Visual Task Specification

In today's world robots work well in structured environments where they complete tasks autonomously and accurately. This is evident from industrial robotics. However, in unstructured and dynamic environments such as for instance homes, hospitals or areas affected by disasters, robots are still not able to be of much assistance. Commercially available autonomous robots can vacuume, but cannot handle more complex scenarios like clearing a cluttered table. Moreover, robotics research has focused on topics such as mechatronics design, control and autonomy, while fewer works pay attention to human-robot interfacing. This results in an increasing gap between expectations of robotics technology and its real world capabilities.

In this work we present a human robot interface for semi-autonomous human-in-the-loop control, that aims to tackle some of the challenges for robotics in unstructured environments. The interface lets a user specify tasks for a robot to complete using uncalibrated visual servoing. Visual servoing is a technique that uses visual input to control a robot. In particular, uncalibrated visual servoing works well in unstructured environments since we don not rely on calibration or other modelling.

The picture of the tablet is taken from here, with our interface inserted

Visual Tasks

As mentioned above we want the user to define high-level actions for the robot. To this end we work with visual tasks as presented in [1]. The authors informally characterize a positioning task as the objective of bringing a robot to a target in its workspace. We can describe the pose of the robot and the target using features or combinations of features that we observe through visual input. For example, a task can be to move the robot end-effector towards a bottle that it is supposed to pick up.

We include the following tasks in our work: point-to-point, point-to-line, point-to-ellipse, line-to-line and parallel lines. Point-to-point, point-to-line and point-to-ellipse tasks align the robot end-effector with a point, line or ellipse in the workspace. Line-to-line tasks bring two lines together, whereas a parallel lines tasks make two lines parallel.

As we learn from [1], these simple geometric constrains can be combined to create higher level tasks. We want to tackle the challenge of how this can be done in practice. We want to find out how the geometric constraints behave in a real system and what the best strategies are for using them to creating higher-level tasks.

[1] J. P. Hespanha, Z. Dodds, G. D. Hager, and A. S. Morse, “What tasks can be performed with an uncalibrated stereo vision system?” Int. J. Comput. Vision, vol. 35, no. 1, pp. 65–85, Nov. 1999.


The main contribution of this thesis is twofold. We explore whether and how we can use combinations of simple geometric primitives for task specification as put forward by previous work. We also create a user interface that facilitates the interaction for task specification. The interface lets users visually specify high-level tasks for a robot to complete. Our work involves manipulation with a robot arm. However, this interface is general and can be included in any system that uses visual servoing to control robot movement. The interface facilitates our exploration of task specification in a real world system.

A picture of the visual interface can be seen below. The example task is to place the black tray in the toolbox. The interface includes several trackers. The user can set points and create shapes. In the task below the user has combined a parallel lines task in blue, with a line-to-line task in purple and a green point-to-point task.


As mentioned above, our work not only aims to create an interface for visual servoing, but also to explore what tasks can and cannot be done within this framework. Moreover, we explore the ease of user interaction, which contributes to the feasibility of the task specification approach and interface.

We have created a system that can specify a versatile set of tasks including both coarse and fine manipulation. Visual servoing has the advantage over many other systems because of its potential to accomplish fine manipulation tasks that are out of reach for 3D sensors like the Kinect. In our experiments we explore both coarse and fine manipulation tasks, but focus on fine manipulation. We want tasks that span a range of useful actions. Furthermore, we want to make sure that we test all types of geometric constraints provided in our interface. The tasks we have chosen are: inserting a pen in a cap, inserting a cube into a narrow opening, following a line, grasping a circular lid, grasping a small screw and cutting along a line. Pictures of the marker in cap task can be seen below.

In the experiments we are able to perform some of the tasks, while others fail. We explain how we arrived at the different task specifications. For the tasks that fail we try to reason about why that is the case. We also discuss knowledge we have gained during the work with our system and present some strategies for successfull task specification.


I have uploaded the thesis document here.