(;GM[1]FF[4]CA[UTF-8]AP[CGoban:3]ST[2] RU[Chinese]SZ[9]KM[0.50]TM[1200] PW[guojuan]PB[MoGoBot]WR[5p]BR[3k]DT[2007-06-14]PC[The KGS Go Server at http://www.gokgs.com/]C[MoGoBot [3k\]: GTP Engine for MoGoBot (black): MoGo version 3.0.0: I'll resign if you win and playing until you pass if I win. If you passed and I did not, it often means that the status of some stones are not clear enough for me (I want to be sure we will agree on dead stones). Clarify them. Maybe I am loosing, but have not enough time to be sure I should resign. In this case play until the end :'( (very rare cases) ]RE[B+Resign] ;B[ee]BL[1199.659] ;W[ge]WL[1190.63] ;B[fd]BL[1199.464] ;W[ce]WL[1188.378] ;B[gd]BL[1141.964] ;W[dc]WL[1182.022]C[Nuko [5k\]: testing game : ) Nuko [5k\]: for olymip : ) Nuko [5k\]: nice@!!!!! guojuan [5p\]: I never played against a computer, feels funny :) jjermann [4k\]: I saw a series of games once against bots on 7x7 Nuko [5k\]: :) jjermann [4k\]: guojuan against bots on 7x7 I mean guojuan [5p\]: and he is thinking :) Locn4r [1d?\]: lol :) Prodigious [4d\]: Heh ] ;B[fg]BL[1040.298]C[Nuko [5k\]: combinations to count : P clements [-\]: thinking or calculating ? ] ;W[dg]WL[1156.921]C[Nuko [5k\]: and how is ist guojuan ? Nuko [5k\]: is it good ? clements [-\]: she's achinese pro living in europ Nuko [5k\]: is 'he' good ? jjermann [4k\]: she can't hear Nuko ] ;B[eh]BL[989.914]C[Nuko [5k\]: what a pity ] ;W[fb]WL[1119.477]C[Nuko [5k\]: if pro will be good enough to beat him ? ::PPPP kokonut [5k\]: qu'il est long ce robot !!! Shanti [-\]: SHE is strong enough Djaian [5k\]: who knows Nuko. On small board computers have become very good. ] ;B[df]BL[906.283] ;W[cf]WL[1116.777]C[CHUMAZIK [4d?\]: i dont feel any fun... stupid bot... Djaian [5k\]: but 9x9 is still too big for a computer to reach pro level kokonut [5k\]: effectivelly Shanti [-\]: 9*9 is another world ] ;B[gb]BL[871.412]C[ChoK [-\]: mogo is dan level though ChoK [-\]: kgs dan atleast Shanti [-\]: Guo Juan is very good at fuseki for example - you almost don't use this knowledge for 9*9, right ? titoom [-\]: even motoki sometimes lose against him lmao: at this rate w wins lol Solid50k [-\]: i dunno white lose sente here CHUMAZIK [4d?\]: no dan level at all. i can beat him at 9H kokonut [5k\]: why not E4? Nuko [5k\]: st 9 :P ] ;W[hb]WL[1032.561]C[Nuko [5k\]: at :P Solid50k [-\]: i can give this bot 80H on a 9x9 and still beat him Shanti [-\]: looooooooool Prodigious [4d\]: wow Shanti [-\]: everyone here can. Shanti [-\]: (or I hope so) titoom [-\]: ^.^ Solid50k [-\]: as long as he doesnt pass one of the H stone........ nodan [4d?\]: this is going to be interesting kokonut [5k\]: E8 is not realy good ? Melancholy [2k\]: the bot is dead !!! titoom [-\]: dead ? oO Solid50k [-\]: e8 then monkey jump Solid50k [-\]: white loses Melancholy [2k\]: il a crasher le bot ou koi la -__- ] ;B[gc]BL[768.341]C[kokonut [5k\]: belle forme ! izarlilia [7k?