This page may not be updated as frequently as the git repo so please refer to the ReadMe in the Config folder of the main repo for the latest version of this document.
Input parameters can be specified in 7 plain text files called mtf.cfg, modules.cfg, feat.cfg, examples.cfg, thirdparty.cfg, sigma.cfg and multi.cfg (located in this folder by default) where each line specifies the value of one parameter as: <param_name><tab><param_val>. If these files are present in some other folder, its path can be specified at runtime as runMTF config_dir <directory containing the cfg files>
Note that all parameters described here or present in mtf.cfg, modules.cfg, feat.cfg, examples.cfg and thirdparty.cfg can be specified in either of these files since all files are read sequentially - this split is done only for convenience so that mtf.cfg contains parameters relevant to the tracking task in general or common to multiple modules/examples/trackers and the other four files contain parameters specific to MTF modules, feature detectors/descriptors, example applications and third party trackers respectively; if a parameter is specified in multiple files, its value in a later file will override that in the earlier ones;
sigma.cfg specifies a list of standard deviations and means along with respective IDs that can be used as input arguments (in modules.cfg and examples.cfg) for stochastic modules like NN, PF and RegNet to specify the Gaussian distributions from where these will draw samples;
multi.cfg specifies configurations for individual trackers in multi tracker setups like CascadeTracker/ParallelTracker for single object tracking or when tracking multiple objects simultaneously.
The parameters that can be specified here are same as in the last two files and will override the values specified there for each specific tracker thus enabling different trackers to have independent settings.
The settings for two trackers should be separated by an empty line. Also note that the changes made by specifying parameters in multi.cfg are global, i.e. if the value specified for a specific parameter for one tracker will be used for all subsequent trackers too unless overridden again.
Note: If the value of any parameter is prefixed by #, it is ignored and its default value in parameters.h, if any, is used instead. Similarly any line that starts with # is treated as a comment and hence ignored. Also argument names are supposed to start with a letter so any numbers or special characters at the beginning of any argument name (except # of course) are ignored and only the part starting at the first letter is considered as the name. This can be used to assign numeric IDs to arguments if needed (e.g. as done in sigma.cfg)
The parameters can also be specified from the command line through a list of argument pairs as follows:
runMTF <arg_name_1> <arg_val_1> <arg_name_2> <arg_val2> .... <arg_name_n> <arg_val_n>
where the valid values of arg_name and arg_val are same as in the cfg files - these arguments will override the values specified in those files in case both are provided;
any invalid values for arg_name will be ignored along with its arg_val;
Following are some of important parameters, their brief descriptions and possible values:
Parameter: 'pipeline' Description: input video pipeline Possible Values: c: OpenCV If ViSP is enabled during compilation: v: ViSP If Xvision is enabled during compilation: x: Xvision Parameter: 'img_source' Description: input video source/stream Possible Values: m: MPEG video file(OpenCV can read AVI files too) j: JPEG image files (some other common formats line PNG and BMP are supported too) u: USB camera f: Firewire camera (only ViSP and Xvision pipelines; USB camera option(u) can be used to access Firewire cameras with OpenCV as long as no USB cameras are attached too) p: PointGrey Firewire camera (accessed using the FlyCapture SDK - only ViSP pipelines; Parameter: 'actor_id' Description: integral index of the dataset (or "actor") to use out of the possible datasets hard coded in datasets.h; used in conjunction with the parameter 'seq_id' to get the source name; only matters if both are non negative Possible Values: 0: TMT 1: UCSB 2: LinTrack 3: PAMI 4: TFMT 5: METAIO 6: CMT 7: VOT 8: VOT16 9: VTB 10: VIVID 11: TrakMark 12: LinTrackShort 13: Mosaic 14: Misc 15: Synthetic 16: Live Note: the first 10 datasets in a ready to use format can be downloaded from the MTF website: Parameter: 'db_root_path' Description: location of the root directory that contains the files for all datasets (or 'actors'); for JPEG file the full path is constructed as: db_root_path/actor/seq_name/*.seq_fmt; for MPEG/Video file the full path is constructed as: db_root_path/actor/seq_name.seq_fmt; Parameter: 'seq_id'/'source_id' Description: integral index of the sequence name to use out of the sequences hard coded in datasets.h; used in conjunction with the parameter 'actor_id' to get the sequence name; only matters if both are non negative Possible Values: refer datasets.h for details of what each index means for each actor type; following are the valid (inclusive) ranges for different actors: TMT: 0-108 UCSB: 0-95 LinTrack: 0-2 PAMI: 0-27 METAIO: 0-39 CMT: 0-19 VOT: 0-99 VTB: 0-24 VIVID: 0-8 Synthetic: 0-2 Live: 0-1 Parameter: 'seq_name'/'source_name' Description: name of the input video file (for MPEG source) or folder (for JPEG source); overridden if both the parameters 'seq_id' and 'actor_id' are non-negative; ignored if a camera stream is being used; Parameter: 'seq_path'/'source_path' Description: only matters for Xvision pipeline and camera streams; specifies the path of the camera device to use Possible Values: depend on the number and types of camera attached to the system; following are common values for the two camera types: /dev/video0: USB /dev/fw1: Firewire for OpenCV pipeline with USB camera source, it should be an integer ID specifying the camera (e.g. 0 for the first camera, 1 for the second camera and so on.) Parameter: 'seq_fmt'/'source_fmt' Description: file extension for image and video file streams; any special formatting strings to be passed to the Xvision initializer for camera streams; Possible Values: jpg: JPEG image files mpg: MPEG video file avi: AVI video file (only OpenCV pipeline) if XVision pipeline is used with a camera source, this can be used to pass any formatting strings specifying the resolution, FPS and other relevant options. Parameter: 'pre_proc_type' Description: type of filtering to use to pre process the raw input images before feeding them to the trackers Possible Values: -1/raw: Disable pre processing - raw images acquired by input pipeline are passed to the tracker unchanged this will only work if the raw image format (typically CV_8UC3 or 3 channel 8 bit unsigned integral) is compatible with that required by the tracker; even when no filtering is used (pre_proc_type = 0), the pre processing module still converts the input images to the correct channels and precision; 0/none: No filtering 1/gauss: Gaussian filtering 2/med: Median filtering 3/box: Box Average filtering 4/bil: Bilinear filtering 5/aniso: Anisotropic Diffusion (also called Perona-Malik Diffusion: 6/sobel: Sobel filtering Parameter: 'pre_proc_hist_eq' Description: perform histogram equalization as part of pre processing Possible Values: 0: Disable (default) 1: Enable Parameter: 'uchar_input' Description: use 8 bit unsigned integral images of type CV_8UC1/CV_8UC3 as input to trackers rather than 32 bit floating point variants (CV_32FC1/CV_32FC3) enabling this can provide a small increase in speed but sometimes at the cost of a slight loss in precision especially if filtering or gray scale conversion is enabled Possible Values: 0: Disable (default) 1: Enable Parameter: 'invert_seq' Description: invert the input sequence, i.e. read its images in the reverse order with the last image being read first and the first one last; ignored if a camera stream is being used; Possible Values: 0: Disable (default) 1: Enable Parameter: 'img_resize_factor' Description: factor by which the input images are resized before being used for tracking; this is the size ratio of the tracked image to the input image so that a value smaller than 1 means that the tracked image will be smaller than the input one. Parameter: 'input_buffer_size' Description: no. of frames read and stored in the buffer in advance. Parameter: 'read_obj_from_file' Description: read initial location of the object to be tracked from the text file specified by 'read_obj_fname' where they were previously written to by enabling 'write_objs'; this is meant to avoid having to specify a custom initialization locations for one or more trackers repeatedly Possible Values: 0: Disable (default) 1: Enable Parameter: 'read_obj_fname' Description: name of the text file where the initial location of the object to be tracked will be read from; only matters if read_objs is 1 Parameter: 'read_obj_from_gt' Description: read initial object location from a ground truth file present in the same directory as the input source file; matters only if a file stream is being used; the format of this file should be identical to the ground truth files for the TMT dataset available here: Possible Values: 0: Disable 1: Enable Parameter: 'use_opt_gt' Description: use optimized low DOF ground truth instead of the normal one; this can be generated from the normal ground truth using or scripts in PTF; Possible Values: 0: Disable 1: Enable Parameter: 'opt_gt_ssm' Description: SSM corresponding to the optimized low DOF ground truth that is to be used; only matters if 'use_opt_gt' is enabled; Parameter: 'use_reinit_gt' Description: use reinitialization ground truth instead of the normal one; this only differs from normal ground truth is optimized low DOF ground truth is being used, i.e. if use_opt_gt is enabled too; this can be generated from the normal ground truth using script in PTF; Possible Values: 0: Disable 1: Enable Parameter: 'reinit_gt_from_bin' Description: read reinitialization ground truth from binary file instead of ASCII text files; this can be generated from the normal ground truth using script in PTF; Possible Values: 0: Disable 1: Enable Applies to: runMTF Parameter: 'sel_quad_obj' Description: select an arbitrary quadrilateral as the bounding box that defines the object to be tracked; this involves selecting the 4 corners by clicking at each; if disables, a rectangular object is selected instead by clicking on its two opposite corners; only matters if a live/camera video stream is used or object selection from ground truth is disabled; Applies to: all examples
Parameter: 'vp_usb_n_buffers' Description: No. of buffers to use for USB camera source Parameter: 'vp_usb_res' Description: Image resolution for USB camera source Possible Values: default/0: Default 640x480/1: 640 x 480 800x600/2: 800 x 600 1024x768/3: 1024 x 768 1280x720/4: 1280 x 720 1920x1080/5: 1920 x 1080 Parameter: 'vp_usb_fps' Description: Video speed in frames per second (FPS) for USB camera source Possible Values: default/0: Default 25/1: 25 50/2: 50 Parameter: 'vp_fw_fps' Description: Video speed in frames per second (FPS) for Firewire or PointGrey camera source Possible Values: default/0: Default 15/1: 15 30/2: 30 60/3: 60 120/4: 120 240/5: 240 7.5/6: 7.5 (only PointGrey) 3.75/7: 3.75 (only PointGrey) 1.875/8: 1.875 (only PointGrey) Parameter: 'vp_fw_res' Description: Image resolution for Firewire or PointGrey camera source Possible Values: default/0: Default 640x480/1: 640 x 480 800x600/2: 800 x 600 1024x768/3: 1024 x 768 1280x960/4: 1280 x 960 1600x1200/5: 1600 x 1200 Parameter: 'vp_fw_depth' Description: Image color depth / format for Firewire or PointGrey camera source Possible Values: default/0: Default rgb/1: RGB yuv422/2: YUV422 mono8/3: Monochrome/greyscale 8 bit mono16/4: Monochrome/greyscale 16 bit Parameter: 'vp_fw_iso' Description: ISO mode for Firewire source Possible Values: default/0: Default 100/1: ISO100 200/2: ISO200 400/3: ISO400 800/4: ISO800 1600/5: ISO1600 3200/6: ISO3200 Parameter: 'vp_fw_print_info' Description: Print detailed info for Firewire or PointGrey camera source Parameter: 'vp_pg_fw_shutter_ms' Description: Shutter speed in ms for PointGrey camera source Possible Values: 0: Default < 0: auto > 0: manual Parameter: 'vp_pg_fw_gain' Description: Gain for PointGrey camera source Possible Values: 0: Default < 0: auto > 0: manual Parameter: 'vp_pg_fw_exposure' Description: Exposure for PointGrey camera source Possible Values: 0: Default < 0: auto > 0: manual Parameter: 'vp_pg_fw_brightness' Description: Brightness for PointGrey camera source Possible Values: 0: Default < 0: auto > 0: manual
