Intro to sockets

Introduction to Sockets

The tutorial by Jim Frost, "BSD Sockets: A Quick and Dirty Primer" makes an interesting analogy between using sockets and using a phone. This is the idea, modified slightly to include select():

The client has fewer routines:

Now for a chronological look at how these system calls are typically used.

        TCP Client                               TCP Server
        ----------                               ----------

                                                  bind()  [well-known port]
          socket()                            blocks until connection
             |                                attempt from client
             |                                       | 
             V                                       |
          connect() <--(connection established)-->   |                         
             |                                       |
             V                                       |
   |->--> write() ->\                                V
   |         |       \---data (request)---------> read()  <----<----|
   |         |                                       |              |
   |         |                                       V              |
   ^         |                                process request       ^
   |         |                                       |              |
   |         |                                       V              |
   |         |                                <-- write() >---->----|
   |         V                               /       |
   --<--< read()  <------data (reply)-------/        |
             |                                       |   
             V                                       |
          close() ->\                                V
                     \----EOF notification------> read() 

This diagram doesn't show select(), but you can assume that select() is used in the server each time before accepting a client, and also before reading from a file descriptor.

[Credit: this diagram is based directly on the one in "Unix Network Programming 2nd edition" by Stevens]

Finally, we'll take a more in-depth look at these functions...

int socket(int family,              int type,               int protocol);
 |             |                        |                          |
 |             |                        |                          |
 |             V                        V                          V
 |        AF_UNIX                   SOCK_STREAM             either is fine:
 |           -user pathnames          -stream socket          a) 0
 |            identify sockets            -TCP                   (use default)
 |           -talk among                  -sequenced          b) IPPROTO_TCP
 |            processes on                -connection            (selected by
 |            the same host                oriented               default for
 |                                        -variable               SOCK_STREAM)
 |                                         length byte stream
 |        AF_INET                   SOCK_DGRAM
 |           -internet protocols       -datagram socket
 |           -talk among                  -UDP (
 |            processes on                -connectionless
 |            different hosts             -fixed-length bytes
 |       [Note: AF="address family"]
 >= 0: socket descriptor
 <  0: error

int bind(int sockfd, struct sockaddr *myaddr, int addrlen);
 |                            |                     |
 |                            V                     |
 V                   protocol specific address      |
 0 : success         [for AS #3, we cast from       V
-1 : error            struct sockaddr_in          used for:
                      the "_in" at the end          space for structure
                      of "sockddr_in" is           -learning which address
                      short for "internet"          structure type being
                     ]                              used

int listen(int sockfd, int backlog);
 |                            |
 |                            V
 V                     -specifies how many connection requests
 0 : success            can be queued/pending at the same time
-1 : error             -needed because:
                         -in the time is takes for the server to 
                          handle a connection request, it is possible
                          for additional connection requests
                          to arrive from other clients
                       -usually set to 5 [max value allowed?]

int accept(int sockfd, struct sockaddr *peer, int *addrlen);
 |                              |                   |
 |                              |                   |
 |                              V                   V
 V                    - returns address info   - returns size of address
 < 0 : error            of connected client    
 >=0 : new socket     - can be NULL            - can also be NULL
       descriptor       [Jim Frost uses NULL]

int connect(int sockfd, struct sockaddr *servaddr, int addrlen);
 |                               |                       |
 |                               |                       |
 V                               V                       |
 0 : success            pointer to socket address        V
-1 : error                                       size of socket address