\]: non, il a peur Djaian [5k\]: h8 was a reverse sente move as far as I understand it kokonut [5k\]: pourtant un jour ils nous auront ! ] ;W[ga]WL[973.008]C[Locn4r [1d?\]: hmm ] ;B[ha]BL[753.861] ;W[ia]WL[968.32]C[yappa [4k\]: ko ?? nodan [4d?\]: e8 e7 f7 e9 drunkenpoo: go boT! `*i love you* AHH kokonut [5k\]: je ne comprends pas Guo ] ;B[eb]BL[704.21]C[kokonut [5k\]: yes ] ;W[ec]WL[963.563]C[Prodigious [4d\]: Koo Nuko [5k\]: nice kokonut [5k\]: qué ko? Nuko [5k\]: :) kokonut [5k\]: pas de ko kiki Shanti [-\]: I think she was able to read she has more ko threat than the thing DarkAureC [-\]: xD kokonut [5k\]: F7 Melancholy [2k\]: c un peu naze la partie la : / Shanti [-\]: or I hope so ] ;B[fc]BL[660.595]C[kokonut [5k\]: et finished ] ;W[ea]WL[957.635]C[DarkAureC [-\]: 5p vs 3k bot drunkenpoo: "the thing" * lol drunkenpoo: cute Shanti [-\]: :-p Nuko [5k\]: or maybe she just checked it ? kokonut [5k\]: eh be NateC [4k\]: Better to start the ko at h9? Now d8 is a threat Nuko [5k\]: he doesnt want to beat him ] ;B[fa]BL[617.288]C[NateC [4k\]: Although, I really shouldn't be questioning the five pro ] ;W[ff]WL[954.647]C[Nuko [5k\]: just testing answers DarkAureC [-\]: i think i will hide me in a bot for playing free with pro ^^ kokonut [5k\]: beat it Prodigious [4d\]: NateC... start the ko at H9? What do you mean? Shanti [-\]: lol DarkAureC NateC [4k\]: Oh...completely nonsensical, sorry Nuko [5k\]: beat it... whatever.. kokonut [5k\]: :-)) lmao: wow ] ;B[ef]BL[545.536] ;W[fb]WL[952.503]C[DarkAureC [-\]: win by time maybe Nuko [5k\]: W+ time ? ::PPPP kokonut [5k\]: D8 Nuko [5k\]: :PP hehe DarkAureC [-\]: i am faster :p ] ;B[db]BL[515.325] ;W[cb]WL[950.146]C[lmao: o no komi.... drunkenpoo: w will completly die i bet drunkenpoo: b* ] ;B[fa]BL[482.839]C[Melancholy [2k\]: lol ] ;W[gg]WL[945.84] ;B[ha]BL[466.004]C[DarkAureC [-\]: LOL kokonut [5k\]: ??? kokonut [5k\]: why not D9? Djaian [5k\]: why not D9? DarkAureC [-\]: the bot tenuki against a pro xD nodan [4d?\]: because its computer go Djaian [5k\]: I would have played D9 drunkenpoo: i like this move drunkenpoo: go bot! ] ;W[gh]WL[906.507]C[Shanti [-\]: therefore you don't face pro kokonut [5k\]: H4 ChoK [-\]: if w g9 then black d9 idefix [4k\]: the bot already calculated zero risk of second ko ] ;B[cg]BL[436.662] ;W[bg]WL[897.81]C[kokonut [5k\]: it is a stupid bot ChoK [-\]: but e is way behind jjermann [4k\]: why? ChoK [-\]: he* Shanti [-\]: so did everyone here, didn't we ? jjermann [4k\]: why stupid? Melancholy [2k\]: not stupid drunkenpoo: you wpuld loose kokonut ChoK [-\]: ah no 0.5 komi ] ;B[hf]BL[410.219]C[Melancholy [2k\]: H9 better than D9 or the same guojuan [5p\]: hmm :) kokonut [5k\]: n'importe quoi TeeSushi [1d\]: resign Nuko [5k\]: go computer!!!! ] ;W[ga]WL[878.373]C[DarkAureC [-\]: XD Nuko [5k\]: gogooo!!! Melancholy [2k\]: Hç n'est pas un mauvais coup Melancholy [2k\]: H9 drunkenpoo: nuko? your familiy of nukebot? ] ;B[ch]BL[381.472]C[Locn4r [1d?