Parameter: 'mtf_visualize' Description: show the result of tracking from frame to frame in an OpenCV window; if a single object is being tracked, this is shown as a red bounding box; subsequent objects are shown in other colours defined in Utilities/src/; disabling it can speed up the overall tracking speed by eliminating the delay caused by drawing the object locations on the current frame; useful for benchmarking and batch mode testing; Possible Values: 0: Disable 1: Enable Applies to: runMTF, extractPatch, trackUAVTrajectory, diagnoseMTF Parameter: 'obj_cols' Description: colours in which the bounding boxes of the tracked objects are shown in; this is specified as a comma separated list of colour names; if the number of tracked objects exceeds the number of specified colours, the list will be circled back; Possible Values: Refer to [this page]( or "col_rgb" in Utilities/src/ for a list of available colours; Parameter: 'show_ground_truth' Description: show the current location of the object in the ground truth in an OpenCV window; this is always shown as a green color bounding box; only matters if mtf_visualize is enabled and the conditions required for ground truth to be available as specified for show_tracking_error are satisfied; Possible Values: 0: Disable 1: Enable Parameter: 'gt_col' Description: colour in which the bounding box of the ground truth is shown in; Possible Values: Refer to [this page]( or "col_rgb" in Utilities/src/ for a list of available colours; Parameter: 'fps_col' Description: colour in which the text showing the FPS and other tracking info will be shown in; Possible Values: Refer to [this page]( or "col_rgb" in Utilities/src/ for a list of available colours; Parameter: 'show_tracking_error' Description: show the the tracking error between the tracking result and the ground truth in the OpenCV window; the metric used for computing this error is specified in tracking_err_type; only matters if read_objs_from_gt is enabled and a file input source (video or image) is used; a valid text file containing the ground truth for all the frames in the source should also be present; Possible Values: 0: Disable 1: Enable Parameter: 'show_jaccard_error' Description: compute and show the the Jaccard error between the tracking result and the ground truth in the OpenCV window; only matters if show_tracking_error is enabled and the conditions specified for it to work are satisfied; this can be useful if both MCD/CLE and Jaccard error need to be shown together for comparative analysis; Possible Values: 0: Disable 1: Enable Parameter: 'show_proc_img' Description: Show the pre processed images in a separate window. Possible Values: 0: Disable 1: Enable Applies to: runMTF, mexMTF Parameter: 'pause_after_frame' Description: pause tracking after each frame; pressing space bar will resume tracking; pressing any other key (except Esc) will move to next frame (Esc will exit the program); Possible Values: 0: Disable 1: Enable Parameter: 'print_corners' Description: show the x,y coordinates of the corners of the bounding region (usually a box with 4 corners) representing the tracker location on the terminal Possible Values: 0: Disable 1: Enable Parameter: 'print_fps' Description: show the current tracking speed in frames per second (FPS) on the terminal Possible Values: 0: Disable 1: Enable Parameter: 'write_tracking_data' Description: write tracking result, i.e. the coordinates of the bounding box/region representing the tracked object location in each frame to a text file; only matters if a single object is being tracked; only supported in runMTF; Possible Values: 0: Disable 1: Enable Parameter: 'overwrite_gt' Description: overwrite ground truth file with the tracking result; only matters if 'write_tracking_data' is enabled and a single object is being tracked; can be useful when tracking is used to generate or refine ground truth (e.g. in coordination with script in PTF); only supported in runMTF; Possible Values: 0: Disable 1: Enable Parameter: 'tracking_data_fname' Description: name of the file to which the tracking result is written; if not specified, then a name is generated from the SM, AM and SSM used to construct the tracker; only matters if 'write_tracking_data' is enabled, a single object is being tracked and 'overwrite_gt' is disabled; only supported in runMTF; Possible Values: 0: Disable 1: Enable Parameter: 'write_objs' Description: write the manually selected initial object location to the text file specified by 'write_obj_fname'; only matters if manual selection is enabled by disabling both 'read_objs' and 'read_obj_from_gt'; this is meant to avoid having to specify a custom initialization locations for one or more trackers repeatedly Possible Values: 0: Disable (default) 1: Enable Parameter: 'write_obj_fname' Description: name of the text file where the initial location of the object to be tracked will be written to; only matters if manual selection is enabled by disabling both 'read_objs' and 'read_obj_from_gt' and enabling 'write_objs' Parameter: 'write_tracking_error' Description: write all 3 types of tracking errors - MCD, CLE and Jaccard - to a text file; only matters if a single object is being tracked and ground truth is available; Possible Values: 0: Disable 1: Enable Applies to: runMTF Parameter: 'write_tracking_sr' Description: compute, show and write the tracking success rate (SR) for a range of error thresholds as specified by sr_err_thresh; the mean SR over all thresholds is displayed and also written to the tracking stats file (if write_tracking_data is enabled); the SR and corresponding thresholds are also written to a text file; only matters if a single object is being tracked and ground truth is available; Possible Values: 0: Disable 1: Enable Applies to: runMTF Parameter: 'sr_err_thresh' Description: a three element tuple res,low,high specifying the error thresholds used for computing the SR; thresholds are in the range [low, high] with res being the number of thresholds which must be an integer > 0; only matters if write_tracking_sr is enabled Parameter: 'record_frames' Description: record the frames containing the output of the executable into a video file; if write_tracking_data is enabled, only raw frames are written otherwise the tracked objects and other tracking information are drawn onto the frames before writing them; enabling this may significantly decrease the overall tracking speed Possible Values: 0: Disable 1: Enable Applies to: runMTF, showGroundTruth Parameter: 'record_frames_fname' Description: name of the video file into which the output frames are recorded; if this is not specified, a name is constructed from some relevant parameters Parameter: 'record_frames_dir' Description: path of the directory where the recorded video file is saved; if this is not specified, a folder called "log" in the current working folder is used; this folder is created automatically if it does not exist Parameter: 'tracker_labels' Description: optional label to attach to each tracked object; if multiple objects are being tracked, labels can be provided for each separated by commas; if not specified, then the tracker name is used by default; only used in runMTF; Parameter: 'line_thickness' Description: thickness of the line used for drawing the bounding box that represents the current location of the tracker and/or the ground truth Applies to: all examples Parameter: 'show_corner_ids' Description: show the numerical ID of each bounding box corner along with drawing the box itself; these IDs are 0-based and increase anti clockwise starting from the top left corner; note that this convention is defined with respect to the initial orientation of the object; if the object rotates in the course of being tracked, the corner with ID 0 might no longer remain in the top left of its new orientation; Applies to: all examples
Parameter: 'debug_mode' Description: enable debug messages in some of the modules - this is a rather obsolete parameter that will soon be removed; several modules have their own debug mode parameters in modules.cfg Parameter: 'enable_nt' Description: use the non templated (NT) implementation of the SM; this is enabled automatically if the templated versions are disabled during compilation; Parameter: 'frame_gap' Description: gap between consecutive frames that are used for tracking; this can be used to skip frames from the input pipeline, for example, to simulate fast motion; Parameter: 'invalid_state_check' Description: enable checking if the location provided by the tracker is valid where a valid location is defined as one that does not contain any NaN or Inf values and, if the ground truth is available, whose error w.r.t. the ground truth location is smaller than the value specified in 'invalid_state_err_thresh'; the program exits if tracking state is found to be invalid; Parameter: 'invalid_state_err_thresh' Description: maximum error of the tracked location w.r.t. the ground truth for the tracking state to be considered valid; the method used for computing the error is specified in 'tracking_err_type'; Parameter: 'init_frame_id' Description: id of the frame at which the tracker is to be initialized in case tracking is desired to be started in the middle of the sequence rather than the beginning; Possible Values: should be between 0 and no_of_frames-1 Parameter: 'start_frame_id' Description: id of the frame after which the tracking actually starts; can be used to start tracking in the middle of the sequence but still initialize in the first frame; only matters if it is greater than init_frame_id; only works with trackers that have setRegion function implemented (none of the third party trackers currently do); also the ground truth must be available at least up to the starting frame; Possible Values: should be between 0 and no_of_frames-1 Parameter: 'end_frame_id' Description: id of the frame at which tracking is terminated Possible Values: should be greater than init_frame_id and start_frame_id and less than no_of_frames; Parameter: 'tracking_err_type' Description: method used for computing the tracking error; Possible Values: 0: Mean Corner Distance or MCD error - mean euclidean distance between the corners of the two bounding boxes 1: Center Location Error or CLE - euclidean distance between the centroids of the two bounding boxes 2: Jaccard Error - ratio of intersection to union between the two bounding boxes Parameter: 'reinit_at_each_frame' Description: reinitialize tracker from ground truth at each frame so that tracking is only done from frame to frame; if it is > 1, reinitialization is done after the specified number of frames rather than at each frame; only works when a dataset sequence is used and its ground truth is available; normally used for testing tracker on synthetic sequences or for filling in incomplete ground truth; Parameter: 'reset_at_each_frame' Description: reset tracker to the ground truth at each frame; if it is > 1, resetting is done after the specified number of frames rather than at each frame; unlike the previous option, here the template remains unchanged; only works when a dataset sequence is used and its ground truth is available; only matters if reinit_at_each_frame is 0; Parameter: 'reset_to_init' Description: reset tracker to the ground truth location at each frame; if it is > 1, resetting is done after the specified number of frames rather than at each frame; unlike the previous option, here the template remains unchanged; only works when a dataset sequence is used and its ground truth is available; only matters if reinit_at_each_frame is 0; Applies to: runMTF Parameter: 'reinit_on_failure' Description: reinitialize tracker when it fails, i.e. when its MCD/Jaccard/CL error goes above err_thresh; only works when a dataset sequence is used and its ground truth is available; Possible Values: 0: Disable 1: Enable Applies to: runMTF Parameter: 'reinit_err_thresh' Description: tracking error threshold at which the tracker is reinitialized; only matters if 'reinit_on_failure' is enabled; Applies to: runMTF Parameter: 'reinit_frame_skip' Description: no. of frames to skip before reinitializing tracker when it fails; only matters if 'reinit_on_failure' is enabled; Applies to: runMTF Parameter: 'reinit_with_new_obj' Description: delete the old tracker object and create a new one when reinitializing the tracker; "tracker object" here refers to the instance of class TrackerBase (or one of its derived classes) that was used for performing the tracking; some third party trackers have been known to crash randomly when an existing instance is reinitialized so this solution can be used with them; Possible Values: 0: Disable 1: Enable Applies to: runMTF Parameter: 'reset_template' Description: update the template with the patch under the current location of the tracker; this effectively reinitializes the tracker with its own current location; in some cases, this option can help to continue tracking an object even when its appearance undergoes significant changes; more often, however, it is likely to lead to gradual tracker drift as small inaccuracies in the tracked location get compounded when this location is used to reinitialize the tracker; if a value > 1 is specified, the template resetting only happens once every given number of frames rather than at every frame; Applies to: runMTF, mexMTF, pyMTF Parameter: 'n_trackers' Description: number of trackers to run; if this is more than 1, the configuration of all trackers are read from multi.cfg; Parameter: 'track_single_obj' Description: track the same object using all the trackers (if n_trackers > 1); if this is disabled a different object will have to be selected for each tracker; Possible Values: 0: Disable 1: Enable Parameter: 'patch_size' Description: if non-zero, the this is taken to be the size of the object to be tracked so that the user can simply click at the center to select a square bounding box of this size around the clicked point; if this is zero, the user must provide all 4 corners of the bounding box; only matters if a user-selected object is to be tracked, i.e. when using live/camera input or when the ground truth is not available or if read_obj_from_file and read_obj_from_gt are disabled;
