(;GM[1]FF[3]VW[]SZ[19]PB[jigo]BR[1k*]PW[MESS]WR[1k*]GN[MESS-jigo\(B\) IGS]DT[1995-01-18]PC[IGS: hellspark.wharton.upenn.edu 6969]TM[900]RE[W+Resign]US[Brought to you by IGS]KM[5.5]BS[0]WS[0];B[qd];W[dd];B[pq];W[eq];B[od];W[qo];B[qk];W[mq];B[op] ;W[jp];B[pn] (;W[mc]DO[]C[doubtful, seems overextension];B[jd]C[good]TE[1];W[me];B[fc];W[df];C[ T: I wasn't too afraid of the peep at a\). M: still, the peep maybe the standar move for W. Anyway, B can be happy with W making a vulnerable group here]B[kc]LB[pc:A];W[ob];B[pc];W[mg];C[ T: This seemed big. M: Yes.]B[pg] ;C[T: This move seems to work rather too well for white ? M: The question is: can W do anything on top now?]W[jf] (;C[ Now I would probably play a\), b\) or c\). M: agree, these are the good points. 23 is bad, in the same way as W move 12. My preference is C. You cannot even attack the corner, because W has all kinds of sente against the top.]B[ch]LB[do:A][cl:B][ck:C]BM[1];W[ck] (;C[ T: This seems to turn out badly as well. M: Agree, this only strenghtens W. Could have been a losing move.]B[dk];W[dl];B[cj];W[ek];B[dj];W[cl]C[W is very happy, and b is not even alive yet.] (;B[cc]C[NO! Setting up a 3-way attack against yourself..];W[dc];B[db] (;W[cd]C[NO! Letting B connect is terrible];B[bb];W[bc];B[cb] (;W[fe]BM[1]C[weak];B[fi]TE[1]C[good. B settles both sides and steals the corner. Incredible...];W[eh];B[fk];W[el];B[hi];W[gh];B[gi];W[hc];B[hd] ;W[gd];B[gc];W[id] (;C[ Is a\) better ? M: it is very complicated, but I think A works. See the variations, for example]B[ic]LB[he:A];W[he];B[hb]C[The remaining Ko is very dangerous for both. B should take soon, if he captures through W gets quite weak.];W[cp] (;C[T: Is there a sensible probe against the corner before reducing from the outside? M: No, the corner is too strong. But this looks too shallow]B[in];W[ho]C[W is happy with the exchange];B[bp];W[cq];B[kq]C[good, last possible entry point];W[kp];B[lq] (;W[mp]C[tough, but overplay. ] (;B[jq];W[lp]TE[1]C[good, the vital point.];B[mr] (;W[nr];B[lr];W[oq];B[pr];W[ns] (;B[ip]BM[1]C[No such move please, unless it is absolutely necessary for life.];W[io] (;B[hp]C[bad shape];W[hr]TE[1];B[go] (;W[gp];B[hn];W[jo];B[gq];W[fp];B[gr];W[fr];B[hs] (;W[km]BM[1];B[pp]TE[1];W[ej];B[ei];W[dh];B[di];W[cg] (;C[T: Should probably have been a\) or b\) ? M: I don't know. Ask a pro :-\) This move is not bad, I think.]B[bi]LB[hk:A][gm:B];W[hk] (;B[bk];W[fj];B[bm];W[bl];B[al] (;W[bn];B[bg];W[qi];B[qg];W[qm] (;B[pl];W[pm];B[om];W[on];B[po];W[ol];B[nm];W[rk];B[rj];W[rl] ;B[qj];W[rp] (;B[rn]C[looks unreasonable];W[qn];B[rq];W[nn] (;B[nl];W[ok];B[nk];W[oj];B[nj];W[ri];B[oi];W[sj] (;B[rg];W[pi];B[pj];W[oh];B[ni];W[ph] (;B[nh];W[og];B[ng];W[of];B[nf];W[qp];B[qq];W[sp]C[now its too late, b corner