(;GM[1]FF[4]CA[UTF-8]AP[CGoban:3]ST[2] RU[Chinese]SZ[9]KM[7.50]TM[1800] PW[Yogo]PB[Mogo]DT[2009-05-13]PC[The KGS Go Server at http://www.gokgs.com/]C[Mogo [-\]: GTP Engine for Mogo (black): MoGo version 3.0.0: I'll resign if you win and playing until you pass if I win. If you passed and I did not, it often means that the status of some stones are not clear enough for me (I want to be sure we will agree on dead stones). Clarify them. Maybe I am losing, but have not enough time to be sure I should resign. In this case play until the end :'( (very rare cases) ]RE[B+Resign] ;B[ee]BL[1799.614]C[yogobot [-\]: GTP Engine for yogobot (white): Yogo version 3.1 ] ;W[ec]WL[1797.169] ;B[fc]BL[1799.269] ;W[eg]WL[1796.715] ;B[dg]BL[1799.015]C[xiefan [?\]: good luck t0 mogo and yogo ] ;W[dh]WL[1750.113] ;B[cg]BL[1798.747]C[IvanPerez2 [?\]: good luck! ] ;W[fd]WL[1704.596] ;B[ed]BL[1798.473] ;W[gc]WL[1659.953] ;B[fb]BL[1798.212] ;W[dc]WL[1616.163] ;B[gd]BL[1797.885] ;W[fe]WL[1573.363] ;B[ef]BL[1797.602] ;W[ge]WL[1531.422] ;B[hd]BL[1602.094] ;W[hc]WL[1490.328] ;B[he]BL[1424.581] ;W[gf]WL[1450.228] ;B[hf]BL[1264.947] ;W[fg]WL[1411.014]C[gogonuts [4d\]: h8 instead of h4 looked like an easy win to me ] ;B[gg]BL[1121.599] ;W[ff]WL[1372.701]C[gogonuts [4d\]: now after g2, e2, h8 w will squeeze at d4 ] ;B[ch]BL[993.022] ;W[gh]WL[1335.282] ;B[hb]BL[886.39]C[gogonuts [4d\]: w d5 ] ;W[eb]WL[1298.787]C[gogonuts [4d\]: sry, c5 :-) ] ;B[gb]BL[785.114] ;W[ce]WL[1263.179]C[xiefan [?\]: move 18 makes white lose, I think ] ;B[df]BL[694.662]C[gogonuts [4d\]: w also gets h3 now ] ;W[hg]WL[1228.483]C[gogonuts [4d\]: or wait, why not e2? gogonuts [4d\]: wouldnt e2 have killed b? ] ;B[bc]BL[614.07] ;W[cc]WL[1194.718]C[gogonuts [4d\]: atleast w e2 would have avoided the nasty b7 ] ;B[bd]BL[542.251] ;W[be]WL[1161.818] ;B[cd]BL[478.933] ;W[dd]WL[1129.816] ;B[cb]BL[422.767] ;W[de]WL[1098.711] ;B[bf]BL[373.637] ;W[ae]WL[1068.546] ;B[bb]BL[329.608]C[gogonuts [4d\]: h3 is looking worse and worse ] ;W[eh]WL[1039.227]C[gogonuts [4d\]: ironic ] ;B[af]BL[289.38] ;W[cf]WL[1010.84] ;B[bg]BL[253.067] ;W[ci]WL[983.419] ;B[bi]BL[222.163] ;W[ah]WL[968.744] ;B[ea]BL[195.006]C[gogonuts [4d\]: sry, e2 didnt work either for w, b will play h2 gogonuts [4d\]: so mogo did fine all teh way ])