Parameter: 'mtf_sm' Description: Search method to use for the MTF tracker or the name of the third party tracker Possible Values: ic/iclk: Inverse Compositional Lucas Kanade icl/iclm: use Levenberg Marquardt (LM) formulation fc/fclk: Forward Compositional Lucas Kanade fcl/fclm: use LM formulation fa/falk: Forward Additive Lucas Kanade fal/falm: use LM formulation ia/ialk: Inverse Additive Lucas Kanade ial/ialm: use LM formulation esm: Efficient Second-order Minimization esl/eslm: use LM formulation Note: LM formulation can also be enabled for all of the above SMs by setting leven_marq to 1 pf: Particle filter pf100: PF with 100 particles pf250: PF with 250 particles pf500: PF with 500 particles pf1k: PF with 1000 particles pf2k: PF with 2000 particles pf5k: PF with 5000 particles pfic: cascade tracker with PF+ICLK pffc: cascade tracker with PF+FCLK pfes: cascade tracker with PF+ESM pfk: k layer PF - k can be set using pfk_n_layers pfkic: cascade tracker with k layer PF + ICLK - k can be set using pfk_n_layers pfkfc: cascade tracker with k layer PF + FCLK - k can be set using pfk_n_layers pfkes: cascade tracker with k layer PF + ESM - k can be set using pfk_n_layers pfrk: cascade tracker with PF+RKLT if NN is not disabled during compilation: nn: Nearest Neighbour (based on FLANN) nn1k: NN with 1000 samples nn2k: NN with 2000 samples nn5k: NN with 5000 samples nn10k: NN with 10000 samples nn100k: NN with 100000 samples nnic: cascade tracker with NN+ICLK nnfc: cascade tracker with NN+FCLK nnes: cascade tracker with NN+ESM nnk: k layer NN - k can be set using nnk_n_layers nnkic: cascade tracker with k layer NN + ICLK - k can be set using nnk_n_layers nnkfc: cascade tracker with k layer NN + FCLK - k can be set using nnk_n_layers nnkes: cascade tracker with k layer NN + ESM - k can be set using nnk_n_layers nnrk: cascade tracker with NN+RKLT gnn: Graph based Nearest Neighbour this is implemented as a special case of the general NN tracker so can also be run by setting 'mtf_sm' to 'nn' and 'nn_index_type' to 0 Following SMs have only NT implementations: aesm: Additive formulation of ESM fcsd: Forward Compositional Steepest Descent casc: general cascade tracker whose configuration is read from multi.cfg casm: cascade of SMs whose configuration is read from multi.cfg prl/prlt: Parallel tracker whose configuration is read from multi.cfg prsm/prls: Parallel SM whose configuration is read from multi.cfg pyr/pyrt: Pyramidal tracker - construct a Gaussian image pyramid and track each level with a different tracker of the same type pyr_sm in modules.cfg specifies the search method in the underlying tracker pysm/pyrs: Pyramidal search method - identical to Pyramidal tracker except all constituents SMs must have same AM and SSM; grid: Grid Tracker gric: cascade tracker with Grid Tracker+ICLK grfc: cascade tracker with Grid Tracker+FCLK gres: cascade tracker with Grid Tracker+ESM feat: Feature Tracker rkl/rklt: RKLT (Grid tracker + template tracker with SPI and failure detection) lmes: RKLT with LMS estimation method and ESM based template tracker hrch: Hierarchical SSM tracker - uses same SM ('hrch_sm') and AM with four different SSMs - 2, 4, 6 and 8 dof that are run in a cascade if third party trackers are not disabled during compilation: dsst: Discriminative Scale Space Tracker kcf: Kernelized Correlation Filter Tracker cmt: Consensus-based Tracker tld: Tracking-Learning-Detection Tracker rct: Realtime Compressive Tracker mil: Multiple Instance Learning based tracker strk: Struck: structured output tracking with kernels dft: Descriptor Fields Tracker frg: Fragments based tracker (or FragTrack) if MTF is compiled with OpenCV 3 and CV3 module is not disabled: cv3: OpenCV 3 tracker if ViSP template tracker module is enabled during compilation: visp: ViSP template tracker if PFSL3 is enabled during compilation: pfsl3: 8 DOF PF based tracker that uses SL3 parameterization If Xvision is enabled during compilation: xv1 / xv1p: XVSSD Rotate / Pyramidal version xv2 / xv1p: XVSSD Translation / Pyramidal version xv3 / xv1p: XVSSD RT / Pyramidal version xv4 / xv1p: XVSSD SE2 / Pyramidal version xv6 / xv1p: XVSSD Affine / Pyramidal version xvc: XVColor tracker xve: XVEdge tracker xvg: XV Grid tracker xvgl: XV Grid Line tracker Parameter: 'mtf_am' Description: Appearance model to use for the MTF tracker Possible Values: ssd: Sum of Squared Differences mcssd/ssd3: RGB variant sad: Sum of Absolute Differences mcsad/sad3: RGB variant zncc: Zero mean Normalized Cross-Correlation mczncc/zncc3: RGB variant nssd: Normalized SSD mcnssd/nssd3: RGB variant ncc: Normalized Cross-Correlation mcncc/ncc3: RGB variant scv: Sum of Conditional Variance mvscv/scv3: RGB variant rscv: Reversed Sum of Conditional Variance mcrscv/rscv3: RGB variant lscv: Localized SCV lrscv: Localized RSCV mi: Mutual Information mcmi/mi3: RGB variant ccre: Cross Cumulative Residual Entropy mcccre/ccre3: RGB variant ssim: Structural Similarity mcssim/ssim3: RGB variant spss: Sum of Pixel wise Structural Similarity mcspss/spss: RGB variant riu: Ratio Image Uniformity mcriu/riu3: RGB variant ngf: Normalized Gradient Fields kld: Kullback–Leibler Divergence (does not work well) lkld: Localized KLD (incomplete/does not work well yet) if enabled during compilation: pca: Principal Components Analysis mcpca/pca3: RGB variant dfm: Deep Feature Maps Parameter: 'mtf_ssm' Description: State space model to use for the MTF tracker Possible Values: hom/8: Homography (8 dof) lhom/l8: Homography with Lie parametrization(8 dof) sl3: Homography with an alternative Lie parametrization using a different basis cbh/c8: Corner based Homography (8 dof) aff/6: Affine (6 dof) laff/l6: Affine with Lie parametrization(6 dof) asrt/5: ASRT (anisotropic scaling + rotation + translation) (5 dof) sim/4: Similarity (isotropic scaling + rotation + translation)(4 dof) ast/4s: AST (anisotropic scaling + translation) (4 dof) iso/3: Isometry (rotation + translation)(3 dof) ist/3s: IST (isotropic Scaling + translation) (3 dof) trans/2: Translation (2 dof) spl: Spline based SSM with piecewise translation Parameter: 'mtf_ilm' Description: Illumination model to use with the AM these currently only work with SSD like AMs - SSD, SCV, RSCV, LSCV, LRSCV and ZNCC Possible Values: 0: None gb: Gain and Bias pgb: Piecewise Gain and Bias rbf: Radial Basis Function Parameter: 'mtf_res': Description: single value for both vertical and horizontal sampling resolutions, if this is >=0, then resx=resy=mtf_res Parameter: 'resx' / 'resy' Description: horizontal and vertical sampling resolutions for extracting pixel values from the object patch; object pixel values are sampled from a rectangular grid of size resx x resy; higher values usually lead to better tracking performance but also slow it down; these options only matter if mtf_res<=0 Parameter: 'res_from_size' Description: set the horizontal and vertical sampling resolutions equal to the actual size of the object selected for tracking; overrides the last two parameters; Parameter: 'enable_learning' Description: enable online learning of the template in AMs that support it - only SSD and NCC currently do; online learning means that the template changes over time based on the observed appearances of the tracked object; rate of change of template appearance can be specified using 'learning_rate'; this is automatically enabled in AMs, like PCA, that involve learning as an essential part; Parameter: 'learning_rate' Description: rate at which the template is updated; varies between 0 and 1 - 0 means that there is no learning; 1 means that the template is updated to the latest patch in each frame; only matters if 'enable_learning' is set to 1; Parameter: 'likelihood_alpha' Description: multiplicative factor for computing the exponential factor in the likelihood value for an AM; the actual formulation for computing the likelihood will depend on the specific AM and not all AMs may use this parameter; Parameter: 'likelihood_beta' Description: additive factor for computing the exponential factor in the likelihood value for an AM; the actual formulation for computing the likelihood will depend on the specific AM and not all AMs may use this parameter; Parameter: 'dist_from_likelihood' Description: compute the distance measure (e.g. as used by the NN search method) using the likelihood value; this can help to decrease the range of distance values so that the corresponding plot has a sharp peak; Possible Values: 0: Disable 1: Enable Parameter: 'pix_mapper' Description: pixel mapper to use with one of the AMs that support it including SSIM and SPSS - this is one of the SSD-like or L2 AMs that define the similarity between two patches as the L2 norm of mapped versions of the two patches; by selecting one of them here, the same mapping can be combined with a non-L2 norm based AM; this is rather obsolete and has not been tested for a while so might possibly be buggy; Possible Values: scv, rscv, zncc Parameter: 'max_iters' Description: maximum no. of iterations for which the iterative LK type SMs are allowed to run on each frame; Parameter: 'epsilon' Description: minimum Euclidean distance between the object locations in consecutive iterations to be used as the termination criterion for iterative LK type SMs - the iterations are terminated if the distance becomes smaller than this; Parameter: 'grad_eps' Description: offset used for computing the numerical estimate of the first order image gradient (or the Jacobian); this is the distance(in x or y direction) between the pixel locations that are used in the method of central differences; a value of <1 will probably not work with nearest neighbour interpolation method as rounding off errors will cause the gradient to vanish; Parameter: 'hess_eps' Description: offset used for computing the numerical estimate of the second order image gradient (or the Hessian); this is the distance(in x or y direction) between the pixel locations that are used in the method of central differences; values that are <1 have not been found to provide stable results irrespective of the interpolation method; Parameter: 'sec_ord_hess' Description: use second order Hessian in Lucas Kanade type SMs that use some variant of the Newton's method; if disabled, the first order approximation is used where the terms involving second order image and SSM gradients are dropped leading to much faster performance; in most cases, the first order Hessian also performs better; Possible Values: 0: Disable 1: Enable Parameter: 'leven_marq' Description: use Levenberg-Marquardt formulation for computing the Hessian in Lucas Kanade type SMs that use some variant of the Newton's method; if disabled, the simpler Gauss-Newton formulation is used instead; Possible Values: 0: Disable 1: Enable
Parameter: 'aff_normalized_init' Description: use normalized initial bounding box with respect to which all subsequent transformations are computed; the normalized box is a unit square centered at the origin; using this can sometimes produce better performance with some LK type SMs; Parameter: 'aff_pt_based_sampling' Description: use point based sampling for stochastic SMs; this is performed by adding a random perturbation to the x,y coordinates of three points - bottom left, bottom right and top center of the bounding box - and then computing the corresponding affine transformation w.r.t. to the original points using DLT; if this is disabled, then geometric warping is used where the affine transformation is decomposed into six constituent transforms and a random perturbation is added to each; Possible Values: 0: Disable (use geometric sampling) 1: Enable (use standard point based sampling) 2: modified version of point based sampling where the perturbation is performed in two steps: first 6 different random numbers generated from the same distribution are added to the x,y coordinates of the three points, then 2 numbers generated from a second distribution are added to all points to produce a consistent translation; Additional References: This paper presents details of the geometric sampling process: D. A. Ross, J. Lim, R.-S. Lin, and M.-H. Yang, “Incremental Learning for Robust Visual Tracking,” IJCV, vol. 77, no. 1-3, pp. 125–141, 2008
Parameter: 'aniso_lambda' Description: integration constant Parameter: 'aniso_kappa' Description: gradient modulus threshold that controls the conduction Parameter: 'aniso_n_iters' Description: number of iterations Additional References: Paper: 'Scale-Space and Edge Detection using Anisotropic Diffusion', Pietro Perona and Jitendra Malik, IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, VOL. 12, NO. 7, JULY 1990 Web:
Parameter: 'asrt_normalized_init' Description: use normalized initial bounding box with respect to which all subsequent transformations are computed; refer 'aff_normalized_init' for more details; Parameter: 'asrt_pt_based_sampling' Description: use point based sampling for stochastic SMs; refer 'aff_pt_based_sampling' for details; geometric sampling in this case involves adding different perturbation directly to the 5 state parameters of this SSM unlike affine where a specialized geometric representation is used instead;
Parameter: 'bil_diameter' Description: diameter of each pixel neighbourhood that is used during filtering. If it is non-positive, it is computed from bil_sigma_space. Parameter: 'bil_sigma_col' Description: filter sigma in the color space. A larger value of the parameter means that farther colors within the pixel neighborhood will be mixed together, resulting in larger areas of semi-equal color. Parameter: 'bil_sigma_space' Description: filter sigma in the coordinate space. A larger value of the parameter means that farther pixels will influence each other as long as their colors are close enough. When bil_diameter>0 , it specifies the neighborhood size regardless of bil_sigma_space. Otherwise, bil_diameter is proportional to bil_sigma_space. Additional References:
Parameter: 'box_kernel_size' Description: filter kernel size Additional References:
Parameter: 'casc_n_trackers' Description: no. of trackers in the cascade Parameter: 'casc_enable_feedback' Description: feed the output of the last tracker in the cascade back to the first tracker to use as the starting point in the next frame; Parameter: 'casc_auto_reinit' Description: enable tracker failure detection and automatic reinitialization; tracking failure is assumed to have occurred if the result of any tracker contains non-finite values or the MCD error between the outputs of any two consecutive layer exceeds a threshold; reinitialization is done using the tracker location in a previous frame as specified by casc_reinit_frame_gap; Parameter: 'casc_reinit_err_thresh' Description: MCD error threshold between two consecutive trackers in the cascade above which tracking failure is assumed to have occured; only matters if casc_auto_reinit is enabled; Parameter: 'casc_reinit_frame_gap' Description: no. of frames before the one in which failure is detected where the tracker is reinitialized;
Parameter: 'cbh_grad_eps' Description: offset used for computing the numerical estimate of the first gradient (or Jacobian) of the transformation w.r.t. pixel locations; this is the distance(in x or y direction) between the pixel locations that are used in the method of central differences; Parameter: 'cbh_normalized_init' Description: use normalized initial bounding box with respect to which all subsequent transformations are computed; refer 'aff_normalized_init' for more details;
