Checkers Notation

In checkers, only 32 squares of the 64-square board are used. The board is positioned with black squares in the upper-left and lower-right corners. Squares which may be occupied by pieces are numbered 1 to 32.

If you are playing white, the numbering proceeds left to right in a top-bottom direction. The two figures below show the starting position with black at the top, and the corresponding square numbers.

Initial W
Numbers W

If you are playing black, the numbering proceeds right to left in a bottom-top direction. The two figures below show the starting position with white at the top, and the corresponding square numbers.

Initial B
Numbers B

A move is annotated by indicating the source and destination squares of the piece moved, separated by a hyphen. For example, if you have the black pieces and play 11-15 as your first move from the above initial position, you will see the following position:


Unlike chess, piece promotions do not appear as part of the notation.

This convention for checker notation is used for all Chinook's games.

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