Disclaimer: The rankings
below are for the most prestigious category of paper at a given
conference (i.e. mainly the refereed full paper track). They are based on general reputation of the conference in the field, the citation of the papers published in the conference, reputation of program committee members and reputation of the review process.
It is not based on scientific measurements and thus can be controversial. While debatable, this ranking could change in time. New conferences are typically ranked in the third tier.
Top conferences are known for their impact history and their rigorous review process. They should be equivalent, if not superior in impact and prestige, to reputable journals.
Workshops and new (or unknown) conferences are not ranked.
The University of Alberta and/or The Department of Computing Science
do not necessarily endorse this ranking. It is mainly put together
after intense consultation with international colleagues. The rankings
do not necessarily represent my personal views about these conferences
and I am not responsible for the reputation of conferences. This is an
unofficial reference. If you are looking for a scientifically accurate
ranking please disregard this page. --OZ