Parameter: 'ccre_n_bins' Description: no. of bins in the histograms used internally - dimensionality of the CCRE error vector will be n_bins * n_bins; if partition_of_unity ('ccre_pou') is enabled, this should be 2 more than the desired no. of bins (w.r.t normalized pixel range); this is because the actual range within which the pixel values are normalized is 2 less than this value to avoid boundary conditions while computing the contribution of each pixel to different bins by ensuring that pixels with the maximum and minimum values contribute to all 4 bins required by the b-spline function of degree 3 used here; Parameter: 'ccre_pre_seed' Description: value with which each histogram bin is pre-seeded to avoid empty bins and the resultant numerical stability issues; Parameter: 'ccre_pou' Description: decides whether the partition of unity constraint has to be strictly observed for border bins; if enabled, the pixel values will be normalized in the range [1, n_bins-2] so each pixel contributes to all 4 bins. Parameter: 'ccre_symmetrical_grad' Description: decides if the model is to be symmetrical with respect to initial and current pixel values as far as the gradient and hessian computations are concerned; Additional References: section of the thesis Parameter: 'ccre_n_blocks' Description: no. of blocks in which to divide pixel level computations to get better performance with parallelization libraries like TBB and OpenMP; only matters if these are enabled during compilation; if set to 0 (default), this is set equal to the no. of pixels so that each block contains a single pixel Additional References: Wang, F. & Vemuri, B. C. Non-rigid multi-modal image registration using cross-cumulative residual entropy IJCV, Springer, 2007, 74, 201-215
Parameter: 'dfm_nfmaps' Description: no. of feature maps Parameter: 'dfm_layer_name' Description: TBA Parameter: 'dfm_vis' Description: TBA Parameter: 'dfm_zncc' Description: TBA Parameter: 'dfm_model_f_name' Description: path of the .prototxt file from where trained model is to be loaded Parameter: 'dfm_params_f_name' Description: path of the .caffemodel file from where Caffe parameters are to be loaded Parameter: 'dfm_mean_f_name' Description: path of the .binaryproto file Additional References: Mennatullah Siam, "CNN Based Appearance Model with Approximate Nearest Neigbour Search", Project Report, 2016
Parameter: 'esm_jac_type' Description: type of Jacobian to be used with ESM Possible Values: 0: Original formulation where it is computed using the mean of gradients 1: Extended formulation where it is the difference between the forward and inverse Jacobians Parameter: 'esm_hess_type' Description: type of Hessian to be used with ESM Possible Values: 0: Inverse/initial Self (or extended Gauss Newton) Hessian 1: Forward/current Self (or extended Gauss Newton) Hessian 2: Sum of forward and inverse Self (or extended Gauss Newton) Hessians 3: Original formulation where it is computed using the mean of gradients 4: Sum of forward and inverse Newton Hessians 5: Forward Newton Hessian Parameter: 'esm_chained_warp' Description: use chain rule to compute pixel Jacobian and Hessian Parameter: 'esm_spi_enable' Description: Enable selective pixel integration by rejecting pixels whose residual is more than the given fraction of the maximum residual Parameter: 'esm_spi_thresh' Description: Fraction of the maximum residual used as threshold for rejecting pixels; only matters if esm_spi_enable is enabled;
Parameter: 'fa_hess_type' Description: type of Hessian to be used with FALK Possible Values: 0: Inverse/initial Self (or extended Gauss Newton) Hessian 1: Forward/current Self (or extended Gauss Newton) Hessian 2: Standard or Forward Newton Hessian Parameter: 'fa_show_grid' Description: show the sampled grid of points warped using the current transformation; these are the (integral approximation to) points at which pixel values are extracted; only works with NT version of the SM; Parameter: 'fa_show_patch' Description: show the image patch corresponding to the tracked object in the top left corner of the image; only matters if 'fa_show_grid' is enabled; only works with NT version of the SM; Parameter: 'fa_patch_resize_factor' Description: multiplicative factor by which the image patch is resized before being drawn onto the image; by default, the patch size is equal to the sampling resolution so this parameter can be used to make the patch more visible; only matters if 'fa_show_grid' and 'fa_show_patch' are enabled; only works with NT version of the SM; Parameter: 'fa_write_frames' Description: write the tracked frames with the point grid and image patch drawn onto it to JPEG files; only matters if 'fa_show_grid' is enabled; only works with NT version of the SM;
Parameter: 'fc_hess_type' Description: type of Hessian to be used with FCLK Possible Values: 0: Inverse/initial Self (or extended Gauss Newton) Hessian 1: Forward/current Self (or extended Gauss Newton) Hessian 2: Standard or Forward Newton Hessian Parameter: 'fc_chained_warp' Description: use chain rule to compute pixel Jacobian and Hessian Parameter: 'fc_show_grid'/'fc_show_patch'/'fc_patch_resize_factor' Description: same as the corresponding parameters for FALK; only work with NT version of the SM; Parameter: 'fc_write_ssm_updates' Description: write the SSM state update computed in each iteration of each frame to a text file named 'fc_ssm_updates.txt' in a sub directory called 'log' in the current working directory; only works with NT version of the SM; Parameter: 'fc_debug_mode' Description: write additional debugging data to a text file named 'fc_debug.txt' in a sub directory called 'log' in the current working directory; only works with NT version of the SM;
Parameter: 'feat_detector_type' Description: feature detector type Possible Values: none/-1: None - an equally spaced grid of points is used instead orb/0: ORB brisk/1: BRISK Only if OpenCV 2 nonfree / OpenCV 3 contrib module is available sift/2: SIFT surf/3: SURF fast/4: FAST mser/5: MSER gftt/6: GFTT Only OpenCV 3: agast/7: AGAST Only OpenCV 3 with contrib module available: star/8: Star msd/9: MSD Parameter: 'feat_descriptor_type' Description: feature descriptor type Possible Values: orb/0: ORB brisk/brk/1: BRISK Only if OpenCV 2 nonfree / OpenCV 3 contrib module is available sift/2: SIFT surf/3: SURF Only OpenCV 3 with contrib module available: brief/brf/4: BRIEF freak/frk/5: FREAK lucid/lcd/6: LUCID latch/lth/7: LATCH daisy/dsy/8: DAISY vgg/9: VGG boost/bd/10: BoostDesc Parameter: 'feat_max_dist_ratio' Description: maximum ratio between the distances of each point from the first and second best matched points from the previous frame for this point to be considered for computing the best fit transformation; if this is <0, all points are considered; Parameter: 'feat_min_matches' Description: minimum no. of good matching key points found for the best fit transformation to be computed otherwise matching is considered to have failed; Parameter: 'feat_rebuild_index' Description: rebuild the FLANN index in each frame with the latest feature descriptors; only matters if FLANN is enabled during compilation and feat_use_cv_flann is disabled; Parameter: 'feat_use_cv_flann' Description: use OpenCV FLANN wrapper for keypoint matching; if this is disabled, the FLANN library is used directly but that will work only if FLANN is enabled during compilation; Parameter: 'feat_show_keypoints' Description: show all detected keypoints overlaid on each tracked image; Parameter: 'feat_show_matches' Description: show the matches between the keypoints in the current and previous frames Parameter: 'feat_debug_mode' Description: enable printing and writing of debugging data Note: these Grid Tracker parameters are shared by the feature tracker: 'grid_res', 'grid_patch_size', 'grid_reset_at_each_frame'; in addition, 'max_iters' and 'epsilon' are also shared; each of the feature detectors and descriptors have their own parameters whose descriptions follow; FLANN (or its OpenCV) wrapper is used for matching the features so its parameters are also used here;
Parameter: 'sift_n_features' Description: number of best features to retain. The features are ranked by their scores (measured in SIFT algorithm as the local contrast) Parameter: 'sift_n_octave_layers' Description: number of layers in each octave. 3 is the value used in D. Lowe paper. The number of octaves is computed automatically from the image resolution. Parameter: 'sift_contrast_thresh' Description: contrast threshold used to filter out weak features in semi-uniform (low-contrast) regions. The larger the threshold, the less features are produced by the detector. Parameter: 'sift_edge_thresh' Description: threshold used to filter out edge-like features. Note that the its meaning is different from the contrastThreshold, i.e. the larger the edgeThreshold, the less features are filtered out (more features are retained). Parameter: 'sift_sigma' Description: sigma of the Gaussian applied to the input image at the octave #0. If your image is captured with a weak camera with soft lenses, you might want to reduce the number. Additional References: Lowe, D. G., 'Distinctive image features from scale-invariant keypoints', International journal of computer vision, Springer, 2004, 60, 91-110
Parameter: 'surf_hessian_threshold' Description: Threshold for hessian keypoint detector used in SURF. Parameter: 'surf_n_octaves' Description: Number of pyramid octaves the keypoint detector will use. Parameter: 'surf_n_octave_layers' Description: Number of octave layers within each octave. Parameter: 'surf_extended' Description: Extended descriptor flag (true - use extended 128-element descriptors; false - use 64-element descriptors). Parameter: 'surf_upright' Description: Up-right or rotated features flag (true - do not compute orientation of features; false - compute orientation). Additional References: Bay, H. and Tuytelaars, T. and Van Gool, L. “SURF: Speeded Up Robust Features”, 9th European Conference on Computer Vision, 2006
Parameter: 'brisk_thresh' Description: FAST/AGAST detection threshold score Parameter: 'brisk_octaves' Description: detection octaves. Use 0 to do single scale. Parameter: 'brisk_pattern_scale' Description: apply this scale to the pattern used for sampling the neighbourhood of a keypoint. Additional References: Stefan Leutenegger, Margarita Chli and Roland Siegwart: BRISK: Binary Robust Invariant Scalable Keypoints. ICCV 2011: 2548-2555.
Parameter: 'orb_n_features' Description: The maximum number of features to retain. Parameter: 'orb_scale_factor' Description: Pyramid decimation ratio, greater than 1. scaleFactor==2 means the classical pyramid, where each next level has 4x less pixels than the previous, but such a big scale factor will degrade feature matching scores dramatically. On the other hand, too close to 1 scale factor will mean that to cover certain scale range you will need more pyramid levels and so the speed will suffer. Parameter: 'orb_n_levels' Description: The number of pyramid levels; the smallest level will have linear size equal to input_image_linear_size/pow(orb_scale_factor, orb_n_levels). Parameter: 'orb_edge_threshold' Description: size of the border where the features are not detected; it should roughly match the patchSize parameter. Parameter: 'orb_first_level' Description: this should be 0 in the current implementation. Parameter: 'orb_WTA_K' Description: number of points that produce each element of the oriented BRIEF descriptor. The default value 2 means the BRIEF where we take a random point pair and compare their brightnesses, so we get 0/1 response. Other possible values are 3 and 4. For example, 3 means that we take 3 random points (of course, those point coordinates are random, but they are generated from the pre-defined seed, so each element of BRIEF descriptor is computed deterministically from the pixel rectangle), find point of maximum brightness and output index of the winner (0, 1 or 2). Such output will occupy 2 bits, and therefore it will need a special variant of Hamming distance, denoted as NORM_HAMMING2 (2 bits per bin). When WTA_K=4, we take 4 random points to compute each bin (that will also occupy 2 bits with possible values 0, 1, 2 or 3). Parameter: 'orb_score_type' Description: The default HARRIS_SCORE means that Harris algorithm is used to rank features (the score is written to KeyPoint::score and is used to retain best nfeatures features); FAST_SCORE is alternative value of the parameter that produces slightly less stable keypoints, but it is a little faster to compute. Possible Values: 0: Harris score 1: FAST score Parameter: 'orb_patch_size' Description: size of the patch used by the oriented BRIEF descriptor. Of course, on smaller pyramid layers the perceived image area covered by a feature will be larger. Parameter: 'orb_fast_threshold' Description: threshold for the FAST descriptor if it is used; only applies to OpenCV 3; Additional References: Ethan Rublee, Vincent Rabaud, Kurt Konolige, Gary R. Bradski: ORB: An efficient alternative to SIFT or SURF. ICCV 2011: 2564-2571.
Parameter: 'mser_delta' Description: TBA Parameter: 'mser_min_area' Description: TBA. Parameter: 'mser_max_area' Description: TBA Parameter: 'mser_max_variation' Description: TBA Parameter: 'mser_min_diversity' Description: this should be 0 in the current implementation. Parameter: 'mser_max_evolution' Description: TBA Parameter: 'mser_area_threshold' Description: TBA Parameter: 'mser_min_margin' Description: TBA Parameter: 'mser_edge_blur_size' Description: TBA Additional References: J. Matas, O. Chum, M. Urban, and T. Pajdla. "Robust wide baseline stereo from maximally stable extremal regions." Proc. of British Machine Vision Conference, pages 384-396, 2002. int = 10; bool = true; int = 3;
Parameter: 'fast_threshold' Description: threshold on difference between intensity of the central pixel and pixels of a circle around this pixel. Parameter: 'fast_non_max_suppression' Description: if true, non-maximum suppression is applied to detected corners (keypoints). Parameter: 'fast_type' Description: one of the four neighbourhoods as defined in the paper; Possible Values: 0: TYPE_5_8 1: AGAST_7_12d 2: AGAST_7_12s 4: TYPE_9_16 Additional References: E. Rosten. Machine Learning for High-speed Corner Detection, 2006.
