Consider the following formula: (~x -> (y /\ x)) /\ (~y -> (x /\ z)) - Give the truth table of this formula. (to do this use the method described on pages 146 and 147 of the book) - Using the truth table, give a DNF and CNF formula that is logically equivalent to it Answer: DNF: (x /\ ~y /\ z) \/ (x /\ y /\ ~z) \/ (x /\ y /\ z) CNF: (x \/ y \/ z) /\ (x \/ y \/ ~z) /\ (x \/ ~y \/ z) /\ (x \/ ~y \/ ~z) /\ (~x \/ y \/ z) - Using only the laws for LEQV (and without using the truth table) derive a CNF formula that is LEQV to the above one. (~x -> (y /\ x)) /\ (~y -> (x /\ z)) LEQV (~~x \/ (y /\ x)) /\ (~~y \/ (x /\ z)) (by -> law, twice) LEQV (x \/ (y /\ x)) /\ (y \/ (x /\ z)) (double negation, twice) LEQV ((x \/ y) /\ (x \/ x)) /\ ((y \/ x) /\ (y \/ z)) (distrib. twice) LEQV ((x \/ y) /\ x)) /\ ((y \/ x) /\ (y \/ z)) (Idempotency) LEQV x /\ (x \/ y) /\ (y \/ x) /\ (y \/ z) (Commutativity) - XOR (drawn as a O with a "+" inside) is a new connective which has the following truth table: x y x XOR y -----|-------- 0 0| 0 0 1| 1 1 0| 1 1 1| 0 Basically, x XOR y is 1 if and only if exactly one of x or y is 1. Prove that { XOR, ->} is a complete set of connectives. Answer: we show that we can make ~ and \/ using XOR and ->, and we know that { ~, \/} is a complete set. (explain each step in details). . By truth table: x XOR x LEQV 0 . So, (x XOR x) -> x LEQV 0 -> x LEQV 1 . By truth table: x XOR 1 LEQV ~x . Therefore, x XOR ((x XOR x) -> x) LEQV ~x . To implement x \/ y we use the fact that x -> y LEQV ~x \/ y So x \/ y LEQV ~x -> y. We know already how to make ~x using only XOR and ->. Therefore x \/ y LEQV (x XOR ((x XOR x) -> x)) -> y If you have extra time, go over Theorem 5.26 (page 166) of the textbook