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Previous: 6.5 Calling With Pot
6.6 Calling With Showdown Odds
Calling with pot odds is based on the
immediate situation (the cost to see one more card) and is
based purely on potential for improvement (for the flop and turn). It does not
cover situations where Loki has both a moderate PPOT and
a mediocre HSn but neither is good enough to justify a call.
For this reason, we introduce calling when
(since this is not a decision to bet,
we must include NPOT, so EHS' is not used).
Showdown odds is a defensive measure that ensures the
opponent cannot win simply by betting at every opportunity. By
calling whenever our hand is strong enough to show a profit in the
long run, Loki discourages frequent bluffing by the opponent.
On the turn,
(6.7) |
Expecting to face one more bet on the river, we add one
bet to the cost and one to the pot for the bet we expect to be made.
On the flop,
(6.8) |
This case is more complex. The bet size doubles going to the turn
and we expect to face (on average) one more bet on both the turn and river.
For this reason, four bets of the current size are added to the
cost and to the pot. This is a first approximation and ignores
much of the information available, such as the number of players.
Additionally on the flop it would be more appropriate
to re-evaluate EHS with PPOT2 and NPOT2.
However, it is sufficient to capture the essence of the strategy.
Next: 6.7 Other Strategies
Up: 6. Betting Strategy
Previous: 6.5 Calling With Pot
Denis Papp