
CMPUT 670 - Numerical Optimization: Theory and Algorithms (Alberta)
CMPUT 656 - Deep Learning (Alberta)
CMPUT 656 - Representation Learning (Alberta)
CMPUT 656 - Matrix and Convex Methods in Machine Learning (Alberta)
CMPUT 652 - Probability Models for Artificial Intelligence (Alberta)
CMPUT 474 - The Nature of Computation (Alberta)
CMPUT 466/551 - Machine Learning (Alberta)
CMPUT 411/511 - Computer Graphics (Alberta)
CMPUT 366 - Intelligent Systems (Alberta)
CMPUT 340 - Introduction to Numerical Methods (Alberta)
CS 786 - Machine Learning and Probabilistic Inference (Waterloo)
CS 486 - Introduction to Artificial Intelligence (Waterloo)
CS 341 - Algorithms (Waterloo)