[ Books (2)
| Special Issues (7)
| Book Chapters (7)
| Posters (16) ]
This list includes my publications other than Journal and Conference Proceedings articles.
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The documents contained in this directory are included by the contributing authors as a means to ensure timely
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*Authors in bold are/were HQP at the University of Alberta.
G. Lin (ed.).
Combinatorial Optimization and Applications, Proceedings of the Sixth Annual International Conference.
LNCS 7402, Springer, August 2012, xii+398 Pages.
G. Lin (ed.).
Computing and Combinatorics, Proceedings of the Thirteenth Annual International Conference.
LNCS 4598, Springer, July 2007, xii+568 Pages.
Special Issues:
Guangting Chen, G. Lin and Ziyi Tan (eds.)
Special Issue dedicated to Professor Enyu Yao's 80th Birthday.
Operations Research Transactions.
26(3)(2022), 0-156.
Xiao-Dong Hu, G. Lin, Li-Ying Kang and Guo-Chuan Zhang (eds.).
Combinatorial Optimization and its Applications,
dedicated to Dr. Ding-Zhu Du's 70th Birthday.
Journal of the Operations Research Society of China.
7(3)(2019), 395-509.
G. Lin (ed.).
Selected Papers from COCOA 2012.
Journal of Combinatorial Optimization.
27(1)(2014), 1-114.
G. Lin (ed.).
Combinatorial Optimization and Applications (Selected Papers from COCOA 2012).
Theoretical Computer Science.
507(2013), 1-113.
Guangting Chen, G. Lin and Zhiyi Tan (eds.).
Special Issue dedicated to Professor Enyu Yao's 70th Birthday.
Journal of Combinatorial Optimization.
26(3)(2013), 415-519.
G. Lin and Zhipeng Cai (eds.).
COCOON 2007 Special Issue.
54(4)(2009), 471-567.
G. Lin and Zhipeng Cai (eds.).
Selected Papers from COCOON 2007.
Journal of Combinatorial Optimization.
16(3)(2008), 197-322.
G. Lin and Zhiyi Tan (eds.).
In Memoriam: Yong He (1969-2005).
Journal of Combinatorial Optimization.
12(4)(2006), 325-430.
Book Chapters:
Y. Shi,
J. Zhou,
D. S. Wishart, and
Protein contact order prediction: the update.
Chapter 10 in Algorithmic and Artificial Intelligence Methods for Protein Bioinformatics.
Y. Pan, Min Li, and Jianxin Wang (Eds).
Pages 205-216.
ISBN 978-1-118-34578-8. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2014.
Y. Shi,
Z. Cai, and
Classification accuracy based microarray missing value imputation.
Chapter 14 in Bioinformatics Algorithms: Techniques and Applications.
I. Mandoiu and A. Zelikovsky (Eds).
Pages 303-328.
ISBN: 978-0-470-09773-1. Wiley-Interscience, January 2008.
D. Xu, and
Y. Xu.
Computer science for structural informatics.
Appendix 2 in Computational Methods for Protein Structure Prediction and Modeling (Volumes I and II).
Y. Xu, D. Xu and J. Liang (Eds).
Pages II:629-654. Springer, 2006.

I. Levner,
V. Bulitko, and
.Fully Refereed
Feature extraction for classification of proteomic mass spectra: a comparative study.
Chapter 30 in Feature Extraction.
Edited by I. Guyon, S. Gunn, M. Nikravesh, and L. Zadeh.
Pages 607-624. Springer. September 2006. ISBN 3-540-35487-5.
X. Tu, and
X. Wan.
Automated protein NMR spectra data analysis and structure determination.
Chapter 31 in Handbook of Computational Molecular Biology.
Edited by Srinivas Aluru.
Chapman & Hall/CRC Computer and Information Science Series.
2006. ISBN 1-58488-406-1.
Nonblocking routing properties of Clos networks.
In Switching Networks: Recent Advances.
Series: Network Theory and Applications, Vol. 5. (D.-Z. Du and H. Q. Ngo, Eds.)
Kluwer Academic Publishers. ISBN 0-7923-6953-X. June 2001.
D. Z. Du,
W. Wu, and
K. Yoo.
On 3-rate rearrangeability of Clos network.
In Advances in switching networks (Princeton, NJ, 1997), 315-333.
DIMACS: Series in Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science,
42, American Mathematical Society, Providence, RI.
Conference Posters (w/ or w/o Proceedings Abstracts):
H. Li,
S. Zhao,
X. Luo,
T. Luo
, and
L. Li.
New and improved functionality of a public resource, MyCompoundID, for chemical isotope labeling LC-MS metabolomics.
