CMPUT329 - Fall 2003


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Table of Contents

CMPUT329 - Fall 2003

Reading Assignment

Cost of Implementing a Logic Circuit

Cost of Implementing a Logic Circuit

Cost of a Logic Circuit Examples

Karnaugh Maps

Anatomy of Karnaugh Maps

Anatomy of Karnaugh Maps

Application of Karnaugh Maps: The One-bit Adder

Application of Karnaugh Maps: The One-bit Adder

Application of Karnaugh Maps: The One-bit Adder

Application of Karnaugh Maps: The One-bit Adder

Application of Karnaugh Maps: The One-bit Adder

Application of Karnaugh Maps: The One-bit Adder

Application of Karnaugh Maps: The One-bit Adder

Application of Karnaugh Maps: The One-bit Adder

Application of Karnaugh Maps: The One-bit Adder

Application of Karnaugh Maps: The One-bit Adder

Application of Karnaugh Maps: The One-bit Adder

Prime Implicants

Essential Prime Implicants












Minimum Sum-of-products

Minimum Sum-of-products

Karnaugh Maps of Product-of-sums

Karnaugh Maps of Product-of-sums

Karnaugh Maps of Product-of-sums

Karnaugh Maps of Product-of-sums

Karnaugh Maps of Product-of-sums

Karnaugh Maps of Product-of-sums

Karnaugh Maps of Product-of-sums

Karnaugh Maps of Product-of-sums

Karnaugh Maps of Product-of-sums

Karnaugh Maps of Product-of-sums

Karnaugh Maps of Product-of-sums

Karnaugh Maps of Product-of-sums

Karnaugh Maps of Product-of-sums

Karnaugh Maps of Product-of-sums

Karnaugh Maps of Product-of-sums

Karnaugh Maps of Product-of-sums

Karnaugh Maps of Product-of-sums

Karnaugh Maps of Product-of-sums

Karnaugh Maps of Product-of-sums

Incompletely Specified Functions

Incompletely Specified Functions (Cont.)

Incompletely Specified Functions (Cont.)

Incompletely Specified Functions

Another Example

Another Example

Another Example

5-Variable Karnaugh Maps

5-Variable Karnaugh Maps

5-Variable Karnaugh Maps

5-Variable Karnaugh Maps

5-Variable Karnaugh Maps

5-Variable Karnaugh Maps

6-Variable Karnaugh Map

6-Variable Karnaugh Map

6-Variable Karnaugh Map

6-Variable Karnaugh Map

Example: BCD to Braille Convertion

Example: BCD to Braille Convertion

Example: BCD to Braille Convertion

Example: BCD to Braille Convertion

Example: BCD to Braille Convertion

Example: BCD to Braille Convertion

Example: BCD to Braille Convertion

Example: BCD to Braille Convertion

Example: BCD to Braille Convertion

Example: BCD to Braille Convertion

Example: BCD to Braille Convertion

Example: BCD to Braille Convertion

Example: BCD to Braille Convertion

PPT Slide

PPT Slide

PPT Slide

PPT Slide

PPT Slide

Author: Jose Nelson Amaral


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