Task timing histograms from GTEA

This web pages contains task timing histograms for all the tasks in the GTEA Gaze+ data-set. In the paper we have re-named some tasks for easy of reading (ie "door" in the paper is open/close here). Here we use the same task labels as in the data-set annotation

Reaches as part of pick-and-place tasks are the most common movements in the ADL sequences we analyzed. Human reaches are very quick, usually about a second. With light objects the human arm and hand performs at native speed.

Open/close refers to the opening and closing of all sorts of door like objects including kitchen cabinet doors, drawers, as well as heavier doors such as a refrigerator door full of heavy ingredients (milk, juice packages etc). In the paper graph this is referred to as "door". In the histogram the tail with longer times correspond to the heavier doors, while the majority of open/c;lose actions are with the comparably lightweight cabinet door and drawers, where the human arm and hand performs at near unloaded native speed.

Pour is a motion example where the often very quick human movements are slowed down by the task constraints. The human will adjust the pour rate to what is possible without spilling given the type of source and receptacle containers.

Move around refers to the human moving/walking. Here it is within a kitchen, so for relatively short duration. This is labeled "walk" in the paper.

Supplemental timing data

Supplemental timing data for other motions are provided below. To interpret the data consult the videos in the GTEA Gaze+ data-set.