Example of Space Inefficiency

int factorial(int n)
{ return (n==0) ? 1 : n * factorial(n-1); }
To compute factorial(20) requires 21 words of local memory:
factorial(20) -- allocate 1 word of memory,
   call factorial(19) -- allocate 1 word of memory,
        call factorial(18) -- allocate 1 word of memory,
                   call factorial(2) -- allocate 1 word of memory,
                        call factorial(1) -- allocate 1 word of memory,
                             call factorial(0) -- allocate 1 word of memory,
at this point 21 words of memory and 21 activation records have been allocated.
                             return 1.         -- release  1 word of memory.
                        return 1*1.       -- release  1 word of memory.
                   return 2*1.       -- release  1 word of memory.
Yet, as we shall see later, it is trivial to modify our solution to produce an algorithm that executes in constant space.