- First, read the general information below
- Then read the assignment itself
- Then read the discussions on the forum about the assignment,
and follow the announcements (if any)
- There are four relatively small assignments
- Each is worth 5%, for a total of 20% of your marks
- Assignments are posted on the main course page
- About 3 weeks for each
- See the syllabus for submission dates
- Based on provided Python 3 starter code
- Typical tasks: Adapt, change, add functionality, test
- Teams of up to three students (1, 2, or 3). Not 4 or more.
- One student is the designated submitter
- Self-organize e.g. using the forum
- Submit team information to Shivam
using this link by the following deadline:
- Assignment 1 teams: Sep 12
- Assignment 2 teams: Sep 30
- Assignment 3 teams: Oct 28
- Assignment 4 teams: Nov 25
- Team information: name, CCID (ualberta email), student ID for each student. Designated submitter listed first.
- All team members are expected to do roughly the same amount of work and will receive the same marks. As a rule we do not get involved in internal team conflicts - sort it out before it becomes a problem.
- You may change teams between assignments.
If you change teams, you must notify Shivam.
- Submissions are through a link on eClass
- There are regular and late (2 days later) submissions. Details below.
- One submission per team, from the designated submitter
- All team members get same marks
- Team members need to do roughly equal amounts of work
- Each team member must be able to explain the team submission to us
- Follow formatting and naming requirements exactly
- E.g.: Filenames must be identical to those provided. Our scripts have those hard-coded.
- Mistakes with those are a leading cause of frustration and
low-quality wasted time for both you and us. Be careful and do things early, leave enough time.
- A "dry run" presubmission test on a standard lab machine is a required part of your assignment. It should catch most submission mistakes.
We will give details of what and how you test for each assignment.
- Marking is done by TA, using scripts to test your code.
- On the day after submission, TA will run initial automated tests
- Students (submitters) will be emailed the test results
- If the designated submitter does not receive an email,
they are expected to email the TA to confirm that their
submission was tested
- We allow late submission within 2 days for a 20% deduction
- Late submission can be for any reason
- Can use to fix bugs, finish the code, fix the name of your file, etc.
- In any case, your team's last submission counts
Last reviewed: Aug 28, 2024 by Martin Müller