Current Research Group Members
In reverse chronological order of joining our group:
Henry Du,
MSc student,
undergrad Summer 2022-23, started MSc Fall 2023.
MSc thesis: Sorted Bucket Hash and combinatorial game
algorithms: two efficient solvers for the game of
Owen Randall, PhD student,
undergrad Summer 2021,
MSc 2021-2023, fast-tracked into PhD program Jan 2023.
Hongming Zhang,
PhD student, Statistical Machine Learning,
joined group in Fall 2020.
In reverse chronological order:
Timo Bertram, PhD 2020-2025 at FAW, JKU Linz,
co-supervised with Juffi Fürnkranz.
Contrastive learning for imperfect information games.
Asmaul Husna, MSc 2022-2024.
Now: Ph.D. student, U. Alberta.
Analyzing KataGo: A comparative evaluation against perfect play
in the game of Go.
Ehsan Futuhi, MSc 2022-2024.
Now: research assistant, U. Alberta.
Improving Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient for sparse reward and goal-conditioned continuous control.
Jiuqi Wang, MSc 2021-2023, co-supervised with Jonathan Schaeffer.
Now: PhD student, University of Virginia.
Thesis: Deep Dive on Checkers Endgame Data.
Mark Usmanov,
undergrad student, Summer 2023.
Topic: Efficient solver for combinatorial games.
Ting-Han Wei, postdoc 2019-2023.
Now: Professor, Kochi University of Technology, Japan.
Zeyi Wang,
MSc 2020-2022.
Now: Co-founder and CTO, Astrus.
MooZi: A High-Performance Game-playing System that Plans
with a Learned Model.
Dat Tran,
undergrad student, Summer 2022.
Topic: opening book for small board Go solver.
Bedir Tapkan,
MSc 2020-2022, co-supervised with Ryan Hayward.
Now: developer for a startup in BC.
Dark Hex: A Large Scale Imperfect Information Game.
Chenjun Xiao,
MSc 2014-2016, PhD 2016-2023, Dale Schuurmans co-supervised from 2018.
Now: Assistant Professor, Chinese University of Hong Kong (Shenzhen).
Advances in Simulation-Based Search and Batch Reinforcement Learning.
Farnaz Kohankhaki, MSc 2020-2022.
Now: Associate applied machine learning specialist, Vector Institute.
Monte Carlo Tree Search and Model Uncertainty, 2022.
Kiarash Aghakasiri, MSc 2020-2022.
Now: PhD student at U. Alberta.
Monte Carlo Tree Search in the Presence of Model Uncertainty, 2022.
Md Solimul Chowdhury,
PhD 2016-2021, co-supervised with
Jia You.
Now: NSERC Postdoc at CMU with Marijn Heule.
Empirical Insights Driven CDCL SAT Algorithms, 2021.
- Rejwana Haque, MSc 2020-2021.
On the Road to Perfection? Evaluating LeelaChess Zero Against Endgame Tablebases, 2021.
Now: lecturer at U. Alberta.
- Prateek Garg, undergrad student from IIT Delhi,
online internship in Summer 2020. Topic: MMCTS.
Christian Jans, undergrad student,
NSERC USRA in Summer 2020. Topic: Machine Learning for the game of Clobber.
Chao Gao,
PhD 2015-2020, co-supervised with
Ryan Hayward.
Now: Senior Researcher at Huawei Canada Research Center, Edmonton.
Search and Learning Algorithms for Two-Player Games with Application to the Game of Hex.
- Amir Shukayev, undergrad student 2020, Go endgame solver.
Now: intern at Jane Street Capital.
- Yunpeng Tang, MSc 2017-2019,
undergraduate summer student 2015 and 2016.
Thesis and a page about Yunpeng Tang's MSc work on
algorithms for random sampling from time-changing
discrete distributions.
- Gaojian Fan,
PhD 2014-19, co-supervised with
Rob Holte.
I joined as co-supervisor in 2016.
Now at Google Waterloo.
Understanding and Improving Merge-and-Shrink Abstraction
for Cost Optimal Planning.
2014 GPA Award for graduate students,
2014 PhD Early Achievement Award,
2019 PhD Outstanding Thesis Award, all in Computing Science,
University of Alberta.
2019 nominated for Governor General's Gold Medal.
- Will Fenton, undergraduate student,
NSERC USRA summer 2019
- Mohammad Ajallooeian,
co-supervised with
Csaba Szepesvari,
PhD student 2014-2018. Now at Amii in Edmonton.
- Farhad Haqiqat,
MSc 2018.
Now Lead Data Scientist at Nanoprecise Sci Corp.
Analyzing the impact of knowledge and search
in Monte Carlo Tree Search in Go.
- Andrew Jacobsen, undergraduate student,
NSERC USRA 2015 and 2016,
NSERC Engage 2017.
Now a PhD student in our department.
- Fan Xie,
MSc started 2010, transfered to PhD program 2012, PhD 2015 co-supervised with
Rob Holte. Now at Google Waterloo.
Exploration in Greedy Best-First Search for Satisficing Planning.
2016 Faculty of Science Dissertation Award.
- Weifeng Chen,
MSc 2015. Now at Amazon Web Services.
Motion planning with Monte Carlo random walks.
- Jacob Ridgway,
HIP student, summer 2015.
Now at University of Toronto.
- Yeqin Zhang,
MSc 2015.
Now at LinkedIn.
