Announcements (Fall 2001)
Assignment 5 - November 21, 2001
Assignment 5 has been posted
on-line. Please check the activities
page for more details.
Tomcat problems - November 21, 2001
The list of offenders (not killing tomcat) has been updated.
Project Demos - November 20, 2001
The demos for the term projects will be Monday, Dec. 3 and
Wednesday Dec. 5 in the AI and Database lab CSC 219. The list of
groups demo'ing on Monday of Wednesday will be posted later. You
should all plan for demo'ing on Monday. The list will be posted at the
"last minurte". All project reports are due on Wednesday Dec 5th.
Assignment 4 - November 10, 2001
Assignment 4 has been posted
on-line. As explained in class, it is about writing a DTD and coming
up with queries in different XML query languages. Please check the activities
page for more details.
Midterm - November 6, 2001
The solution for the midterm is on-line . Your midterm copies
can be collected from the TAs. See them at their office hours.
Slides 2- November 5, 2001
All slides from Lecture 1 to Lecture 9 are on-line in pdf
format. Some (1 to 7) are as browsable images and HTML too.
Grades - November 4, 2001
Grades for midterm are in the GradeBook. Grades for the
assignments 1, 2, and 3 should be there too.
Slides - October 22, 2001
All slides from Lecture 1 to Lecture 5 are on-line in pdf
format as well as browsable images and HTML.
Assignment 3 - October 21, 2001
Check the notes associated with Assignment 3. There is an
example for a database schema and an example for DDL script with
insertions of tuples. There is also a dataset example that you have to
have in your database for testing.
TA help - October 1, 2001
You can get extra help from TAs during their office hours.
Mondays 16:00 to 17:00 Qiang Ye (ATH 106)
Tuesdays 16:00 to 17:00 Mohammad El-Hajj (ATH 121)
You do not need to go exclusively to the TA of your
lab. Either Qiang or Mohammad can help you according to
disponibility during their respective office hours.
Lab D3 - October 1, 2001
As for next week, Lab D03 will be on Thursdays from 11:00 to
13:50 instead of Mondays.
Assignments 2 and 3 - September 26, 2001
Assignment 2 and assignment 3 have been posted
on-line. Please check the activities
page for more details.
Assignment 1 - September 25, 2001
Assignment 1 has been posted on-line. Please check the activities
page. The due date is set for October 3.
Classroom - September 24, 2001
The classroom for cmput 391 has changed. As of today, the new
classroom is BUS 1-6 in the Business building.
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