is threatened] (;B[sq]BM[2]C[blunder];W[sk];B[sm];W[so] (;B[cm];W[dn];B[cn];W[do];B[bq];W[bo];B[co];W[br];B[ao];W[ib] ;B[hd];W[dm]C[too small] (;B[an];W[hc];B[sn];W[rm];B[hd];W[nq] (;B[mn];W[hc];B[jc];W[gb];B[hd];W[no];B[rs];W[hc];B[ha];W[ia] ;B[hd];W[iq] (;B[hq];W[hc];B[sh] (;W[si]C[small..];B[hd];W[ir];B[jr];W[hc];B[le];W[ld];B[hd];W[fq];B[is] ;W[hc];B[il]C[desperation?];W[ga];B[gm];W[kk] (;B[kn]C[too impatient];W[jn];B[jm];W[jl];B[im];W[ik];B[lm];W[kl];B[jj];W[jk] ;B[fm];W[fn];) (;B[jj]C[This gives B much better chances] (;W[kj];B[ki] (;W[jk];B[ik] (;W[ji];B[ij];W[li];B[kh];W[lh];B[kg];W[lj];B[mf]) (;W[ij];B[ji];W[hj];B[gj])) (;W[ik] (;B[jk];W[jl]) (;B[jl];W[jk];B[kl];W[ll];B[lm]))) (;W[ik] (;B[jk];W[jl]) (;B[jl];W[jk];B[kl];W[ll];B[lm];W[jm];B[lk])) (;W[lm];B[kj];W[mm];B[jn];W[kn];B[lo]))) (;W[ga])) (;B[ie]C[still here.])) (;B[rs]C[This way loses points, but less Ko threats. Hard decision])) (;B[ie]TE[1];W[am];B[hf]C[W has two weak groups])) (;B[hd]C[now it looks necessary])) (;B[mn]C[captures something];W[no];B[np])) (;B[sk]C[another chance])) (;B[sk]C[now is the time to take W eye away])) (;B[mn]C[if here,..];W[no];B[np]C[double threat];W[mo];B[nq];W[nl]C[hmm, maybe b gained nothing.])) (;B[qn]C[safer way to attack] (;W[rn];B[ql];W[rm];B[qp];W[ro];B[rq]) (;W[ql];B[rn];W[pk];B[pj]))) (;B[ok])) (;W[cn])) (;B[gk]C[must, the W cut is too big];W[hl];B[fm])) (;B[kj]C[Another alternative])) (;W[pp]C[cut is HUGE!])) (;W[iq]C[more profitable for w];B[gp];W[gr])) (;B[gq])) (;B[gr]C[should live easily])) (;W[iq]C[peaceful alternative];B[ir];W[hr];B[jr];W[hq];B[nr])) (;B[lp]C[push here, to create many cutting points];W[lo];B[mr];W[nr];B[lr];W[nq];B[iq]C[W must defend the cuts, b lives big])) (;W[lp];B[mr];W[jq];B[mp];W[mo];B[np])) (;B[ho]C[How about his?];W[hq];B[fo]) (;B[fq]C[This is probably an overplay, but you might try it sometime..]DO[])) (;B[he] (;W[ie];B[ic];W[hb];B[hf];W[ib];B[jc];W[jb];B[kb];W[hg];B[if] ;W[je];B[ig];W[lb];B[ke];W[kf];B[ja];W[lc];B[gb]) (;W[ic];B[ie];W[je];B[jc];W[jb];B[ia];W[gb];B[ha]))) (;W[fi]C[vital point];B[eg];W[gg];B[ef];W[fd])) (;W[eb] (;B[cb];W[ec];B[be];W[fd]C[Now B in deep trouble. If the top gets away, W will split the right side.];B[hc]C[Lets assume B lives here..];W[bf]C[then this.]) (;B[bb]C[This way, b jumps further, but..];W[da];B[cb];W[ec];B[bf]C[..still no connection];W[be];B[ce];W[cf]))) (;B[fi]C[One more move here looks necessary, either jump out..]) (;B[bf]C[..or settle immediately])) (;B[eh];W[ff];B[ek]C[run away and hope for the best on top..]) (;B[ce]C[..or go for life on the side. Anyway, B made it difficult fir himself.])) (;B[ck];W[ci];B[cn];W[cp];B[ek]C[Something like this looks most reasonable.])) (;W[jd]C[more normal to extend only so far]) (;W[jc]C[or here.]))