Parameter: 'agast_threshold' / 'agast_non_max_suppression' Description: refer the corresponding parameters for the FAST detector Parameter: 'fast_non_max_suppression' Description: if true, non-maximum suppression is applied to detected corners (keypoints). Parameter: 'agast_type' Description: one of the three neighbourhoods as defined in the paper; Possible Values: 0: TYPE_5_8 1: TYPE_7_12 2: TYPE_9_16 Additional References: Elmar Mair, Gregory D. Hager, Darius Burschka, Michael Suppa, and Gerhard Hirzinger. Adaptive and generic corner detection based on the accelerated segment test. In Proceedings of the European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV'10), September 2010.
Parameter: 'gftt_max_corners' Description: Maximum number of corners to return. If there are more corners than are found, the strongest of them is returned. Parameter: 'gftt_quality_level' Description: parameter characterizing the minimal accepted quality of image corners; the parameter value is multiplied by the best corner quality measure, which is the minimal eigenvalue or the Harris function response; the corners with the quality measure less than the product are rejected; for example, if the best corner has the quality measure = 1500, and the qualityLevel=0.01 , then all the corners with the quality measure less than 15 are rejected. Parameter: 'gftt_min_distance' Description: Minimum possible Euclidean distance between the returned corners. Parameter: 'gftt_block_size' Description: size of an average block for computing a derivative covariation matrix over each pixel neighbourhood. Parameter: 'gftt_use_harris_detector' Description: parameter indicating whether to use a Harris detector Parameter: 'gftt_k' Description: Free parameter of the Harris detector; only matters if 'gftt_use_harris_detector' is enabled Additional References: J. Shi and C. Tomasi. Good Features to Track. Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, pages 593-600, June 1994.
Parameter: 'star_max_size' Description: TBA Parameter: 'star_response_threshold' Description: TBA Parameter: 'star_line_threshold_projected' Description: TBA Parameter: 'star_line_threshold_binarized' Description: TBA Parameter: 'star_suppress_nonmax_size' Description: TBA Additional References: Agrawal, M., Konolige, K., & Blas, M. R. (2008). Censure: Center surround extremas for realtime feature detection and matching. In Computer Vision–ECCV 2008 (pp. 102-115). Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
Parameter: 'msd_patch_radius' Description: TBA Parameter: 'msd_search_area_radius' Description: TBA Parameter: 'msd_nms_radius' Description: TBA Parameter: 'msd_nms_scale_radius' Description: TBA Parameter: 'msd_th_saliency' Description: TBA Parameter: 'msd_kNN' Description: TBA Parameter: 'msd_scale_factor' Description: TBA Parameter: 'msd_n_scales' Description: TBA Parameter: 'msd_compute_orientation' Description: TBA Additional References: Federico Tombari and Luigi Di Stefano. Interest points via maximal self-dissimilarities. In Asian Conference on Computer Vision – ACCV 2014, 2014.
Parameter: 'boost_desc_desc' Description: type of descriptor to use Possible Values: 100: BGM 101: BGM_HARD 102: BGM_BILINEAR 200: LBGM 300: BINBOOST_64 (64 bit long dimension) 301: BINBOOST_128 (128 bit long dimension) 302: BINBOOST_256 (256 bit long dimension) Note: BGM is the base descriptor where each binary dimension is computed as the output of a single weak learner. BGM_HARD and BGM_BILINEAR refers to same BGM but use different type of gradient binning. In the BGM_HARD that use ASSIGN_HARD binning type the gradient is assigned to the nearest orientation bin. In the BGM_BILINEAR that use ASSIGN_BILINEAR binning type the gradient is assigned to the two neighbouring bins. In the BGM and all other modes that use ASSIGN_SOFT binning type the gradient is assigned to 8 nearest bins according to the cosine value between the gradient angle and the bin center. LBGM (alias FP-Boost) is the floating point extension where each dimension is computed as a linear combination of the weak learner responses. BINBOOST and subvariants are the binary extensions of LBGM where each bit is computed as a thresholded linear combination of a set of weak learners. Parameter: 'boost_desc_use_scale_orientation' Description: sample patterns using keypoints orientation Parameter: 'boost_desc_scale_factor' Description: adjust the sampling window of detected keypoints Possible Values: 6.25f is default and fits for KAZE, SURF detected keypoints window ratio 6.75f should be the scale for SIFT detected keypoints window ratio 5.00f should be the scale for AKAZE, MSD, AGAST, FAST, BRISK keypoints window ratio 0.75f should be the scale for ORB keypoints ratio 1.50f was the default in original implementation Additional References: V. Lepetit T. Trzcinski, M. Christoudias and P. Fua. Boosting Binary Keypoint Descriptors. In Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2013. M. Christoudias T. Trzcinski and V. Lepetit. Learning Image Descriptors with Boosting. submitted to IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (PAMI), 2013.
Parameter: 'vgg_desc' Description: type of descriptor to use Possible Values: 100: VGG_120 (120 dimensions float) 101: VGG_80 (80 dimensions float) 102: VGG_64 (64 dimensions float) 103: VGG_48 (48 dimensions float) Parameter: 'vgg_isigma' Description: gaussian kernel value for image blur (default is 1.4) Parameter: 'vgg_img_normalize' Description: use image sample intensity normalization (enabled by default) Parameter: 'vgg_use_scale_orientation' Description: sample patterns using keypoints orientation, enabled by default Parameter: 'vgg_scale_factor' Description: adjust the sampling window of detected keypoints to 64.0f (VGG sampling window); Possible Values: 6.25f is default and fits for KAZE, SURF detected keypoints window ratio; 6.75f should be the scale for SIFT detected keypoints window ratio; 5.00f should be the scale for AKAZE, MSD, AGAST, FAST, BRISK keypoints window ratio; 0.75f should be the scale for ORB keypoints ratio Parameter: 'vgg_dsc_normalize' Description: clamp descriptors to 255 and convert to uchar CV_8UC1 (disabled by default) Additional References: K. Simonyan, A. Vedaldi, and A. Zisserman. Learning local feature descriptors using convex optimisation. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 2014.
Parameter: 'daisy_radius' Description: radius of the descriptor at the initial scale Parameter: 'daisy_q_radius' Description: amount of radial range division quantity Parameter: 'daisy_q_theta' Description: amount of angular range division quantity Parameter: 'daisy_q_hist' Description: amount of gradient orientations range division quantity Parameter: 'daisy_norm' Description: choose descriptors normalization type Possible Values: 100: NRM_NONE (No normalization (default)) 101: NRM_PARTIAL (histograms are normalized independently for L2 norm equal to 1.0) 102: NRM_FULL (descriptors are normalized for L2 norm equal to 1.0) 103: NRM_SIFT (descriptors are normalized for L2 norm equal to 1.0 but no individual one is bigger than 0.154 as in SIFT) Parameter: 'daisy_H' Description: optional 3x3 homography matrix used to warp the grid of daisy but sampling keypoints remains unwarped on image; specified as a vector of size 9 (9 values separated by commas) which holds the matrix entries in row-major order; Parameter: 'daisy_interpolation' Description: switch to disable interpolation for speed improvement at minor quality loss Parameter: 'daisy_use_orientation' Description: sample patterns using keypoints orientation, disabled by default. Additional References: E. Tola, V. Lepetit, and P. Fua. DAISY: An Efficient Dense Descriptor Applied to Wide Baseline Stereo. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 32(5):815–830, May 2010.
Parameter: 'latch_bytes' Description: size of the descriptor - can be 64, 32, 16, 8, 4, 2 or 1 Parameter: 'latch_rotation_invariance' Description: whether or not the descriptor should compensates for orientation changes Parameter: 'latch_half_ssd_size' Description: size of half of the mini-patches size. For example, if we would like to compare triplets of patches of size 7x7x then the half_ssd_size should be (7-1)/2 = 3. Note: the descriptor can be coupled with any keypoint extractor; the only demand is that if you use set latch_rotation_invariance = 1 then you will have to use an extractor which estimates the patch orientation (in degrees). Examples for such extractors are ORB and SIFT; Additional References: Gil Levi and Tal Hassner, "LATCH: Learned Arrangements of Three Patch Codes", arXiv preprint arXiv:1501.03719, 15 Jan. 2015
Parameter: 'lucid_kernel' Description: kernel for descriptor construction, where 1=3x3, 2=5x5, 3=7x7 and so forth Parameter: 'lucid_blur_kernel' Description: kernel for blurring image prior to descriptor construction, where 1=3x3, 2=5x5, 3=7x7 and so forth Additional References: Eric Christiansen David Kriegman Ziegler, Andrew and Serge J. Belongie. Locally uniform comparison image descriptor.
Parameter: 'freak_orientation_normalized' Description: enable orientation normalization Parameter: 'freak_scale_normalized' Description: enable scale normalization. Parameter: 'freak_pattern_scale' Description: scaling of the description pattern Parameter: 'freak_n_octaves' Description: number of octaves covered by the detected keypoints Additional References: Alexandre Alahi, Raphael Ortiz, and Pierre Vandergheynst. Freak: Fast retina keypoint. In Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2012 IEEE Conference on, pages 510–517. Ieee, 2012.
Parameter: 'freak_orientation_normalized' Description: legth of the descriptor in bytes, valid values are: 16, 32 (default) or 64 Parameter: 'freak_scale_normalized' Description: sample patterns using keypoints orientation, disabled by default Additional References: Michael Calonder, Vincent Lepetit, Christoph Strecha, and Pascal Fua. Brief: Binary robust independent elementary features. In Computer Vision–ECCV 2010, pages 778–792. Springer, 2010.
Parameter: 'gauss_kernel_size' Description: Gaussian kernel size; this is a single number so that only square kernels are supported; Parameter: 'gauss_sigma_x' Description: Gaussian kernel standard deviation in X direction Parameter: 'gauss_sigma_y' Description: Gaussian kernel standard deviation in Y direction Additional References:
Parameter: 'gb_additive_update' Description: use additive instead of compositional updates for updating the ILM parameters;
Parameter: 'sd_learning_rate' Description: learning rate for iteratively computing the SSM state update from the Jacobian;
Parameter: 'grid_sm' / 'grid_am' / 'grid_ssm' / 'grid_ilm' Description: Search method, appearance model, state space model and illumination model for the individual patch trackers used by the Grid Tracker; providing 'cv' for grid_sm will run GridTrackerCV that uses OpenCV KLT trackers instead of MTF trackers as patch trackers providing 'flow' for grid_sm will run GridTrackerFlow that uses LK Optical flow implementation provided by the AM; currently supported only by SSD and NCC; providing 'pyr' for grid_sm will cause each patch tracker to run on an image pyramid, the settings for which will be taken from the parameters for PyramidalTracker; a time saving measure employed in this case is to construct the image pyramid only once and share it amongst all the patch trackers; Parameter: 'grid_res' Description: resolution of the grid into which the object is divided so that no. of patch trackers = grid_grid_res*grid_grid_res Parameter: 'grid_patch_size' Description: size of the patch used for each sub tracker in the grid Parameter: 'grid_patch_res' Description: sampling resolution for each sub tracker; if it is set to 0, the sampling resolution is set equal to the patch size Parameter: 'grid_dyn_patch_size' Description: set to 1 to dynamically adjust the patch sizes based on the size of the overall object bounding box by dividing it evenly; the individual patches in this case are no longer rectangular; Parameter: 'grid_reset_at_each_frame' Description: specify the level of resetting applied to the patch trackers at each frame based on the estimated location of the larger bounding box; Possible Values: 0: No resetting 1: Reset both current location and template, i.e. reinitialize the trackers 2: Reset only current location (not available for GridTrackerCV and GridTrackerFlow) Parameter: 'grid_patch_centroid_inside' Description: set to 1 to initialize/reset all patch trackers such that their centroids lie completely inside the larger bounding box; if set to 0, centroids of some of the trackers will lie on the edges of the bounding box so that part of the corresponding patches will be outside it; Parameter: 'grid_fb_err_thresh' Description: error threshold for deciding tracking failures using the forward backward method; first the points are tracked from the previous to the current frame; results of this are then tracked back to the previous frame; error is measured between the initial points during forward tracking and the final points during backward tracking; setting this to <=0 disables this method of failure detection; Parameter: 'grid_fb_reinit' Description: reinitialize trackers in the current frame before tracking backwards to the last one; does not apply to OpenCV grid tracker; Parameter: 'grid_show_trackers' Description: set to 1 to show the locations of all the patch trackers within the larger object patch where each is marked by the location of its centroid Parameter: 'grid_show_tracker_edges' Description: set to 1 to also show the edges of the bounding box representing each patch tracker (in addition to its centroid) does not apply to OpenCV grid tracker; Parameter: 'grid_use_tbb' Description: set to 1 to enable parallelization of the patch trackers using Intel TBB library Parameter: 'grid_rgb_input' Description: set to 1 to use 3 channel RGB images as input to the OpenCV grid tracker; only matters if 'grid_sm' is set to 'cv'; Parameter: 'grid_pyramid_levels' Description: number of levels in the image pyramids used by the OpenCV grid tracker; only matters if 'grid_sm' is set to 'cv'; Parameter: 'grid_use_min_eig_vals' Description: use minimum eigen values as an error measure in the OpenCV grid tracker; only matters if 'grid_sm' is set to 'cv'; Parameter: 'grid_min_eig_thresh' Description: threshold for minimum eigen value of a 2x2 normal matrix of optical flow equations to filter out grid points in the OpenCV grid tracker; only matters if 'grid_sm' is set to 'cv'; more details of this and the previous parameter can be found at: Parameter: 'grid_use_const_grad' Description: maintain the image gradient constant across iterations while computing the optical flow; only matters if 'grid_sm' is set to 'flow';
Parameter: 'rkl_sm' Description: SM for the template tracker used by RKLT; the corresponding AM and SSM are specified by 'mtf_am' and 'mtf_ssm' respectively; Parameter: 'rkl_enable_spi' Description: enable selective pixel integration where the template tracker is updated using only those pixels that are deemed inliers by the robust estimation method; this only works if both the AM and SSM of the template tracker support SPI; if enabled, the sampling resolution of the template tracker is set equal to the grid size (as specified by 'gt_grid_res'); Parameter: 'rkl_enable_feedback' Description: reset the grid tracker to the location of the template tracker at each frame; Parameter: 'rkl_failure_detection' Description: set to 1 to check if the template tracker has failed and ignore its output if so; this check is done by comparing the L2 norm of the difference in corners provided by the template tracker and the grid tracker with the failure threshold (specified by 'rkl_failure_thresh') Parameter: 'rkl_failure_thresh' Description: threshold to decide if the template tracker has failed; only matters if 'rkl_failure_detection' is enabled
In addition to these parameters, the performance of GridTracker/RKLT is also affected by the following SSM estimator parameters.
