set term postscript enhanced set size 1, 0.9 set xlabel "Physical position (bps) on the chromosome" set ylabel "Grand-paternal haplotypes" set xrange [0:85800000] set yrange [0:100] set xtics 15600000 set ytics ("F0" 0, "F1" 100, "C1" 3, "C1" 97, "G1" 6, "G1" 94, "G2" 9, "G2" 91, "C2" 12, "C2" 88, "G3" 15, "G3" 85, "G4" 18, "G4" 82, "C3" 21, "C3" 79, "G5" 24, "G5" 76, "C4" 27, "C4" 73, "C5" 30, "C5" 70, "C6" 33, "C6" 67) set key 70200000, 55 plot 'paternal_allele_sharing.txt' using 1:2 smooth unique title '(Healthy) grand-paternal haplotype' with linespoints 3 2,\ 3 notitle with line lt 4,\ 97 notitle with line lt 4,\ 'paternal_allele_sharing.txt' using 1:4 smooth unique title 'Diseased' with linespoints 1 2,\ 6 notitle with line lt 4,\ 94 notitle with line lt 4,\ 'paternal_allele_sharing.txt' using 1:5 smooth unique notitle with linespoints 1 2,\ 9 notitle with line lt 5,\ 91 notitle with line lt 5,\ 'paternal_allele_sharing.txt' using 1:6 smooth unique title 'Healthy' with linespoints 3 2,\ 12 notitle with line lt 4,\ 88 notitle with line lt 4,\ 'paternal_allele_sharing.txt' using 1:7 smooth unique notitle with linespoints 1 2,\ 15 notitle with line lt 4,\ 85 notitle with line lt 4,\ 'paternal_allele_sharing.txt' using 1:8 smooth unique notitle with linespoints 1 2,\ 18 notitle with line lt 4,\ 82 notitle with line lt 4,\ 'paternal_allele_sharing.txt' using 1:9 smooth unique notitle with linespoints 1 2,\ 21 notitle with line lt 4,\ 79 notitle with line lt 4,\ 'paternal_allele_sharing.txt' using 1:10 smooth unique notitle with linespoints 1 2,\ 24 notitle with line lt 5,\ 76 notitle with line lt 5,\ 'paternal_allele_sharing.txt' using 1:11 smooth unique notitle with linespoints 3 2,\ 27 notitle with line lt 5,\ 73 notitle with line lt 5,\ 'paternal_allele_sharing.txt' using 1:12 smooth unique notitle with linespoints 3 2,\ 30 notitle with line lt 5,\ 70 notitle with line lt 5,\ 'paternal_allele_sharing.txt' using 1:13 smooth unique notitle with linespoints 3 2,\ 33 notitle with line lt 4,\ 67 notitle with line lt 4,\ 'paternal_allele_sharing.txt' using 1:14 smooth unique notitle with linespoints 1 2,\ 'paternal_allele_sharing.txt' using 1:3 smooth unique notitle with linespoints 3 2 set terminal postscript color set output 'paternal_allele_sharing.eps' replot