(;EV[1995 Ottawa Meijin League ]DT[Mar. 19, 1995]TM[1:20/player no byo-yomi ]PW[Philip Waldron ]PB[Selina Chang]WR[4D ]BR[3D ]KM[8]RE[W wins by 5.5 points ]SZ[19]FF[3]BS[0]WS[0]GM[1];B[dp];W[pp];B[dc];W[qd];B[od];W[oc];B[nc];W[pc];B[md] ;W[ne];B[oe];W[nb] (;B[mc]BM[1]C[Real bad shape. Normal joseki is shown.];W[mb];B[nf]TR[mc]C[Now one can see how the stone is useless. B lost a move straight.];W[kc] (;B[kd]C[looks like the wrong direction.];W[jc] (;B[qn]C[Why from this side?];W[nq];B[pj];W[qf]C[Easy, and good move. Black's position on this side is strange. So many stones, so little substance.];B[ce];W[cn];B[fp];W[bp] (;B[cq]C[makes it easy for w. After the initial mistake, how can b compete on territory?];W[ck]C[again an ideal point neutralizing anything b might have here.];B[jq];W[rp];B[hc];W[jd];B[ke];W[hd];B[gd];W[he] ;B[ge];W[gf] (;B[ic]C[I do not like this move];W[id];B[fc]C[B shape is very overconcentrated] (;W[ql]C[W starts a fight. This is a good point, but..];B[ro];W[pm];B[pn];W[nm];B[nn];W[mn];B[on];W[ml];B[rl] (;W[qk]C[I would play hane, there is nothing to be afraid of.];B[rk];W[qj]C[Still, this is also good for W, building thickness.];B[mo] (;W[qq]C[I think this is a mistake by W. Extending is too big, it is really a must.];B[ln];W[mm]C[painful];B[np];W[mq] (;B[ff];W[ch]C[W happy again];B[bq];W[lo];B[rj] (;W[mp]C[strange play];B[no];W[ko] (;B[io] (;W[kr];B[kq];W[jr];B[ir];W[lr];B[jn]C[Doubtful. Reduces potential for B play here by killing the cutting stone];W[kn];B[em];W[dm];B[el] ;W[en];B[fn];W[hr];B[iq];W[is] (;B[gr]C[One cannot win by answering everything];W[hq];B[hp];W[jm];B[im];W[jl];B[qi] (;W[qm]C[Reduces W own liberties, and therefore ends in gote];B[rm];W[om] (;B[oi]C[somehow, this looks small. There are many nice endgame moves which could be played instead.] (;W[gs]C[There are several options here, no idea which is best for w.];B[fr];W[fs];B[es];W[hs];B[gq];W[js];B[dr];W[mi]TB[aa][ba][ca][da][ea][fa][ga][ha][hb][gb][gc][fb][eb][db][cb][bb][ab][ac][bc][cc][dc][ec][ed][fd][dd][cd][bd][ad][ee][fe][ne][nd][sj][sk][sl][sm][sn][as][bs][cs][ds][cr][br][dr][er][eq][fq][dq][gq][gp][go][gn][hn][ho]TC[-11]TW[ai][aj][ak][al][bl][bm][am][bk][bj][bi][ks][ls][ms][ns][os][ps][qs][rs][ss][sr][sq][rr][rq][qr][pr][or][nr][mr][ln][lm][km][ll][kl][ka][la][ma][na][oa][pa][qa][ra][sa][sb][rb][qb][pb][ob][pc][qc][rc][sc][sd][rd][re][se]C[Summary: B blundered in the first corner and never really recovered. W played very solidly overall, but once or twice missed the proper move. B made a few bad shape or overconcentrated moves.]) (;W[fr];B[gq];W[gs]) (;W[gq];B[fr])) (;B[il]) (;B[gq]) (;B[bg])) (;W[gq];B[fr];W[il]C[A big point])) (;B[jl]C[How about this?])) (;W[qi]C[just extend..])) (;B[qi]C[looks really urgent for both])) (;W[qi]C[why not here?])) (;B[ci]C[here is better.])) (;W[ln]C[I would automatically extend. The situation in the corner may become difficult, but there is no way w can die.] (;B[np];W[oq]) (;B[rq] (;W[qp];B[sp];W[lq]C[W will live]) (;W[sp]C[stronger, and also looks possible] (;B[qp];W[qq];B[qo];W[rr];B[pq];W[qr];B[op];W[pr];B[oq];W[or]C[W is satisfied] ) (;B[qq];W[qp];B[pq];W[op]C[This b attack does not really work, b has too many weaknesses]))))) (;W[rk] (;B[qk]C[This does not work];W[pk];B[qj];W[rm]) (;B[pl]C[This loos tricky, but..];W[pk];B[ol];W[om];B[qm];W[qk];B[ok];W[oj];B[nk];W[pi]C[..again, w has no problems, only b] ))) (;W[ch]C[this is easier, and should be good enough.]) (;B[ci]C[If b later extends here, both the cutting point H14 and the group below will be worries for white, e.g. the C7 invasion]TR[gf][ck][cn][bp])) (;B[hf]C[I would cut, and look for complications, e.g. as shown.];W[gc];B[fc];W[gb];B[hb];W[fb];B[eb];W[fd];B[fe];W[ec] ;B[ed];W[ic];B[ie];W[id];B[fc];W[ib];B[if]C[b becomes quite strong, if w plays like this.]) (;B[gc]C[Or if b wants to defend, just go here.])) (;B[cl]C[I would try to catch up by going for the moyo];W[cq];B[co];W[bo];B[dn]C[makebe b can get something big in the middle])) (;B[nq]C[This side looks more interesting. hard to make territory on the other side])) (;B[qe]C[normal];W[re];B[qg])) (;B[nf];W[mb]))