import urllib2 import os ''' - Select the setting before you run the script. - To download the full dataset, set everything "True" ''' # Select one or more of the video categories ORIENTED_TASKS = False COMPOSITE_TASKS = True ROBOT_TASKS = False # Select one or more of the Light Conditions NORMAL_LIGHT = True DIFFUSE_LIGHT = False def download_files(url_base_path, url_gt_path, sequences, speed): for i in sequences: for j in speed: if ORIENTED_TASKS == True: url = url_base_path + i + j + '.zip' url_gt = url_gt_path + i + j + '.txt' else: url = url_base_path + i + '.zip' url_gt = url_gt_path + i + '.txt' file_name = url.split('/')[-1] file_name_gt = url_gt.split('/')[-1] u = urllib2.urlopen(url) u_gt = urllib2.urlopen(url_gt) f = open(file_name, 'wb') f_gt = open(file_name_gt, 'wb') meta = meta_gt = file_size = int(meta.getheaders("Content-Length")[0]) print "Downloading: %s Bytes: %s" % (file_name, file_size) file_size_dl = 0 block_sz = 17984 while True: buffer = buffer_gt = if not buffer: break file_size_dl += len(buffer) f.write(buffer) f_gt.write(buffer_gt) status = r"%10d [%3.2f%%]" % (file_size_dl, file_size_dl * 100. / file_size) status = status + chr(8)*(len(status)+1) print status, f.close() f_gt.close() if ORIENTED_TASKS == True: speed = ['1', '2', '3', '4', '5'] if NORMAL_LIGHT == True: sequences = ['nl_bookI_s', 'nl_bookII_s', 'nl_bookIII_s', 'nl_mugI_s', 'nl_mugII_s', 'nl_mugIII_s', 'nl_cereal_s', 'nl_juice_s'] url_base_path = "" url_gt_path = "" download_files(url_base_path, url_gt_path, sequences, speed) if DIFFUSE_LIGHT == True: sequences = ['dl_bookI_s', 'dl_bookII_s', 'dl_bookIII_s', 'dl_mugI_s', 'dl_mugII_s', 'dl_mugIII_s', 'dl_cereal_s', 'dl_juice_s'] url_base_path = "" url_gt_path = "" download_files(url_base_path, url_gt_path, sequences, speed) if COMPOSITE_TASKS == True: speed = ['1'] if NORMAL_LIGHT == True: sequences = ['nl_bus', 'nl_newspaper', 'nl_letter', 'nl_highlighting'] url_base_path = "" url_gt_path = "" download_files(url_base_path, url_gt_path, sequences, speed) if DIFFUSE_LIGHT == True: url_base_path = "" url_gt_path = "" download_files(url_base_path, url_gt_path, sequences, speed) if ROBOT_TASKS == True: speed = ['1'] sequences = ['robot_cereal', 'robot_juice', 'robot_mugI', 'robot_mugII', 'robot_mugIII', 'robot_bookI', 'robot_bookII', 'robot_bookIII'] if NORMAL_LIGHT == True: url_base_path = "" url_gt_path = "" download_files(url_base_path, url_gt_path, sequences, speed) if DIFFUSE_LIGHT == True: print 'No Diffuse Light Data'