps [2d\]: i'm wrong ] ;B[ih]BL[879.934]C[mmueller [-\]: sorry derPlumps [2d\]: hehe ] ;W[rb]WL[1193.397] ;B[sd]BL[872.746] ;W[be]WL[1180.38]C[derPlumps [2d\]: min_number_of_simulations_to_resign = infinity? ;-P ] ;B[ac]BL[855.604] ;W[ae]WL[1177.746]C[mmueller [-\]: usually our threshold is 0.05, but we changed it to 0.02 for the tournament :) ] ;B[df]BL[835.856]C[derPlumps [2d\]: only 5% won playouts? mmueller [-\]: yes ] ;W[pc]WL[1161.165] ;B[ch]BL[829.266] ;W[nb]WL[1143.793] ;B[mc]BL[822.647]C[enz: 0.02 is probaably never reached if the score and length modifications are enabled mmueller [-\]: oops ] ;W[js]WL[1128.667] ;B[nr]BL[815.97]C[mmueller [-\]: how about 0.03 then? ] ;W[ad]WL[1112.087] ;B[aa]BL[809.252] ;W[jq]WL[1099.469]C[enz: don't know, check the modification parameters ] ;B[jp]BL[802.472] ;W[bc]WL[1088.976] ;B[ab]BL[795.865] ;W[ic]WL[1072.501] ;B[gd]BL[789.211]C[derPlumps [2d\]: so strange xcut [1d\]: W thinks living at the top right not enough? ] ;W[io]WL[1056.478] ;B[is]BL[782.543] ;W[oc]WL[1042.182] ;B[od]BL[775.848] ;W[hi]WL[1026.474] ;B[ii]BL[769.237] ;W[nq]WL[1010.927] ;B[mq]BL[762.513]C[derPlumps [2d\]: please correct me if needed, but isnt white T18 alive? xcut [1d\]: it is xcut [1d\]: but then the bottom dies mmueller [-\]: congratulations Zen! derPlumps [2d\]: congrats mr. yamato xcut [1d\]: very good game, both sides gghideki [2k\]: I'd like to say thanks. ])