Thu Jul 8 12:19:37 MDT 2010
Sunrise: 5:15 Sunset: 22:02 (MDT)
Condition: Sunny Temperature: 16.1°C Pressure / Tendency: 101.3 kPa falling Visibility: 14.5 km Humidity: 46 % Dewpoint: 4.5°C Wind: NNW 21 km/h Air Quality Health Index: N/A |
This live photograph comes from the University of Alberta campus and is updated every minute. The camera is pointed to the east towards Quad and is located in a room near to my former office on the 2nd floor of Athabasca Hall. This camera has been mostly left unattended since August 2004 when I moved out of Athabasca Hall and into University Hall. However, I still monitor the webcam remotely. Unfortunately, there isn't much to see at night because I cannot automatically adjust the camera's shutter speed to changing light conditions.
The current weather conditions come from the Weather Office of Environment Canada.
In 2003, my camera was geocached. Have a look at the cache logs.
View current conditions and weather forecasts from:
Intellicast | Weather Office | Weather Underground | CNN |
Here is an archive of interesting scenes my camera has caught:
Other University of Alberta and Edmonton cams:
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