1	Character traits
2	Leaders in their field
3	Random Dates
4	territory, province, state, district
5	No Answer
6	university, college, education level, skill level
7	sports
8	outdoor activities, hobbies
9	viewing area
10	puppet masters
11	Law enforcement
12	stock market, stock exchange
13	tall
14	hall of fame
15	revolutionary idea
16	underwear
17	location
18	Country music
19	media, television
20	areas of cultivation
21	emotions
22	No Answer
23	Streets, roads
24	consequences
25	information, journalism
26	transportation methods
27	methods of change
28	Counties, districts, locations, police departments
29	pain in the ass
30	decibel, noise pollution, irritation
31	Tiles
32	Slavery
33	pathway
34	No Answer
35	contract, agreement, treatry
36	utility
37	trouble
38	Cuban Crisis
39	video game ranking, golf, game ranking
40	human rights, standards, regulations
41	justice, laws, courts
42	approximate measurements
43	approximate baking measurements, cake baking
44	fractions, measurements
45	weights, measurments, bag size
46	rates, amounts
47	degrees, statistics
48	stock market, stock exchange
49	happiness
50	sins, taboos
51	mix
52	diplomats
53	countries with tennis stars
54	associations
55	traitor traits
56	exterior characteristics
57	evaluations
58	key economic indicators
59	post secondary areas of study
60	spies
61	chemicals, toxins
62	international groups, international committies
63	gathering places
64	off-broadway
65	musicians
66	sporting tournaments
67	sports teams, sport groups
68	philosophy
69	mass murder, genocide, ethnic cleansing
70	identification codes
71	covering
72	corporate malfeces
73	No answer
74	drug testing
75	No Answer
76	xtreme sports
77	committies, boards
78	No answer
79	aerospace corporations
80	immoral behavior
81	social status, class structure
82	winners
83	game segements
84	loosening agents
85	creationists
86	Chineese Stock Exchange
87	classics
88	coaches
89	dead relatives
90	nuclear weapons, weapons of mass destruction
91	No Answer
92	airstrip
93	shipping
94	No Answer
95	rankings
96	congeniality
97	warning sounds, signals
98	storms
99	Places to get drunk
100	No Answer