University of Waterloo
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada

CS341 Fall 1999
Programming Assignment Guidelines

Permitted Programming Languages

C, C++, Java


Program documentation and testing documentation are to be submitted in printed form, and code is to be submitted electronically by using the submit command. The same deadlines apply to electronic submissions as to paper ones.

For example, to submit the code part of assignment 2:

You can read more about submit in manual pages (man submit).  The TAs may examine and run submitted code, so you have to submit a Makefile, such that all necessary executables (usually just one) are built by simply typing 'make' in the undergrad environment. Executables should also be included in your submission.

General marking scheme

The programming part will be marked based on the following general scheme:


The requirement to do your own work applies to programs the same as to written assignments.