\]: strong bot kokonut [5k\]: mieux que D? ] ;W[fb]WL[872.576]C[lmao: wtf? TeeSushi [1d\]: lol kokonut [5k\]: D? Melancholy [2k\]: lol ..... Locn4r [1d?\]: or not ChoK [-\]: going for the 0.5 win kokonut [5k\]: D9? Melancholy [2k\]: mal programmé jjermann [4k\]: lol d9 ChoK [-\]: D9 oOOO count liberties lol ] ;B[he]BL[356.693]C[kokonut [5k\]: non mais là c'est pas marrant Melancholy [2k\]: il s'en sort pas si mal le bot en fait ChoK [-\]: bah ya pas de komi ... Shanti [-\]: bien vu :-p ] ;W[bh]WL[837.131]C[Shanti [-\]: B2 sera gros drunkenpoo: arrr * this w is a weak player Shanti [-\]: ah Shanti [-\]: wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow jjermann [4k\]: ko TeeSushi [1d\]: take ko Shanti [-\]: I foresaw a 5p move ! ] ;B[fa]BL[334.098]C[TeeSushi [1d\]: f2 nodan [4d?\]: w lost though ] ;W[dh]WL[831.471]C[DarkAureC [-\]: d9 semble plus gros pour guojuan '_' lmao: d9 now? ] ;B[eg]BL[319.927]C[jjermann [4k\]: take ko now what can happen? Nuko [5k\]: holy crap.. jjermann [4k\]: ohh white could have lived? ] ;W[ci]WL[811.458]C[tildebis [1d?\]: le bot rizsque de gagner de 0.5 comme a son habitude :) DarkAureC [-\]: e1 kokonut [5k\]: F8 is better!! ChoK [-\]: E1 -_- kokonut [5k\]: no? lmao: o damn another ko DarkAureC [-\]: or d9 ] ;B[da]BL[299.743]C[Nuko [5k\]: time... drunkenpoo: f8 is nnonsens^^ ] ;W[ei]WL[802.954]C[kokonut [5k\]: for guo Shanti [-\]: wooot ] ;B[hg]BL[281.544]C[ChoK [-\]: no threat nodan [4d?\]: w has no ko threats jjermann [4k\]: lol DarkAureC [-\]: LOL jjermann [4k\]: what's this doumtak [8k?\]: ?? drunkenpoo: undo! ChoK [-\]: 0.5win like always xD DarkAureC [-\]: a bad move Cassis0 [2k\]: odd bot NateC [4k\]: Misclick, I'll bet ChoK [-\]: montecarlo bot always do this climb [4k\]: and i was just about to say strong bot lol nodan [4d?\]: mogobot sure of winning kokonut [5k\]: missthink ChoK [-\]: they try to optimise the win percentage not the territory taken ] ;W[ca]WL[743.905]C[ChoK [-\]: 0.5 win is the same as 100points ] ;B[fi]BL[263.648]C[Nuko [5k\]: fun DarkAureC [-\]: XD Shanti [-\]: nice game nodan [4d?\]: great Konata [4k\]: oha? tildebis [1d?\]: :) clements [-\]: oh drunkenpoo: thx guojuan! guojuan [5p\]: :) TeeSushi [1d\]: nice game lmao: damn................. kokonut [5k\]: thx Shanti [-\]: thanks TeeSushi [1d\]: very interesting guojuan [5p\]: I will play more Nuko [5k\]: wow izarlilia [7k?\]: dia ! Locn4r [1d?\]: rhx Shanti [-\]: yes play more !!! ChoK [-\]: with komi ^^ Locn4r [1d?\]: thx Nuko [5k\]: : ) Nuko [5k\]: nice game drunkenpoo: would you comment guojuan? pls* drunkenpoo: ah she left:( kalastaja [1k\]: important event in go history rydberg [1k\]: ... did i just see what i saw??? nicat [2k\]: WOW ])