(;FF[3]EV[Wessex Open]RO[4]DT[22 October 1995]PB[Tim Mark Hall]BR[4d] PW[Thorstein Thorsteinsson]WR[3d]TM[50+5/30 mins]KM[5.5]RE[B+R] ;B[dp];W[qd];B[dc];W[pq];B[od];W[pf];B[qc];W[rc];B[pc] ;W[de]C[I saw this tenuki in the 1971 honinbo tournament game between Fujisawa Shuko and Ishida. I think it's an interesting idea.];B[ce];W[cf];B[cd];W[df];B[fc];W[cj] ;B[cl];W[re];B[ld] ;W[dd];B[cc];W[jp];B[qo];W[ql];B[qq];W[qr];B[pp];W[oq];B[rq] ;W[op];B[oo];W[no];B[on];W[fq];B[dq] (;W[cn]C[I know this is probably premature. The sequence from a) to e) is probably better. MM: agreed. This fight is difficult for W, who has weaknesses on both sides] LB[fo:A][el:B][nn:C][om:D][pj:E];B[dm];W[dn];B[en];W[bl];B[bk] (;W[bm];B[ck];W[bj];B[aj]C[I was surprised at this move since it allows me to break out. MM: it seems to work quite well for B. He keeps your upper group weak.] ;W[eo];B[do];W[em];B[fn];W[dl];B[dk] ;W[cm];B[ek];W[fm]C[MM: Running away like this is no fun.];B[gn];W[gm];B[fp] (;W[gk];B[bi]C[How about moving out?] (;W[fi];B[dh]C[good. Hard for W to surround B cleanly now.] (;W[ff];B[bg] (;W[bf]C[Dubious ? MM: yes, very. W is thin in the middle. B is alive both sides, so this is only a yose move.];B[fh];W[gh];B[ei] (;W[fg]C[Definitely better at a). MM: agreed.]LB[gg:A];B[fj]C[since B breaks through anyway, why not capture?] (;W[gi];B[gj];W[hj];B[hk];W[fk];B[ej] (;W[ik];B[hl];W[hm];B[il] (;W[im]C[don't like this.];B[ij];W[hi];B[jk]C[this is a 100 point ponnuki.] (;W[hc]C[Overplay ? My reading at the time told me that I could ignore black a) (answering b) with white c) for example). MM: real bad overplay. After B capture, w is weak, so should play carefully.] LB[jm:A][jn:B][io:C];B[gd];W[hd] (;B[ge]C[With this splitting attack B has a won game. W has no move to connect.] ;W[if]C[Perhaps this is once to early ?];B[hg];W[hf];B[gf];W[gg];B[ig];W[jg] ;B[ih];W[ii] ;B[jh];W[kj]C[A slightly desperate move. I thought I would have sufficient local ko threats if it came to a ko fight. MM: it looks B can win if he just takes the top side. So W is really in trouble.] ;B[kg]C[I was happy to see this move.];W[jf];B[kh];W[kf];B[lf];W[le];B[mf] (;W[mh]C[Overplay again ? MM: does not help the top group much];B[me];W[lg];B[li];W[mi];B[lj];W[kk];B[mj] ;W[oi];B[nj] (;W[lh]C[Suicidal. I should just protect at a) ? MM: hmm. Not much hope at this point of the game, but...]LB[oh:A];B[ki];W[pi] ;B[kl];W[lk];B[nl];W[ll]C[if B secures the top, he wins. The following 'b' is just a fancy variation of this idea.] (;B[gq]C[quite inexplicable. Fighting spirit???];W[kb]C[If W lives here, he's back in the