Refereed Journal Publications
Yisong Wang, Jia-Huai You, Li-Yan Yuan, Yi-Dong Shen, Mingyi Zhang. The loop formula based semantics of description logic programs. Theoretical Computer Science, Vol. 415, pages 60-85, Jan. 15, 2012.
Y. Wang and J. You and F. Lin and L. Yuan and M. Zhang. Weight constraint programs with evaluable functions. Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence, 1 June 2011, pp. 1-40.
Yisong Wang, Jia-Huai You, Li-Yan Yuan and Yi-Dong Shen Loop Formulas for Description Logic Programs Theory and Practice of Logic Programming Vol 10 (ICLP'10) Special Issue, page 531-545, July 2010.
Y. Shen and J.H. You and L.Y. Yuan. Characterizations of stable model semantics for logic programs with arbitrary constraint atoms, Theory and Practice of Logic Programming (TPLP), pp 529-564, Vol. 9, No. 4, July 2009.
L. Yuan and M. Xue. Xregion: A New Approach to Storing XML Data in Relational Databases. International Journal of Computer and Information Science, Vol 9, No. 2, 2008.
L. Yuan and M. Xue. Xregion: A New Approach to Storing XML Data in Relational Databases. International Journal of Computer and Information Science, Vol 9, No. 2, 2008.
Y. Shen, J. You, L. Yuan. Enhancing Global SLS-Resolution with Loop Cutting and Tabling Mechanisms, Theoretical Computer Science, Vol. 328(3):271-287 (2004).
J. You, L. Yuan, R. Goebel. An abductive approach to disjunctive logic programming Special Issue on Abduction, 44(1-3): 101-127, July 2000. J. You, X. Wang, L. Yuan. Compiling defeasible networks to general logic programs. Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 113(1-2), pp 247-268, 1999.
L.Y. Yuan and J.H. You. Coherence Approach to Logic Program Revision. IEEE Transaction on Knowledge and Data Engineering. Vol 10(1), Jan. 1998, pp. 108-119.
X. Wang, J.H. You, and L.Y. Yuan. A Default Interpretation of Defeasible Network. Proc. of IJCAI'97, page 156-162.
J.H. You and L.Y. Yuan. On the Equivalence of Semantics for Normal Logic Programs. Journal of Logic Programming , 22(1):79-89, 1995.
L.Y. Yuan. Autoepistemic logic of first order and its expressive power. Journal of Automated Reasoning, 13(1):69-82, 1994.
L.Y. Yuan. Logic Program Semantics and Circumscription of Autoepistemic Theoreis. Information Processing Letters, 50:159-164, 1994.
L.Y. Yuan and J.H. You. Autoepistemic circumscription and logic programming. Journal of Automated Reasoning, 10:143-160,1993.
L.Y. Yuan and Z.M. Ozsoyoglu. Design of desirable relational database schemes. Journal of Computer and System Science, 45(3):435-470, 1992.
L.Y. Yuan and J.H. You. Coherence Approach to Logic Program Revision. IEEE Transaction on Knowledge and Data Engineering. Vol 10(1), Jan. 1998, pp. 108-119.
J.H. You and L.Y. Yuan. On the Equivalence of Semantics for Normal Logic Programs. Journal of Logic Programming , 22(1):79-89, 1995.
L.Y. Yuan. Autoepistemic logic of first order and its expressive power. Journal of Automated Reasoning, 13(1):69-82, 1994.
L.Y. Yuan. Logic Program Semantics and Circumscription of Autoepistemic Theoreis. Information Processing Letters, 50:159-164, 1994.
J.H. You and L.Y. Yuan. A three-valued semantics of deductive databases and logic programs. Journal of Computer and System Science, 49:334-361, 1994.
K. Wang and L.Y. Yuan. First order logic characterization of program properties. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, 6(4), 1994.
J.H. You, L. Li and L.Y. Yuan. Construction of Belief Sets for Logic Programs and Default Theories. Journal of Computers and Artificial Intelligence, 49:334-361, 1994.
L.Y. Yuan and J.H. You. Autoepistemic circumscription and logic programming. Journal of Automated Reasoning, 10:143-160,1993.
L.Y. Yuan and Z.M. Ozsoyoglu. Design of desirable relational database schemes. Journal of Computer and System Science, 45(3):435-470, 1992.
L.Y. Yuan and Z.M. Ozsoyoglu. Unifying FDs and MVDs for relational database design. Information Science, 59(3):189-211, 1992.