TDS+: Improving Temperature Discovery Search
- Hootan Nakhost,
PhD 2013. Now Senior Software Engineer at Google Waterloo.
Random Walk Planning: Theory, Practice, and Application.
2013 PhD Outstanding Thesis Award in Computing Science, University of Alberta.
Dissertation Award for best PhD thesis
from the Canadian Artificial Intelligence Association.
- Kazuki Yoshizoe,
visiting professor 2011, 2013, 2014. Now
professor at Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan
- Sumudu Fernando, programmer/analyst 2012/13. Now at Google.
- Jiaxing Song, MSc 2012.
An Enhanced Solver For The Game Of Amazons.
Now at SoundHound, Toronto.
- Gabe Van Eyck, MSc 2012.
Move Groups as a General Enhancement for Monte Carlo Tree Search.
Now at Riot Games, California.
- Colin Hunt, NSERC USRA summer student, 2012. Now Software Developer at
Pason, Calgary.
- Aja Huang, postdoc (co-supervised with R. Hayward), 2011-12.
Now Staff Research Scientist at Google DeepMind in London, England.
AlphaGo lead programmer.
Abdallah Saffidine,
visiting PhD student from Université Paris Dauphine, 2011-2012.
Now Research Associate
at the School of Computer Science and Engineering, University of New South Wales, Sydney.
- Saradha Sankaran, programmer/analyst 2011-12. Now
lead consultant for British Telecom in Bengaluru, India.
Kunihito Hoki, Assistant Professor at the University of
Electro-Communications in Tokyo, visiting professor for 1.5 months, 2012.
Hilmar Finnsson, PhD student visiting from University of Reykjavik,
3 months, 2011. Now a postdoc there.
- Henry Brausen, NSERC USRA student (joint with R. Hayward), summer 2011.
Now at Eleven Engineering, Inc.
Tomoyuki Kaneko,
Assistant Professor from University of Tokyo,
author of the top shogi program
GPS shogi,
visited for 2 months in 2011.
- David Tom,
MSc 2010.
Investigating UCT and RAVE: steps towards a more robust method.
Now Technical Analyst at Tantus Solutions Group.
- Broderick Arneson,
Senior programmer/analyst 2010. Now at Google.
- Arpad Rimmel,
Postdoc 2010. Now at Supelec.
- Teri Drummond, undergraduate summer student 2010. Now at Bioware.
- Xiaozhen Niu,
PhD student 2004-2010. Now at CGI, Victoria, BC.
- David Silver
PhD 2009, co-supervised with
Rich Sutton.
Reinforcement Learning and Simulation-Based Search in Computer Go.
Outstanding PhD Thesis Award.
Now at Google DeepMind in London, England,
AlphaGo lead architect and leader of the Reinforcement Learning group.
- Ling Zhao
PhD student 2002-2009.
- Markus Enzenberger
Senior programmer/analyst 2002-2009. Main author of Fuego.
- Travis Dick
Undergraduate summer student 2008,
NSERC USRA summer student 2009. MSc at UAlberta with Rich Sutton,
now PhD student at CMU.
- Adi Botea
PhD 2006, co-supervised with
Jonathan Schaeffer.
Now at Eaton, Ireland.
Adi's PhD thesis
- Akihiro Kishimoto
PhD 2005. Now at IBM Research Ireland.
Kishi's PhD thesis
- Zhichao Li: summer student / programmer, 2002 - 2005. Now at
- Xiaozhen Niu
MSc 2004. Now at CGI, Victoria, BC.
- Mack Male: summer student 2004.
Now an Edmonton-based entrepreneurial journalist and founder of
digital publishing company Taproot Publishing Inc.
- Roy de Bruijn: summer student 2003, co-supervised with
Rob Holte.
- Jianjun Zhou
MSc 2003. Now a Research Scientist at Shenzhen Research Institute of Big Data.
- Ling Zhao
MSc 2002, co-supervised with
Jonathan Schaeffer.
- Nathan Bullock
MSc 2002, co-supervised with
Jonathan Schaeffer.
Now software engineer at Google.
- Theodore Tegos:
MSc 2002, co-supervised with
Jonathan Schaeffer.
Andrew Creskey:
summer student 2001, co-supervised with
Rob Holte.
External examiner for PhD defense, PhD candidacy
- Josh Jung, PhD defense, University of Waterloo, 2023
- Ioannis Antonoglou, PhD defense, University College London, 2023
- Mihai Dobre, PhD defense, University of Edinburgh, 2018
- Neil McKay, PhD defense, Dalhousie University, 2016
- Abdallah Saffidine, PhD defense, Université Paris Dauphine, 2013
- Hilmar Finnsson, PhD defense, University of Reykjavik, May 21, 2012
- Fabien Teytaud, PhD defense, Université Paris Sud, Dec 8, 2011
- Junichi Hashimoto, PhD defense, JAIST, Feb 1, 2011
- Hilmar Finnsson, PhD candidacy, University of Reykjavik, July 2, 2010
- Guillaume Chaslot, PhD assessment committee, Maastricht University, 2010
- Arpad Rimmel, PhD defense, Université Paris Sud, 2009
- Paul Ottaway, PhD defense, Dalhousie, 2009
External examiner for MSc defense
- Hilmar Finnsson, University of Reykjavik, 2007
- Jonheidur Isleifsdottir, University of Reykjavik, 2007
Created: Sep 13, 2000 Last modified: Mar 5, 2025
Martin Müller