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GoUctBoard Member List

This is the complete list of members for GoUctBoard, including all inherited members.

AddLibToAdjBlocks(SgPoint p, SgBlackWhite c)GoUctBoard [private]
AddStone(SgPoint p, SgBlackWhite c)GoUctBoard [private]
AddStoneToBlock(SgPoint p, Block *block)GoUctBoard [private]
AdjacentBlocks(SgPoint p, int maxLib, SgPoint anchors[], int maxAnchors) const GoUctBoard
Anchor(SgPoint p) const GoUctBoard
AreInSameBlock(SgPoint stone1, SgPoint stone2) const GoUctBoard
AtLeastNumLibs(SgPoint block, int n) const GoUctBoard
AtMostNumLibs(SgPoint block, int n) const GoUctBoard
BoardConst() const GoUctBoard
CanCapture(SgPoint p, SgBlackWhite c) const GoUctBoard
CapturedStones() const GoUctBoard
CapturingMove() const GoUctBoard
CheckConsistency() const GoUctBoard
CheckConsistencyBlock(SgPoint p) const GoUctBoard [private]
CreateSingleStoneBlock(SgPoint p, SgBlackWhite c)GoUctBoard [private]
FirstBoardPoint() const GoUctBoard
FullBoardRepetition() const GoUctBoard [private]
Get2ndLastMove() const GoUctBoard
GetColor(SgPoint p) const GoUctBoard
GetLastMove() const GoUctBoard
GetStone(SgPoint p) const GoUctBoard
GoUctBoard(const GoBoard &bd)GoUctBoard [explicit]
GoUctBoard(const GoUctBoard &)GoUctBoard [private]
HasDiagonals(SgPoint p, SgBoardColor c) const GoUctBoard
HasEmptyNeighbors(SgPoint p) const GoUctBoard
HasLiberties(SgPoint p) const GoUctBoard [private]
HasNeighbors(SgPoint p, SgBlackWhite c) const GoUctBoard
HasNeighborsOrDiags(SgPoint p, SgBlackWhite c) const GoUctBoard
InAtari(SgPoint p) const GoUctBoard
InCenter(SgPoint p) const GoUctBoard
InCorner(SgPoint p) const GoUctBoard
Init(const GoBoard &bd)GoUctBoard
InitSize(const GoBoard &bd)GoUctBoard [private]
IsAdjacentTo(SgPoint p, const Block *block) const GoUctBoard [private]
IsBorder(SgPoint p) const GoUctBoard
IsColor(SgPoint p, int c) const GoUctBoard
IsEmpty(SgPoint p) const GoUctBoard
IsInBlock(SgPoint p, SgPoint anchor) const GoUctBoard
IsLegal(int p, SgBlackWhite player) const GoUctBoard
IsLegal(int p) const GoUctBoard
IsLibertyOfBlock(SgPoint p, SgPoint anchor) const GoUctBoard
IsSingleStone(SgPoint p) const GoUctBoard
IsSuicide(SgPoint p, SgBlackWhite toPlay) const GoUctBoard
IsSuicide(SgPoint p) const GoUctBoard
IsValidPoint(SgPoint p) const GoUctBoard
KillBlock(const Block *block)GoUctBoard [private]
LastBoardPoint() const GoUctBoard
Left(SgPoint p) const GoUctBoard
LibertyIterator classGoUctBoard [friend]
Line(SgPoint p) const GoUctBoard
m_blockGoUctBoard [private]
m_blockArrayGoUctBoard [private]
m_capturedStonesGoUctBoard [private]
m_colorGoUctBoard [private]
m_constGoUctBoard [private]
m_isBorderGoUctBoard [private]
m_koPointGoUctBoard [private]
m_lastMoveGoUctBoard [private]
m_markerGoUctBoard [mutable, private]
m_marker2GoUctBoard [private]
m_nuNeighborsGoUctBoard [private]
m_nuNeighborsEmptyGoUctBoard [private]
m_prisonersGoUctBoard [private]
m_secondLastMoveGoUctBoard [private]
m_sizeGoUctBoard [private]
m_toPlayGoUctBoard [private]
m_userMarkerGoUctBoard [mutable]
MergeBlocks(SgPoint p, const SgSList< Block *, 4 > &adjBlocks)GoUctBoard [private]
NeighborBlocks(SgPoint p, SgBlackWhite c, SgPoint anchors[]) const GoUctBoard
NeighborBlocks(SgPoint p, SgBlackWhite c, int maxLib, SgPoint anchors[]) const GoUctBoard
NuCapturedStones() const GoUctBoard
Num8EmptyNeighbors(SgPoint p) const GoUctBoard
Num8Neighbors(SgPoint p, SgBlackWhite c) const GoUctBoard
NumDiagonals(SgPoint p, SgBoardColor c) const GoUctBoard
NumEmptyDiagonals(SgPoint p) const GoUctBoard
NumEmptyNeighbors(SgPoint p) const GoUctBoard
NumLiberties(SgPoint p) const GoUctBoard
NumNeighbors(SgPoint p, SgBlackWhite c) const GoUctBoard
NumPrisoners(SgBlackWhite color) const GoUctBoard
NumStones(SgPoint p) const GoUctBoard
Occupied(SgPoint p) const GoUctBoard
OccupiedInAtari(SgPoint p) const GoUctBoard
OnEdge(SgPoint p) const GoUctBoard
operator=(const GoUctBoard &)GoUctBoard [private]
Opponent() const GoUctBoard
Play(SgPoint p)GoUctBoard
Pos(SgPoint p) const GoUctBoard
RemoveLibAndKill(SgPoint p, SgBlackWhite opp, SgSList< Block *, 4 > &ownAdjBlocks)GoUctBoard [private]
Right(SgPoint p) const GoUctBoard
Side(SgPoint p, int index) const GoUctBoard
Size() const GoUctBoard
StoneIterator classGoUctBoard [friend]
TheLiberty(SgPoint blockInAtari) const GoUctBoard
ToPlay() const GoUctBoard
Up(SgPoint p) const GoUctBoard
UpdateBlocksAfterAddStone(SgPoint p, SgBlackWhite c, const SgSList< Block *, 4 > &adjBlocks)GoUctBoard [private]

17 Jun 2010 Doxygen 1.4.7