K. Wang and L.Y. Yuan. Preservation of integrity constraints in definite datalog programs. Information Processing Letters, 44(4):185-193, 1992.
Other Refereed Contributions
Yisong Wang, Thomas Eiter, Jia-Huai You, LiYan Yuan, and Yi-Dong Shen, Eliminating Nonmonotonic DL-atoms in Description Logic Programs, Proc. of 7th International Conference on Web Reasoning and Rule Systems, July 27, 2013.
C Wang, LY Yuan, JH You, OR Zaiane and J Pein. Pruning for Top-K Ranking in Uncertain Databases. THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE VLDB ENDOWMENT 4 (July 2011): 598-609.
Y. Wang, J. You, L.Y. Yuan and Y Shen, Normal Description Logic Programs as Default Theories" Paper, Proc. of Thirty Years of Nonmonotonic Reasoning Thirty Years of Nonmonotonic Reasoning, , Lexington, Oct 22, 2010.
Chonghai Wang, Li-Yan Yuan, Jia-Huai You, Top-k ranking for uncertain data. Proc. of FSKD, 2010, 363 - 368, Seventh International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery, China, Yantai, Aug. 10, 2010.
Y. Wang, J. You, L.Y. Yuan, M. Zhang, Weight constraint programs with functions, Proc. 9th International Conference on Logic Programming and Nonmonotonic Reasoning,, 329-341 9th International Conference on Logic Programming and Nonmonotonic Reasoning,, Germany, Sept. 14, 2009.
C. Wang, L.Y. Yuan and J. You, A ranking theory for uncertain data with constraints, Proc. the 2nd IEEE International Con- ference on Computer Science and Information Technology, 104-108 the 2nd IEEE International Con- ference on Computer Science and Information Technology, China, Beijing, Aug 8, 2009.
JH You, LY Yuan, G Liu and Y Shen. Logic programs with abstract constraints: representation, disjunction and complexities. In Proc. 9th International Conference on Logic Programming and Nonmonotonic Reasoning, 228-240, Tempe, AZ, USA. May 2007. Springer.
L. Yuan, M. Xue. Xregion: A structure-based approach to Storing XML Data in Relational Databases. Proceedings of Eighth ACIS International Conference on Software Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, Networking, and Parallel/Distributed Computing (SNPD 2007), 544-551, Qingdao, China. July 2007. IEEE Computer Society.
J.H. You, G. Liu, L.Y. Yuan, C. Onuczko Lookahead in Smodels Compared to Local Consistencies in CSP Proc. LPNMR '05 , Sept. 2005, pages 266-278.
X. Jia, J. You, L. Yuan. \newblock Adding domain dependent knowledge to answer set programs for planning. Proc. ICLP '04 , Sept. 2004.
J. You, L Yuan and M. Zhange. On the equivalence between answer sets and models of completion for nested logic programs. Proc. IJCAI-03 , August 2003.
N. Zhou, Y. Shen, L. Yuan, and J. You. Implementation of a linear tabling mechanism. Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Practical Aspects of Declarative Languages, pp.109-123, 2000.
Y. Shen, L. Yuan, J. You, N. Zhou. "Linear tabulated resolution for the well-founded semantics." LNAI 1730, pp 192-205, 1999.
L. Yuan, J. You, R. Goebel. "Disjunctive Logic Programming and Autoepistemic Logic" Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence}, 1470, pages 85-101, 1998.
L. Yuan, J. You, R. Goebel. "Disjunctive logic programming and possible model semantics (invited)." In LNAI 1441, eds. W. Wobcke, M. Pagnucco, and C. Zhang, 1998, pp 60-79.
J. You, L. Yuan, R. Goebel. "An abductive semantics for disjunctive logic programs and its proof procedure." Proc. 17th Foundations of Software Technology and Theoretical Computer Science, LNCS 1346, pp 138-153, Kharagpur, India, Dec 1997.
X. Wang, J. You, and L.Y. Yuan. A Default Interpretation of Defeasible Network. In Proc. of International Joint Conference on Artifical Intelligence , papges 156-162, 1997.
J. You, X. Wang, and L.Y. Yuan. Disjunctive Logic Programming as Constrained Inferences. In Proc. of the 14th International Conference on Logic Programming , June 1997, pages 156-162.
X. Wang, J.H. You and L.Y. Yuan. Logic programming without default negation revisited. In Proc. IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Processing Systems '97, ICIPS97, Beijing, PRC, Oct. 1997, pages 1169-1174.