Parameter: 'est_method' Description: method used to estimate the best fit SSM parameters between the two sets of points representing the centroids of the locations of the patch trackers in two consecutive frames Possible Values: 0: RANSAC 1: Least Median 2: LeastSquares Parameter: 'est_ransac_reproj_thresh' Description: re-projection error threshold for a point to be considered an outlier by the OpenCV RANSAC algorithm; only matters if this method is selected for grid_estimation_method; Parameter: 'est_n_model_pts' Description: no. of corresponding points to use for least square estimation of SSM parameters Parameter: 'est_max_iters' Description: maximum iterations for the robust estimator (RANSAC or Least Median) Parameter: 'est_max_subset_attempts' Description: maximum attempts made to generate each valid point subset from which a candidate warp is estimated; if none is found in these many attempts, the RANSAC or LMS procedure will be terminated and the best warp found so far will be returned; Parameter: 'est_use_boost_rng' Description: Use the random number generator in boost library rather than the one in OpenCV; Parameter: 'est_confidence' Description: confidence threshold for the robust estimator Parameter: 'est_refine' Description: refine the parameters estimated by the robust method using a few iterations of Levenberg Marquardt algorithm Parameter: 'est_lm_max_iters' Description: no. of iterations to use for the optional Levenberg Marquardt refinement step if it is enabled;
Parameter: 'hom_normalized_init' Description: use normalized initial bounding box with respect to which all subsequent transformations are computed; refer 'aff_normalized_init' for more details; Parameter: 'hom_corner_based_sampling' Description: use corner based sampling for stochastic SMs; similar to 'aff_pt_based_sampling' except that the perturbations are applied to the 4 bounding box corners instead of the 3 points as in affine; also, geometric sampling in this case involves adding different perturbation directly to the 8 state parameters of this SSM unlike affine where a specialized geometric representation is used instead;
Parameter: 'hrch_sm' / 'hrch_sm' Description: AM and SSM for the hierarchical SSM tracker
Parameter: 'ia_hess_type' Description: type of Hessian to be used with IALK Possible Values: 0: Inverse/initial Self (or extended Gauss Newton) Hessian 1: Forward/current Self (or extended Gauss Newton) Hessian 2: Standard or approximate Forward Newton Hessian
Parameter: 'ic_hess_type' Description: type of Hessian to be used with ICLK Possible Values: 0: Inverse/initial Self (or extended Gauss Newton) Hessian 1: Forward/current Self (or extended Gauss Newton) Hessian 2: Standard or Inverse Newton Hessian Parameter: 'ic_chained_warp' Description: use chain rule to compute pixel Jacobian and Hessian Parameter: 'ic_update_ssm' Description: enable updating the SSM gradient in the setRegion function; only works with the templated version of the SM;
Parameter: 'iso_pt_based_sampling' Description: use point based sampling for stochastic SMs; refer 'aff_pt_based_sampling' for details; here the perturbations are applied to the two opposite bounding box corners and geometric sampling involves adding different perturbation directly to the 5 state parameters of this SSM unlike affine where a specialized geometric representation is used instead;
Parameter: 'laff_normalized_init' Description: use normalized initial bounding box with respect to which all subsequent transformations are computed; refer 'aff_normalized_init' for more details; Parameter: 'laff_grad_eps' Description: offset used for computing the numerical estimate of the first gradient (or Jacobian) of the transformation w.r.t. pixel locations; this is the distance(in x or y direction) between the pixel locations that are used in the method of central differences;
Parameter: 'lhom_normalized_init' Description: use normalized initial bounding box with respect to which all subsequent transformations are computed; refer 'aff_normalized_init' for more details; Parameter: 'lhom_grad_eps' Description: offset used for computing the numerical estimate of the first gradient (or Jacobian) of the transformation w.r.t. pixel locations; this is the distance(in x or y direction) between the pixel locations that are used in the method of central differences;
Parameter: 'lkld_n_bins' / 'lkld_pre_seed' / 'lkld_pou' Description: meaning is same as the corresponding parameters for CCRE; Parameter: 'lkld_sub_regions' Description: size of the grid of subregions into which the image patch is divided so that the KL-Divergence is computed between each pair of corresponding sub-patches; e.g. 'lkld_sub_regions' of 3 means that the patch will be divided into a 3 x 3 grid of sub-regions for a total of 9 sub-patches Parameter: 'lkld_spacing' Description: gap in pixels between adjacent subregions in both x and y directions, i.e. subregions in the same row are separated by this gap in the x direction while those in adjacent rows are separated by this gap in the y direction; Note: This AM is not completely implemented yet so might not work correctly with all SMs;
Parameter: 'lm_delta_init' Description: value with which the delta is initialized in each frame; Parameter: 'lm_delta_update' Description: multiplicative factor by which the delta is modified in each iteration, i.e. if the current value leads to better performance then the delta is multiplied by this factor and if it leads to poorer performance, then it is divided by this factor; Additional Reference: Baker, S. & Matthews, I., 'Lucas-Kanade 20 Years On: A Unifying Framework', IJCV, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2004, 56, 221-255
Parameter: 'med_kernel_size' Description: Median filter kernel size; this is a single number so that only square kernels are supported; Additional Reference:
Parameter: 'ncc_fast_hess' Description: use an approximate version of the self Hessian that is faster to compute; this was originally implemented as a buggy version of the correct self Hessian but was found to perform just as well at lower computational cost;
Parameter: 'ngf_eta' Description: estimate of noise level in the image Parameter: 'ngf_use_ssd' Description: use SSD formulation of NGF (not implemented completely yet); Additional References: Haber, E. & Modersitzki, J., 'Beyond mutual information: A simple and robust alternative', Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin 2005, Springer, 2005, 350-354 Jan Modersitzki: FAIR - Flexible Algorithms for Image Registration, SIAM 2009
Parameter: 'mi_n_bins' / 'mi_preseed' / 'mi_pou' Description: meaning is same as the corresponding parameters for CCRE; Additional Reference: Dame, A., 'A unified direct approach for visual servoing and visual tracking using mutual information', University of Rennes, 2010
Parameter: 'norm_pix_min' / 'norm_pix_max' Description: minimum and maximum values within which to normalize the pixel values
Parameter: 'nn_max_iters' Description: maximum no. of iterations per frame Parameter: 'nn_n_samples' Description: no. of samples in the index/dataset that is searched for the nearest neighbour Parameter: 'nn_ssm_sigma_ids' Description: one or more numeric IDs (separated by commas with no spaces) corresponding to the list of "ssm_sigma" specified at the end of modules.cfg each specifies the standard deviation of the joint Gaussian distribution used for generating the random SSM parameters for the samples in the index; normally a vector of the same size as the SSM state vector but may have special meaning/format depending on the specific SSM being used; only matters if nn_pix_sigma is <=0; Parameter: 'nn_pix_sigma' Description: one or more standard deviations of displacement of corners in pixels produced by random SSM samples in the index; a gradient based method is current used for converting this to the sigma for each SSM parameter and may not work well for some SSMs (especially more complex ones with higher DOFs); overrides the values specified in 'nn_ssm_sigma' unless it is <= 0; Parameter: 'nn_ssm_mean_ids' Description: one or more numeric IDs (separated by commas with no spaces) that correspond to the list of "ssm_mean" specified at the end of modules.cfg (if any); these specify the means of the joint Gaussian distributions used for generating the random SSM parameters for each sample in the index; normally a vector of the same size as the SSM state vector but may have special meaning/format depending on the specific SSM being used; any ID that is < 0 or > no. of specified ssm_mean vectors will be ignored; if the number of IDs specified < that for "pf_ssm_sigma_ids", the last one is used for all remaining distributions; therefore if no valid ID is specified here (either all IDs < 0 or no "ssm_mean" specified), all distributions will be zero mean; Parameter: 'nn_index_type' Description: ID of the type of FLANN index to be built; Possible Values: 0: GNN - this is not a FLANN provided index but is instead implemented within MTF; 1: KD Tree - only compatible with AMs whose similarity function is a kd-tree compatible distance, i.e. full distance between a pair of features can be accumulated from the partial distances between the individual dimensions; 2: Hierarchical Clustering - compatible with all AMs 3: KMeans (hierarchical k-means tree) 4: Composite 5: Linear 6: KDTreeSingle 7: KDTreeCuda3d 8: Autotuned Additional References: Muja, M. & Lowe, D. G., 'Fast Approximate Nearest Neighbors with Automatic Algorithm Configuration', VISAPP (1), 2009, 2, 331-340 FLANN manual( [index types 1-7] Hajebi, K.; Abbasi-Yadkori, Y.; Shahbazi, H. & Zhang, H., 'Fast approximate nearest-neighbor search with k-nearest neighbor graph', IJCAI Proceedings-International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2011, 22, 1312 ( [index type 0] Parameter: 'nn_fgnn_index_type' Description: ID of the type of FLANN index to be used to build GNN index; set to 0 to disable the use of FLANN with GNN; only matters if nn_index_type is set to 0; Parameter: 'nn_search_type' Description: ID of the search type used for the FLANN index Possible Values: 0: K-Nearest Neighbours (KNN) search 1: Radius search Additional References: sections 3.1.6 and 3.1.7 of FLANN manual ( Parameter: 'nn_save_index' Description: save the dataset and index to a binary file so it can be loaded again in a later run to avoid rebuilding; Parameter: 'nn_load_index' Description: load the dataset and index from a previously saved binary file; if the file does not exist, it will revert to building the dataset and index instead; Parameter: 'nn_additive_update' Description: use additive method to update SSM parameters instead of compositional one; Parameter: 'nn_show_samples' Description: show the location of the samples used for building the dataset; non zero values for it specify the no. of samples to be shown simultaneously while zero disables it; program execution will be paused after drawing these many samples and can be continued by pressing any key; pressing space will disable the pausing after each time these many samples are drawn while escape will turn off the showing samples option; Parameter: 'nn_add_samples_gap' Description: gap between frames at which the index is updated with new samples; setting this to 0 disables the addition of samples; does not work with GNN at present; Parameter: 'nn_n_samples_to_add' Description: no. of samples added to the index at each update; only matters if nn_add_samples_gap > 0; Parameter: 'nn_remove_samples' Description: remove the sample corresponding to the nearest neighbour found in each frame; does not work with GNN at present;
Parameter: 'nnk_n_layers' Description: no. of layers in the cascade setup; Parameter: 'nnk_ssm_sigma_ids' Description: similar to nn_ssm_sigma_ids except it must be provided for each layer of the tracker separately;er of steps for which the search for the best matching sample within the graph is carried out;
Parameter: 'nn_gnn_degree' Description: no. of neighbouring nodes with which each node in the graph is connected Parameter: 'nn_gnn_max_steps' Description: Maximum number of steps for which the search for the best matching sample within the graph is carried out; Parameter: 'nn_gnn_cmpt_dist_thresh' Description: minimum number of samples in the index for which the distance is computed during initialization between each pair of samples; if the number of samples is large enough, then this approach can help to reduce real-time computation costs by computing all possible distances at once, thus avoiding having to compute the distances between the same pair multiple times; Parameter: 'nn_gnn_random_start' Description: always start each search at a random node within the graph if this is disabled, then the search is started and the node corresponding to the result of the previous search; for sequential tasks like tracking where the transformation of the object patch in each frame is likely to be very similar to that in the previous frame, disabling this can help to reduce the search time since the target nodes in consecutive frames are likely to be close to each other in the graph; Parameter: 'nn_gnn_verbose' Description: print detailed debugging and other state related information at runtime Additional Reference: Hajebi, K.; Abbasi-Yadkori, Y.; Shahbazi, H. & Zhang, H., 'Fast approximate nearest-neighbor search with k-nearest neighbor graph', IJCAI Proceedings-International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2011, 22, 1312 (
