Frequently Asked Questions

General Questions

  1. What are the grade cutoffs?

    • The following cutoffs are usually respected, using your total mark (including bonus marks, if any) at the end of term:

    90+ → A+ (Excellent);
    80+ → A, A- (Excellent);
    70+ → B+, B, B- (Good);
    60+ → C+, C, C- (Satisfactory);
    50+ → D+, D (Minimal Pass).

  2. I need help with the course, who should I contact?

    • You can use the discussion forum, or Discord, to post questions. Note that you should avoid posting non-trivial amounts of code to the discussion forum.
    • Although using the discussion forum is usually better, sometimes using email (from your UofA account) is necessary. Email addresses can be looked up online here.
  3. Is there a required textbook for the course?

  4. Why do we have (almost) weekly quizzes?

    • We ask you to complete a weekly quiz in order to practice C syntax and learn the intricacies of the language. There are many quirks of the language that are important to understand, and the quizzes are designed to help you learn these quirks. Weekly quizzes allow for constant practice of the syntax.
  5. Why do we have a weekly lab in the first half of the term?

    • These labs are designed at the beginning and intermediate levels. We ask you to complete a weekly lab to strengthen your programming skills on the content that was discussed in the past weeks. A weekly lab ensures that the learned content is still fresh in your memory when you attempt the lab, and gives an opportunity to practice early.
  6. I noticed that we have a discussion forum and an announcements forum. Is reading these required?

    • The discussion forum is not required reading. It is open for all CMPUT 201 students to ask questions. Nevertheless, you are strongly encouraged to look up threads and answers if your question has been asked and answered.
    • The announcement forum is required reading, and you will receive email notifications for each post by default (as long as you do not unsubscribe). It contains official course information, clarification, and important announcements (from the instructors or the TAs).

Lab Questions:

  1. Will late submissions be accepted?

    • Late submissions for quizzes and labs will not be accepted after their respective due dates.
  2. Who is chosen to demo?

    • We select a random 40% of the students of each lab section for every lab exercise to demo their lab submissions. You will be notified before or during your lab section whether you are chosen to demo. The demo can be done during their lab section, or arranged between you and TAs. We will have a Google sheet asking you to enter demo information.
  3. What happens if I don't demo?

    • You will receive a 0 on that lab exercise.
  4. Am I allowed to collaborate with other students?

    • You are encouraged to discuss the lab questions, and you are also encouraged to even search for the topics online for further information. However, you must complete the lab exercises on your own, and it should be your own code. Avoid directly discussing non-trivial amounts of code with other students, and keep conversations focused on the ideas.
  5. Can I only come to my registered lab section?

    • No, come to as many lab section as you need, but TAs' priority is given to those registered students.
  6. How should I cite online resources in my lab?

    • It is acceptable to put a comment line at the top of your code with the name of the resource, the purpose of use, and a link to the page. Note that you should not copy code from the internet, however.
    • Do not use the programs generated by ChatGPT, GitHub Copilot or any other generative AI tools for submission. This is a plagiarism!
  7. What should I do if I want my lab re-marked?

    • You should make a request to the marking TA(s) within 7 days of the marking. Contact your lab TAs if you are not sure who the marking TAs are. After 7 days, marking cannot be changed.
  8. Are some of the labs dropped?

    • No, they are all required.
  9. When are the labs due?

    • The lab dues are set up at 11:59pm (almost midnight) of the respective Sunday. They can be found in the public course webpage, the eClass, and in the lab descriptions. It is your responsibility to check them out carefully.
  10. What machines/platforms will our labs be marked on?

    • All your course work will be marked on the department's laboratory machines in CSC 1-59, with the gcc compiler. It is your responsibility to validate that your submissions work on these machines without errors, warnings, or any notes.
  11. I submitted my lab multiple times. Which submission will you mark?

    • We will mark the most recent submission prior the due date if you submit multiple times.
  12. Why do we have to use lab machines? Can I use my own computer to work on?

    • We use lab machines because it greatly eases marking of labs. Different computers can be installed different OS and/or C compiler, and they might work differently. Different machines run at various speeds due to individual CPUs and memory sizes.
    • You may use your own computer to work as long as you test your program on the lab machines. You are responsible for ensuring that your program works on lab machines upon submission.

Quizzes, Midterms and Final Questions:

  1. Are the midterms and final closed book?

    • Yes. You are allowed one letter-sized paper with handwritten notes, however.
  2. Are any of the quizzes dropped?

    • No, they are all required.
  3. How long are the midterms and final?

    • Each midterm will be 50 minutes long, in class. The final exam will be 2 hours long, with time and place scheduled by the university.
  4. What can be brought into the midterms and the final exam?

    • You bring a pen/pencil, and must have your OneCard (or official photo ID such as passport, driver license) ready for identity check.
    • You are allowed to bring a letter-sized paper with hand-written notes. You are not allowed to bring a scanned or a typed copy.
    • You are not allowed to bring any electronics or calculators. These should be left in your backpack if you need to use the washroom during the exam.
  5. Can I attend any midterm/final section?

    • You can only attend your midterm/final section.

Excused Absence Questions:

  1. What can an excused absence (EA) be granted for?

    • Given that an acceptable explanation is provided as early as possible, within 7 days ideally, an EA may be granted for a missed lab, quiz, or midterm. Missed final exams are deferred and to be requested, not excused.
  2. How do I apply for an EA for any term work?

    • You should contact your instructor by email as early as you are able, to make them aware of your absence (within 7 days of the due date of the work).
    • Note that an EA is not guaranteed automatically; your request could be denied.
  3. How do I apply for a deferred final exam?

    • You should contact your faculty by phone or email as soon as you are able, to make them aware of your absence.
    • Visit your faculty office as soon as you are well enough, to request a deferred final exam.
    • Your faculty may request documentation for your absence.
    • Note that a deferred exam is not guaranteed automatically either.
  4. Where does the weight of a missed term work go?

    • The weight of missed term work will be transferred to the final exam.
  5. University official instructions on applying for an excused absence can be found at this link.


//End of FAQs. @Guohui Lin 2024-2027