Michael Bowling, Dana Wilkinson, and Ali Ghodsi. Subjective Mapping. In New Scientific and Technical Advances in Research (NECTAR) of the Proceedings of the Twenty-First National Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI), pp. 1569–1572, 2006.
Extracting a map from a stream of experience is a key problem inrobotics and artificial intelligence in general. We propose atechnique, called subjective mapping, that seeks to learn a fullyspecified predictive model, or map, without the need for expertprovided models of the robot's motion and sensor apparatus. Webriefly overview the recent advancements presented elsewhere (ICML,IJCAI, and ISRR) that make this possible, examine its significance inrelationship to other developments in the field, and outline openissues that remain to be addressed.
@InProceedings(06nectar, title = "Subjective Mapping", author = "Michael Bowling and Dana Wilkinson and Ali Ghodsi", booktitle = "New Scientific and Technical Advances in Research (NECTAR) of the Proceedings of the Twenty-First National Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI)", year = "2006", pages = "1569--1572", AcceptRate = "57\%", AcceptNumbers = "34 of 60" )