Parameter: 'nn_fgnn_index_type' Description: FLANN index type of the approximate NN search method used for building the graph; if set to 0, then FLANN based graph building in GNN is disabled; only matters if nn_index_type is set to 0 and templated version of NN is used; Additional Reference: section of the thesis (
Parameter: 'nn_srch_checks' Description: specifies the maximum leafs to visit when searching for neighbours; a higher value for this parameter would give better search precision, but also take more time; for all leafs to be checked use the value CHECKS UNLIMITED (-1); if automatic configuration was used when the index was created, the number of checks required to achieve the specified precision was also computed, to use that value specify CHECKS_AUTOTUNED (-2) Parameter: 'nn_srch_eps' Description: search for eps-approximate neighbours; used only by KDTreeSingleIndex and KDTreeCuda3dIndex; Parameter: 'nn_srch_sorted' Description: specifies if the neighbours returned should be sorted by distance; used only by radius search; Parameter: 'nn_srch_max_neighbors' Description: specifies the maximum number of neighbours radius search should return (default: -1 = unlimited); used only for radius search; Parameter: 'nn_srch_cores' Description: number of cores to assign to the search (specify 0 for automatic core selection) Parameter: 'nn_srch_matrices_in_gpu_ram' Description: for GPU search, indicates if matrices are already in GPU ram. Parameter: 'nn_srch_use_heap' Description: use a heap to manage the result set (default: FLANN_Undefined (2)) Additional Reference: section 3.1.6 of FLANN manual (
Parameter: 'nn_kdt_trees' Description: no. of trees to use for KDTree index;
Parameter: 'nn_km_branching' Description: branching factor; Parameter: 'nn_km_iterations' Description: maximum iterations to perform in one kmeans clustering Parameter: 'nn_km_centers_init' Description: algorithm used for picking the initial cluster centers for kmeans tree Parameter: 'nn_km_cb_index' Description: cluster boundary index. Used when searching the kmeans tree
Parameter: 'nn_km_branching' Description: branching factor; Parameter: 'nn_km_iterations' Description: maximum iterations to perform in one kmeans clustering Parameter: 'nn_km_centers_init' Description: algorithm used for picking the initial cluster centers for kmeans tree Parameter: 'nn_km_cb_index' Description: cluster boundary index. Used when searching the kmeans tree
Parameter: 'nn_kdts_leaf_max_size' Description: maximum no. of leaf nodes
Parameter: 'nn_kdtc_leaf_max_size' Description: maximum no. of leaf nodes
Parameter: 'nn_hc_branching' Description: branching factor; Parameter: 'nn_hc_centers_init' Description: Algorithm used for picking the initial cluster centers; Parameter: 'nn_hc_trees' Description: number of parallel trees to build Parameter: 'nn_hc_leaf_max_size' Description: maximum leaf size
Parameter: 'nn_auto_target_precision' Description: precision desired (used for autotuning, -1 otherwise); Parameter: 'nn_auto_build_weight' Description: build tree time weighting factor Parameter: 'nn_auto_memory_weight' Description: index memory weighting factor Parameter: 'nn_auto_sample_fraction' Description: what fraction of the dataset to use for autotuning
Parameter: 'pca_n_eigenvec' Description: no. of eigen vectors Parameter: 'pca_batchsize' Description: no. of frames in each batch used for updating the basis Parameter: 'pca_f_factor' Description: forgetting factor for updating the basis Parameter: 'pca_show_basis' Description: show the image patches corresponding to the basis Additional References: D. A. Ross, J. Lim, R.-S. Lin, and M.-H. Yang, “Incremental Learning for Robust Visual Tracking,” IJCV, vol. 77, no. 1-3, pp. 125–141, 2008
Parameter: 'pf_max_iters' Description: maximum no. of iterations per frame Parameter: 'pf_n_particles' Description: no. of particles used for searching for the optimal SSM parameters; Parameter: 'pf_ssm_sigma_ids' Description: one or more numeric IDs separated by commas (NO spaces) that correspond to the list of "ssm_sigma" vectors specified at the end of modules.cfg; must be <= no. of such vectors; these specify the standard deviations of the joint Gaussian distributions used for generating the random SSM parameters for each particle; normally a vector of the same size as the SSM state vector but may have special meaning/format depending on the specific SSM being used; if the number of IDs specified < that for "pf_ssm_mean_ids", the last one is used for all remaining distributions so that the number of samplers used is maximum of the lengths of these two arguments; only matters if pf_pix_sigma is <=0; only NT version of PF supports multiple samplers so the standard version will simply use the first value specified here; Parameter: 'pf_ssm_mean_ids' Description: one or more numeric IDs separated by commas (NO spaces) that correspond to the list of "ssm_mean" specified at the end of modules.cfg (if any); these specify the means of the joint Gaussian distributions used for generating the random SSM parameters for each particle; normally a vector of the same size as the SSM state vector but may have special meaning/format depending on the specific SSM being used; any ID that is < 0 or > no. of specified ssm_mean vectors will be ignored; if the number of IDs specified < that for "pf_ssm_sigma_ids", the last one is used for all remaining distributions; therefore if no valid ID is specified here (either all IDs < 0 or no "ssm_mean" specified), all distributions will be zero mean; Parameter: 'pf_pix_sigma' Description: one or more standard deviations for displacement of corners in pixels produced by each sampler used for generating the random SSM samples corresponding to different particles; a gradient based method is current used for converting this to the sigma for each SSM parameter and may not work well for some SSMs (especially more complex ones with higher DOFs); overrides the values specified in 'pf_ssm_sigma' unless it is set to 0; only NT version of PF supports multiple samplers so the standard version will simply use the first value specified here; Parameter: 'pf_update_sampler_wts' Description: update the proportion of samples taken from different sampler in each frame according to the weights of the samples generated by each Parameter: 'pf_min_particles_ratio' Description: fraction of the total particles that will always be evenly distributed between the samplers; only the proportion of remaining particles will be adjusted dynamically; only matters if "pf_update_sampler_wts" is enabled Parameter: 'pf_measurement_sigma' Description: standard deviation for introducing randomness to the measurement function; only matters if pf_likelihood_func is set to 1; Parameter: 'pf_n_particles' Description: no. of particles used for searching for the optimal SSM parameters; Parameter: 'pf_dynamic_model' Description: dynamic model used for generating random perturbed SSM parameters for different particles; Possible Values: 0: Random Walk 1: First Order Auto Regression1 Parameter: 'pf_update_type' Description: method used for combining a state perturbation with existing SSM parameter values to update the particle states; Possible Values: 0: Additive 1: Compositional Parameter: 'pf_likelihood_func' Description: method used for generating the likelihood of the patch corresponding to each particle; Possible Values: 0: use the getLikelihood() function of the AM 1: Gaussian - use an exponential function on the negative similarity 2: Reciprocal of the similarity Parameter: 'pf_resampling_type' Description: method used for re sampling the particles to avoid degeneration refer this paper for more details on these methods: R. Douc and O. Cappe, "Comparison of resampling schemes for particle filtering," ISPA 2005. Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Image and Signal Processing and Analysis, 2005., 2005, pp. 64-69. Possible Values: 0: Disable re sampling 1: Binary Multinomial 2: Linear Multinomial 3: Residual Parameter: 'pf_adaptive_resampling_thresh' Description: maximum ratio between the number of effective particles and the total particles for resampling to be performed; setting it to <=0 or >1 disables adaptive resampling; refer section III.D of this paper for details about adaptive resampling: Grisetti, Giorgio, Stachniss, Cyrill, and Burgard, Wolfram. “Improved techniques for grid mapping with Rao-Blackwellized particle filters.” IEEE transactions on Robotics 23.1 (2007): 34-46 Parameter: 'pf_mean_type' Description: method used for generating the weighted mean of all the particles which serves as the overall state of the tracker; Possible Values: 0: No averaging is done and the state of the particle with the highest weight is simply used instead 1: use the dedicated function provided by the SSM 2: take the mean of the bounding box corners corresponding to all the particles as the overall bounding box corners specifying the state of the tracker Parameter: 'pf_update_distr_wts' Description: update the proportion of samples taken from different sampler according to the weights of the samples generated by each; only works with NT version of the SM; Parameter: 'pf_min_distr_wt' Description: fraction of the total particles that will always be evenly distributed between the samplers; only works with NT version of the SM; Parameter: 'pf_reset_to_mean' Description: reset the states of all particles to their mean state for each frame; Parameter: 'pf_mean_of_corners' Description: use the mean of corners corresponding to different particles to compute the mean location and use the corresponding SSM parameters as the mean state; if disabled, the function "estimateMeanOfSamples()" provided by the SSM is used instead; Parameter: 'pf_jacobian_as_sigma' Description: compute the standard deviation of the Gaussian distribution from the Jacobian of the AM w.r.t. SSM parameters; only works with NT version of the SM; Parameter: 'pf_show_particles' Description: show the location of the patch corresponding to each particle; non zero values for it specify the no. of particles to be shown simultaneously while zero disables it; program execution will be paused after drawing the locations of these many particles and can be continued by pressing any key; pressing 'space' will disable the pausing after each time these many particle locations are drawn while 'escape' will turn off the showing samples option; Parameter: 'pf_debug_mode' Description: write additional debugging data to a text files named in a sub directory called 'log' in the current working directory as well as print some of it onto the terminal; only works with NT version of the SM;
Parameter: 'pfk_n_layers' Description: no. of layers in the cascade setup; Parameter: 'pfk_ssm_sigma_ids' Description: similar to 'pf_ssm_sigma_ids' except it must be provided for each layer of the tracker separately;
Parameter: 'pgb_additive_update' Description: use additive instead of compositional updates for updating the ILM parameters; not implemented yet; Parameter: 'pgb_sub_regions_x' / 'pgb_sub_regions_y' Description: size of the grid of subregions in x and y directions into which the image patch is divided;
Parameter: 'prl_n_trackers' Description: number of trackers to be run in parallel; Parameter: 'prl_estimation_method' Description: method used for estimating the overall object location from the locations of the individual trackers; only works with ParallelSM; Possible Values: 0: Mean Of Corners - overall bounding box corners are computed as a mean of the individual bounding boxes 1: Mean Of State - overall SSM estate is computed as the element wise mean of the SSM states produced by the individual trackers; Parameter: 'prl_reset_to_mean' Description: reset the locations of all the trackers to the overall object location in each frame; Parameter: 'prl_auto_reinit' / 'prl_reinit_err_thresh' / 'prl_reinit_frame_gap' Description: same meaning as the corresponding parameters of cascade tracker;
Parameter: 'pyr_sm' Description: SM for the underlying tracker; its AM and SSM are taken from mtf_am and mtf_ssm respectively; Parameter: 'pyr_no_of_levels' Description: no. of levels in the image pyramid; Parameter: 'pyr_scale_factor' Description: ratio between the image sizes in consecutive levels of the pyramid; for instance if the main image is 800x600 and there are 3 levels in the pyramid, a scale factor of 0.5 means that level 2 and 3 have image sizes of 400x300 and 200x150 respectively; Parameter: 'pyr_scale_res' Description: scale the sampling resolution for the tracker at each level of the pyramid; Parameter: 'pyr_show_levels' Description: show the image for each level in the pyramid annotated with the tracker's location;
Parameter: 'rbf_additive_update' Description: use additive instead of compositional updates for updating the ILM parameters; not implemented yet; Parameter: 'rbf_n_ctrl_pts_x' / 'rbf_n_ctrl_pts_y' Description: size of the grid of control points in x and y directions that is used for computing the RBF surface;
Parameter: 'rg_n_samples' / 'rg_load_index' / 'rg_save_index' / 'rg_ssm_sigma_ids' / 'rg_ssm_mean_ids' / 'rg_pix_sigma' / 'rg_additive_update' / 'rg_add_points' / 'rg_remove_points' Description: same as the corresponding parameters for NN Parameter: 'rg_nepochs' Description: number of the epochs in training the network Parameter: 'rg_bs' Description: number of the epochs in training the network Parameter: 'rg_train' Description: path of the .caffemodel file from where Caffe parameters are to be loaded Parameter: 'rg_solver' Description: path of the .prototxt file from where trained model is to be loaded Parameter: 'rg_mean' Description: path of the .binaryproto file Parameter: 'rg_preproc' Description: enable preprocessing