J. You, L. Yuan, R. Goebel. An abductive semantics for disjunctive logic programs and its proof procedure. In Proc. 17th Foundations of Software Technology and Theoretical Computer Science, India, LNCS 1346, pages 138-153, Dec 1997.
X. Wang, J. You, and L.Y. Yuan. On Confluence Property of Active Databases with Meta-Rules , In Proceedings of the Third International Workshop, Lecture Notes in Computer Science Vol. 1312, page 118-132, 1997.
X. Wang, J. You, and L.Y. Yuan. Nonmonotonic reasoning by monotonic inferences with priority constraints. In Nonmonotonic Extensions of Logic Programming, LNAI, J. Dix, P. Pereira, and T. Przymusinski (des), 1997.
X. Wang, J. You, and L.Y. Yuan. Circumscription by Inference Rules with Priority. In Proc. of 12th European Confernce on Artificial Intelligence, Aug. 1996, page 110-114.
Q. Wang, L.Y. Yuan, M.Zuo, and M. Rao.
Intelligent Manufacturing System for Chemical Process.
In Proc. of the IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and
Cybernitics, pages 2582-2587, Oct. 1995.
J.H. You, S. Ghosh, L.Y. Yuan, and R. Goebel.
An Introspective Framework for Paraconsistent Logic Programming.
In Proc. of the 1995 International Logic Programming
Symposium, 1995.
L.Y. Yuan and J.H. You.
On the Extension of Logic Programming with Negation through
Uniform Proofs.
In Proc. of the 3rd International Conference on Logic
Programming and Non-monotonic Reasoning,
Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 928, pages 231-244,
J.H. You and L.Y. Yuan.
Logic Programming with Assumption Denial.
In Non-Monotonic Extensions of Logic Programming,
edited by J. Dix, L.M. Perira, and T.C. Przymusinski,
Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 927, pages 85-100,
L.Y. Yuan and J.H. You.
On Coherence Approach to Logic Program Revision.
In Proc. of the 12th International Conference
on Logic Programming, pages 167-181, 1995.
L.Y. Yuan and J.H. You.
Knowledge Base Revision Using Circumscription.
In Proc. of the Third International Conference
on Deductive and Object-Oriented Databases, LNCS
vol. 760, pages 444-458, 1993.
M. Rao, Q. Wang, L.Y. Yuan and M. Zuo.
Framework of Computer Integrated Process Systems.
In Proc. of the Second IEEE Conference on Control Applications
, pages 697-702, 1993.
L.Y. Yuan and J.H. You.
The Alternating Semantics for Default Theories and Logic
In Proc. of the Sixth Joint Australia Conference on
AI, pages 77-82, 1993.
Y. Hu and L.Y. Yuan.
Extended well-founded model semantics for general logic programs.
In Proc. of the 8th International Conference on Logic
Programming, pages 412-425, 1991.
K. Wang and L.Y. Yuan.
First order logic reducible programs.
In Proc. of the 7th IEEE Data Engineering Conference, pages
746-755, 1991.
K. Wang and L.Y. Yuan.
Incremental database design revisited.
In Proc. of ICCI'91, Lecture Notes in Computer Science,
Vol. 497, pages 219-230, 1991.
L.Y. Yuan.
On semantics, syntactics and fixpoints of general programs.
In Proc. of ICCI'91, Lecture Notes in Computer Science,
Vol. 497, pages 709-721, 1991.
L.Y. Yuan, J. You, and C. Wang.
A proof-theoretic framework for nonmonotonic reasoning and logic
In Proc. of ICCI'91, Lecture Notes in Computer Science,
Vol. 497, pages 699-708, 1991.
L. Willard and L.Y. Yuan.
The revised Gardenfors postulates and update semantics.
In Proc. of 3rd International Conference on Database Theory,
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 470, pages 409-421, 1990.
J.H. You and L.Y. Yuan.
Three valued formalization of logic programming: Is it needed ?
In Proc. of the 8th ACM PODS, pages 172-192, 1990.
L.Y. Yuan and J.H. You.
Discriminate circumscription.
In Proc. of the 10th Conference on Foundation of Software
Technology and Theoretical Computer Science, Lecture Notes in Computer
Science, Vol. 472, pages 22-32, 1990.
L.Y. Yuan and J.H You.
Justification rules and justified model semantics.
In Proc. of Pacific Rim International Conference on AI, pages
822-827, 1990.