The 65th ASMS Conference.
Abstract ID number: 288767. June 4-8, 2017, Indianapolis, Indiana.
J. Xu,
Z. Cai,
H. Li,
R.-C. Yang,
Z. Wang,
, and
P. Stothard.
Bayesian prediction of breeding values in cattle.
Poster at the 2009 ABGP AGM. April, 2009. Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.
G. N. Lin,
Z. Cai,
S. Chakraborty, and
D. Xu.
ComPhy: prokaryotic composite distance phylogenies inferred from whole-genome gene sets.
The 7th Asia-Pacific Bioinformatics Conference (APBC'09).
Poster. Beijing, China, 13-16 January 2009.
M. E. J. Amaral,
J. R. Grant,
P. Stothard
P. K. Riggs,
T. Goldammer,
S. Kumar,
P. Mariani,
A. R. Caetano,
H. Tonhati,
M. S. Tantia,
S. Moore, and
J. E. Womack.
The river buffalo genome mapping initiative:
an international effort to construct a first generation whole genome radiation hybrid map for the river buffalo.
Plant and Animal Genome XVII Conference.
Poster. January 10-14, 2009. San Diego, California, USA.
J. A. Cruz,
D. Arndt,
M. Berjanskii,
P. Tang,
J. Zhou,
, and
D. S. Wishart.
CS23D: a web server for rapid protein structure generation using NMR chemical shifts and sequence data.
Poster at the 23rd Annual ICMRBS Meeting, San Diego CA, August 2008.
D. S. Wishart,
D. Arndt,
M. Berjanskii,
P. Tang,
J. Zhou, and
CS23D: a web server for rapid protein structure generation using NMR chemical shifts and sequence data.
Poster at the 16th ISMB Meeting, Toronto, July 2008.
G. N. Lin,
Z. Cai,
S. Chakraborty, and
D. Xu.
Inferring genome phylogeny from
whole-genome gene sets.
Poster in
Missouri Life Sciences Week 2008.
April 14-18, 2008. University of Missouri - Columbia, Missouri, USA.
D. S. Wishart,
D. Arndt,
M. Berjanskii,
P. Tang,
J. Zhou,
Y. Shi, and
CS23D: a web server for rapid protein structure generation using NMR chemical shifts.
Canada's Prion Research Conference (PrP Canada 2008).
February 3-5, 2008. Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
J. R. Grant,
Z. Wang,
A. Prasad,
B. Murdoch,
D. Moon,
Z. Cai,
J. Xu,
S. Moore, and
P. Stothard.
A software pipeline to build high-resolution radiation hybrid maps.
Plant and Animal Genome (PAG) XVI Conference.
Poster (P205, General Comparative).
January 12-16, 2008. San Diego, California, USA.
J. Zhou,
Y. Shi,
, and
D. S. Wishart.
A contact order prediction method.
The Seventh Annual International Conference of the Canadian Proteomics Initiative (CPI 2007).
June 16-18, 2007. Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
J. Zhou,
Y. Shi, and
D. S. Wishart.
Structure comparisons between a PrPsc structure model and all PDB structures.
Canada's Prion Research Conference (PrP Canada 2007).
February 20-22, 2007. Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
X. Wu,
S. Holton,
, and
X.-F. Wan.
Development of a novel viral genotyping algorithm.Fully Refereed
The 106th General Conference for American Society for Microbiology.
Orlando, FL. May 21-25, 2006.
Poster 043/R-022.
X. Wu,
S. Holton,
C.-R. Shyu,
, and
X.-F. Wan.
Computational genotyping of avian influenza virus.
The 6th International Symposium on Avian Influenza (ISAI 2006).
St John's College Cambridge, UK. April 3-6, 2006.
G. Wu,
J. You,
and .
A polynomial algorithm for the minimum quartet inconsistency problem with O(n) quartet errors.
In Posters in 2005 IEEE Computational Systems Bioinformatics Conferences
(CSB 2005).
Pages 55-56.
Stanford University, California. August 8-11, 2005.
X. Wu,
X.-F. Wan,
D. Xu,
and .
Whole genome phylogeny based on clustered signature string composition.
In Posters in 2005 IEEE Computational Systems Bioinformatics Conference
(CSB 2005).
Pages 53-54.
Stanford University, California. August 8-11, 2005.
Y. Xu,
D. Xu,
D. Kim,
Z.-Z. Chen,
, and
T. Jiang.
Combinatorial optimization algorithms for assignment of protein backbone NMR peaks.
The 6th ACM Annual International Conference on Research in Computational Molecular Biology
(RECOMB 2002).
Poster (PS-109).
April 18-21, 2002. Washington DC, USA.