Parameter: 'scv_n_bins' Description: number of bins in the joint histogram Parameter: 'scv_preseed' Description: value with which to preseed the histograms; this can be set to non zero values while using BSpline histograms to avoid some numerical issues associated with empty bins that can sometimes occur; Parameter: 'scv_pou' Description: strictly enforce the partition of unity constraint for border bins while computing the BSpline joint histogram Parameter: 'scv_approx_dist_feat' Description: decides if true SCV will be computed between the distance features; if it is turned off then the joint distribution will be computed from the two arguments to the distance functor itself after which the first argument will be mapped according to the expectation formula; note that using a KD tree index with this turned off will not produce the desired results because in that case this AM is no longer KD Tree compatible; not supported in LRSCV; Parameter: 'scv_weighted_mapping' Description: enable this to map each intensity to the weighted average of the two entries of the intensity map corresponding to the floor and ceil of that intensity; if disabled, it will be mapped to the entry corresponding to its floor leading to some information loss due to the fractional part that was discarded Parameter: 'scv_mapped_gradient' Description: enable this to automatically update the initial pixel gradient and hessian using the latest intensity map whenever the current pixel gradient is updated assuming that the current pixel values and thus the intensity map must have changed since the last time the initial pixel gradient was computed; only supported in SCV and RSCV; Additional Reference: Richa, R.; Sznitman, R.; Taylor, R. & Hager, G. 'Visual tracking using the sum of conditional variance', IROS, 2011, 2953-2958
Parameter: 'scv_hist_type' Description: method used for computing the joint histogram: Possible Values: 0: Dirac delta function that uses nearest neighbor interpolation 1: Bilinearr interpolation 2: Parzen density estimation with BSpline function of order 3 is used as the kernel function
Parameter: 'scv_use_bspl' Description: use BSpline kernel of order 3 while computing the joint histogram that is used for computing the sum of conditional variance; the Dirac Delta function is used otherwise;
Parameter: 'scv_affine_mapping' Description: use affine or linear mapping instead of the standard one; only supported in LSCV and LRSCV; Parameter: 'scv_once_per_frame' Description: update the template only once per frame so that it remains constant across all iterations in that frame; this can help to speed up processing a bit at the cost of slight inaccuracy; only supported in LSCV and LRSCV; Parameter: 'lscv_sub_regions' / 'lscv_spacing' Description: same meaning as the corresponding parameters for LKLD; Parameter: 'lscv_show_subregions' Description: show the sub regions overlaid on the patch Additional Reference: Richa, R.; Souza, M.; Scandaroli, G.; Comunello, E. & von Wangenheim, A. 'Direct visual tracking under extreme illumination variations using the sum of conditional variance', Image Processing (ICIP), 2014 IEEE International Conference on, 2014, 373-377
Parameter: 'sim_normalized_init' Description: use normalized initial bounding box with respect to which all subsequent transformations are computed; refer 'aff_normalized_init' for more details; Parameter: 'sim_geom_sampling' Description: use geometric sampling for stochastic SMs; Parameter: 'sim_pt_based_sampling' Description: use point based sampling for stochastic SMs; refer 'aff_pt_based_sampling' for details; here the perturbations are applied to the two opposite bounding box corners; only matters if 'sim_geom_sampling' is disabled; if both sim_geom_sampling and sim_pt_based_sampling are disabled, perturbations are applied directly to the state parameters;
Parameter: 'sl3_normalized_init' Description: use normalized initial bounding box with respect to which all subsequent transformations are computed; refer 'aff_normalized_init' for more details; Parameter: 'sl3_iterative_sample_mean' Description: use iterative method for computing the mean of SL3 samples; if disabled, mean is computed as the simple element wise mean of the state vectors; Parameter: 'sl3_sample_mean_max_iters' / 'sl3_sample_mean_eps' Description: maximum iterations and epsilon used for controlling the iterative SL3 mean estimation process; Parameter: 'sl3_debug_mode' Description: enable printing and writing of debugging data
Parameter: 'sobel_kernel_size' Description: Sobel filter kernel size; this is a single number so that only square kernels are supported; Parameter: 'sobel_normalize' Description: normalize the X and Y Sobel derivative images by their squared norm before computing their average; Additional Reference:
Parameter: 'spi_type' Description: SPI model Possible Values: 0: None (disable SPI) 1: Pixel difference 2: Pixel gradient norm 3: Good Features To Track (GFTT) Note: SPI can only be used if it is enabled during compilation; also SSD and NCC are the only AMs for which SPI support has been implemented though all SSMs do support it;
Parameter: 'spi_pix_diff_thresh' Description: pixel difference threshold between the template and the current patch so that pixels with difference above this value are turned off
Parameter: 'spi_grad_thresh' Description: pixel gradient norm threshold so that pixels with gradient norm less than value this are turned off Parameter: 'spi_grad_use_union' Description: use the union of the SPI masks computed using the initial and current gradients as the overall SPI mask so that only pixels that are turned on in both masks will be turned on in the final mask
Parameter: 'spi_gftt_max_corners' / 'spi_gftt_quality_level' / 'spi_gftt_min_distance' / 'spi_gftt_block_size' / 'spi_gftt_use_harris_detector' / 'spi_gftt_k' Description: refer GFTT feature detector Parameter: 'spi_gftt_use_union' Description: use the union of the SPI masks computed using the initial and current gradients as the overall SPI mask so that only pixels that are turned on in both masks will be turned on in the final mask Parameter: 'spi_gftt_neigh_offset' Description: size of the neighbourhood around each detected corner or feature point point in which all pixels are turned on; this is a single number so that only square neighbourhoods are supported; Additional Reference:
Parameter: 'spl_control_size' Description: resolution of spline control patch, i.e. each spline control point influences pixels in a neighbourhood of size spl_control_size x spl_control_size around it; Parameter: 'spl_control_overlap' Description: overlap in pixels between the influence regions of neighbouring spline control points; Parameter: 'spl_interp_type' Description: interpolation method to compute the displacements of individual pixels based on those of the spline control points; Parameter: 'spl_static_wts' Description: keep the weights associated with control points constant during tracking Parameter: 'spl_debug_mode' Description: enable printing and writing of debugging data Note: this SSM is not completely implemented yet so might not work with some SMs
Parameter: 'spss_k' Description: constant added to the numerator and denominator to avoid numerical instability issues caused by too small denominators; Additional Reference: Singh, A.; Siam, M. & Jagersand, M., 'Unifying Registration based Tracking: A Case Study with Structural Similarity', WACV, 2017
Parameter: 'ssim_k1' / 'ssim_k2' Description: constants added to the two terms in the numerator and denominator to avoid numerical instability issues caused by too small denominators; Additional References: Wang, Z.; Bovik, A.; Sheikh, H. & Simoncelli, E., 'Image quality assessment: from error visibility to structural similarity Image Processing', IEEE Transactions on, 2004, 13, 600-6 Singh, A.; Siam, M. & Jagersand, M., 'Unifying Registration based Tracking: A Case Study with Structural Similarity', WACV, 2017
Parameter: 'ssd_show_template' Description: show the image patch corresponding to the template
Parameter: 'sum_am1' / 'sum_am2' Description: the two AMs whose sum will make up the composite AM Possible Values: refer 'mtf_am' for a list of AMs Note: this composite AM is not completely implemented yet so might not work with some combinations of AMs and SMs
Parameter: 'cv3_tracker_type' Description: Tracker type Possible Values: mil/0: MIL boost/bst/1: BOOSTING mdf/2: MEDIANFLOW mil/3: MIL tld/4: TLD kcf/5: KCF gtrn/6: GOTURN Additional References:
Parameter: 'vptt_sm' Description: Search method Possible Values: fc/fclk: FCLK ic/iclk: ICLK fa/falk: FALK esm: ESM Parameter: 'vptt_am' Description: Appearance model Possible Values: ssd: SSD zncc: ZNCC mi: MI Parameter: 'vptt_ssm' Description: State space model Possible Values: 8: Homography l8/sl3: SL3 6: Affine 4: Similarity/Similitude 3: Isometry 2: Translation Note: not all combinations of SM, AM and SSM are supported Parameter: 'vptt_max_iters' Description: maximum no. of iterations per frame Parameter: 'vptt_res' Description: sampling resolution; Note: ViSP only supports sampling resolutions that are integral factors of the object size in each dimension; vertical and horizontal resolutions are thus computed to be as close as possible to this while being divisors of the object size; Parameter: 'vptt_lambda' Description: convergence gain used in the estimation scheme Parameter: 'vptt_thresh_grad' Description: threshold of the gradient at a pixel for it to be included in the integration process; only matters if it is > 0; Parameter: 'vptt_pyr_n_levels' Description: Number of pyramid levels. Algorithm starts at level vptt_pyr_n_levels-1. Parameter: 'vptt_pyr_level_to_stop' Description: Last level of the pyramid that will be considered; lowest level is zero. Additional References:
Parameter: 'dsst_padding' Description: TBA Parameter: 'dsst_sigma' Description: sigma used to generate the 2D gaussian for desired correlation output for translation Parameter: 'dsst_scale_sigma' Description: sigma used to generate the 1D gaussian for desired correlation output for scale Parameter: 'dsst_lambda' Description: small value is used in the computation of the correlation filter to avoid div by zero Parameter: 'dsst_learning_rate' Description: The learning rate by which you want the numerator and denominator of your correlation filter to be updated with the new template A_t= (1-lr)A_{t-1}+lr*new_A B_t= (1-lr)A_{t-1}+lr*new_B Where A_t, B_t the numerator and denominator of correlation filter respectively Parameter: 'dsst_lambda' Description: TBA Parameter: 'dsst_number_scales' Description: Number of scales considered for the template Parameter: 'dsst_scale_step' Description: scale step between each scale Parameter: 'dsst_resize_factor' Description: Default=1, Increase resize_factor to 2 or 4 to resize the template by 1/resize_factor to have faster solution but less accurate Parameter: 'dsst_is_scaling' Description: Flag to compute scaling, 0/1 Parameter: 'dsst_is_rotating' Description: Flag to compute rotation, 0/1 Parameter: 'dsst_bin_size' Description: TBA Parameter: 'dsst_number_rots' Description: Number of rotations considered for the template Parameter: 'dsst_rot_step' Description: rotation angle step between each rotation Additional References: M. Danelljan, G. Hager, F. S. Khan, and M. Felsberg, “Discriminative Scale Space Tracking,” IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 2016
Parameter: 'kcf_padding'/'kcf_lambda'/'kcf_is_scaling'/'kcf_resize_factor'/'kcf_number_scales'/'kcf_scale_step' Description: same as corresponding parameters for DSST Parameter: 'kcf_scale_sigma_factor' Description: TBA Parameter: 'kcf_output_sigma_factor' Description: TBA Parameter: 'kcf_interp_factor' Description: TBA Parameter: 'kcf_kernel_sigma' Description: TBA Parameter: 'kcf_scale_learning_rate' Description: TBA Additional References: J. F. Henriques, R. Caseiro, P. Martins, and J. Batista, “High-speed tracking with kernelized correlation fiters,” IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, vol. 37, no. 3, pp. 583–596, 2015
Parameter: 'strk_config_path' Description: path of the cfg file containing Struck parameters (typically Config/thirdparty.cfg) Parameter: 'strk_resize_factor' Description: multiplicative factor by which the input image is scaled before being used for tracking. Parameter: 'strk_seed' Description: seed for random number generator. Parameter: 'strk_searchRadius' Description: tracker search radius in pixels. Parameter: 'strk_svmC' Description: SVM regularization parameter. Parameter: 'strk_svmBudgetSize' Description: SVM budget size (0 = no budget). Parameter: 'strk_feature' Description: image features to use; specified in the format: strk_feature kernel [kernel-params] where: feature = haar/raw/histogram kernel = gaussian/linear/intersection/chi2 or kernel=gaussian, kernel-params is sigma; multiple features can also be specified and will be combined Additional References: Sam Hare, Amir Saffari, Philip H. S. Torr, “Struck: Structured Output Tracking with Kernels,” International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), 2011
Parameter: 'xv_visualize' Description: show the result of tracking from frame to frame in an Xvision window; only matters if Xvision is enabled during compilation and Xvision pipeline is used; Possible Values: 0: Disable 1: Enable
Parameter: 'py_visualize' Description: show the result of tracking from frame to frame; Possible Values: 0: Disable 1: Enable