Refereed Publications - 2009
2009 Bioinformatics
Babak Bostan, Russell Greiner, Duane Szafron and Paul Lu,
Predicting Homologous Signaling Pathways Using Machine Learning, Volume 25 Issue 22, November 2009, pp. 2913-2920 2009. abstract
or preprint pdf.
2009 AIIDE Behavior Architecture
M. Cutumisu and D. Szafron, An Architecture for Game Behavior AI: Behavior Multi-Queues, Proceedings of the Fifth Artificial Intelligence and Interactive Digital Entertainment Conference (AIIDE), Stanford, USA, October, 2009, 20-27. abstract
or pdf.
2009 AIIDE Agent Modeling
R. Zhao and D. Szafron, Learning Character Behaviors using Agent Modeling in Games, Proceedings of the Fifth Artificial Intelligence and Interactive Digital Entertainment Conference (AIIDE), Stanford, USA, October, 2009, 179-185. abstract
or pdf.
2009 AIIDE Intentional Dialogues
C. Kerr and D. Szafron, Supporting Dialogue Generation for Story-Based Games, Proceedings of the Fifth Artificial Intelligence and Interactive Digital Entertainment Conference (AIIDE), Stanford, USA, October, 2009, 154-160. abstract
or pdf.
2009 AAMAS
D. Schnizlein, M. Bowling, and D. Szafron, Probabilistic state translation in extensive games with large action sets, International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI), Pasadena, USA, July, 2009, 278-284. abstract
or pdf.
2009 AAMAS
K. Waugh, D. Schnizlein, M. Bowling, and D. Szafron, Abstraction Pathologies in Extensive Games, Eighth International Conference
on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS-2009), Budapest, Hungary, May, 2009, 781–788. abstract
or pdf.
2009 Journal of Visual Languages and Computing
J. Siegel and D. Szafron, Dialogue Patterns - A Visual Language For Dynamic Dialogue, Journal of Visual Languages and Computing, 20 (3),
June 2009, 196-220. abstract or pdf (preprint).