Computing Science 419
Graph Algorithms
Winter Term 2001
MWF 9:00-9:50 CMP B41 Instructor: Ryan Hayward
Prerequisites: CS304 or the permission of the instructor.
Purpose: to introduce students to a wide variety
of the most commonly used and studied graph algorithms.
term work 35%
midterm 15%
quizzes 15%
final 35%
Tentative Course Outline:
Basic graph concepts, definitions, and properties
Basic algorithmic and data structure concepts
Basic analysis concepts
Basic complexity concepts
algorithms: trees and distance
algorithms: matchings
algorithms: connectivity and network flow
algorithms: colouring
algorithms: cycles
algorithms: planarity
algorithms: perfect graphs
[the text by McHugh is required; copies are in the bookstore]
- M. Atallah
- Algorithms and Theory of Computation Handbook,
M. Atallah (ed.),
CRC Press, 1999, ISBN 0-8493-2649-4
- G. Chartrand & O. Oellermann
- Applied and Algorithmic Graph Theory,
McGraw Hill, 1993, ISBN 0-07-557101-3
- A. Gibbons
- Algorithmic Graph Theory,
Cambridge University Press, 1985, ISBN 0-521-28881-9 .....
[somewhat dated; out of print?]
- M.C. Golumbic
- Algorithmic Graph Theory and Perfect Graphs,
Academic Press, 1980, ISBN 0-12-289260-7 .....
[specialized research primer, out of print?]
- J.A. McHugh
- Algorithmic Graph Theory,
Prentice Hall, 1990, ISBN 0-13-023615-2
[out of print]
- D. West
- Introduction to Graph Theory,
Prentice Hall, 1996, ISBN 0-13-227828-6 .....
[grad level, not algorithmic]
- R. Wilson
- Introduction to Graph Theory, 4th ed.
Longman, 1996, ISBN 0-582-24993-7 .....
[inexpensive graph theory primer]
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