race];B[jd];W[he] (;B[jc];W[gc];B[fd];W[jb];B[lc];W[fb];B[eb];W[ga];B[ib];W[ic] ;B[hb];W[ia];B[lb];W[ka];B[pl]C[At this point I was in rather serious time trouble. You may wish to pass lightly over the rest of the game ...] (;W[pk]C[maybe final losing move. W cannot resist here with the bad Aji in the middle.];B[ok];W[pm];B[ol]C[last chance to defend center.];W[qk];B[jj] ;W[ji];B[lm];W[km];B[jl] ;W[mm];B[ln];W[ml];B[mn];W[nm];B[nn];W[om];B[qm];W[oj];B[nk] ;W[rm];B[qn];W[jm];B[pn];W[af]C[Only one chance left ... MM: not really.];B[ad] (;W[ah]C[I haven't been able to come up with anything better for white. Is black alive unconditionally ? It's a surprisingly resilient shape I think. MM: B looks safe.];B[bh];W[ag];B[ci]) (;W[ag];B[ci])) (;W[mm]C[If w defends here, it looks like finally becoming a close game.];B[qk] TW[hl][hk][ik][ij][jk][jl][il][kl][ps][os][or][nr][ns][ms][ls][lr][mr] [nq][np][mp][mq][lq][lp][lo][ln][lm][km][jm][kn][ko][bn][am] [hb][ib][jb][ja][ia][rd][sd][se][sf][rf][qf][qg][qh][rg][sg] [sh][rh][kp][kq][kr][ks][pr]TC[1]TB[db][cb][bb][ba][ca][da] [aa][ab][bj][cj][dj][eo][ep][eq][er][fr][fq][fp][fo][es][fs] [ds][dr][ql][qm][qn][rm][rl][sl][sm][sn][so][ro][rp][qp][rn] [qo][po][pn][pm][md][mc][mb][nb][na][ma][oa][pa][pb][ob][oc] [nc][sp][ai][ci][di][cr][cs][bs][as][ar][br])) (;B[jb]C[this is at least Ko for B];W[kc];B[jc];W[kd];B[ke];W[je];B[lb];W[le] ;B[jj]C[B has another Ko here. W must lose something.];W[ji] ;B[lm];W[km];B[jm])) (;B[nn];W[mo];B[lm];W[km];B[jm];W[jl];B[jj];W[ji];B[kl];W[kn] ;B[ml];W[jl];B[jd];W[ik];B[gq]) (;B[jd]C[also good, and simple];W[nn];B[om];W[nm];B[pk];W[gq];B[qk])) (;W[oh];B[jd];W[id];B[jc]C[looks grim too])) (;W[kd]C[make life here, then hope for the best in the center?])) (;B[he]C[Even stronger. Game may be over soon])) (;W[jh]C[this group needs help.];B[jm];W[jn];B[km];W[hp]C[this makes some kind of shape for w])) (;W[ij]C[connecting looks much better. cannot capture lower group when B 3 stones weak.])) (;W[ij]C[normal.])) (;W[eh];B[gj];W[ik])) (;W[gg] (;B[gi];W[hi];B[fj];W[hj]) (;B[gj];W[hj]) (;B[fj];W[gj];B[gi];W[hi]))) (;W[gd]C[make yourself stronger, and reduce the top.];B[gc] (;W[id]) (;W[hd]))) (;W[eh]C[maybe like this?];B[eg];W[fg];B[ef];W[fd])) (;W[ci];B[ch];W[bh] (;B[di];W[ai];B[ak];W[dh]) (;B[ai];W[dh];B[di];W[cg] (;B[dj] (;W[ch];B[fi] (;W[gg];B[hi];W[ig];B[ji];W[kg]) (;W[hi];B[fg];W[fd])) (;W[fi])) (;B[fi];W[gf])))) (;W[bh]C[maybe this is better for w. He has some eye shape and b has none.] ;B[gk];W[im])) (;W[eo];B[do];W[em];B[fn] (;W[dl]) (;W[bm];B[ck]))) (;W[ge];B[hd] (;W[fo];B[el]) (;W[ek] (;B[em];W[fo]) (;B[dn];W[hp]))) (;W[fo];B[dn];W[ge];B[hd];W[pi]))