(;GM[1]FF[4]CA[UTF-8]AP[CGoban:3]ST[2] RU[Chinese]SZ[9]KM[7.50]TM[1800] PW[Mogo]PB[Yogo]DT[2009-05-13]PC[The KGS Go Server at http://www.gokgs.com/]C[yogobot [-\]: GTP Engine for yogobot (black): Yogo version 3.1 Mogo [-\]: GTP Engine for Mogo (white): MoGo version 3.0.0: I'll resign if you win and playing until you pass if I win. If you passed and I did not, it often means that the status of some stones are not clear enough for me (I want to be sure we will agree on dead stones). Clarify them. Maybe I am losing, but have not enough time to be sure I should resign. In this case play until the end :'( (very rare cases) ]RE[W+Resign] ;B[ee]BL[1799.386] ;W[ec]WL[1799.699] ;B[fc]BL[1799.003] ;W[eg]WL[1799.435] ;B[ed]BL[1798.67] ;W[dc]WL[1799.044] ;B[fb]BL[1798.298] ;W[cg]WL[1606.952] ;B[cd]BL[1750.846]C[ibd [13k\]: hi all ibd [13k\]: is there a website that lists the computer olympiad games? ibd [13k\]: I mean the sgfs/results ] ;W[ff]WL[1425.224]C[IvanPerez2 [?\]: yes IvanPerez2 [?\]: http://www.grappa.univ-lille3.fr/icga/tournament.php?id=194 IvanPerez2 [?\]: for go 9x9 ibd [13k\]: thanks ibd [13k\]: wow, fuego first ] ;B[cf]BL[1704.339]C[gogonuts [4d\]: pretty strctly ordered results gogonuts [4d\]: yogobot got a promising opening here gogonuts [4d\]: this game could decide things for fuego ] ;W[df]WL[1266.263]C[gogonuts [4d\]: g5? ] ;B[he]BL[1658.806]C[gogonuts [4d\]: h5 was best ] ;W[ce]WL[1123.969]C[ibd [13k\]: ? ibd [13k\]: do you mean better than g5? gogonuts [4d\]: because it has a better continuation ] ;B[be]BL[1614.188] ;W[bf]WL[998.502]C[xiefan [?\]: winning rate of yogo is 37.5% now ] ;B[bc]BL[1570.521]C[gogonuts [4d\]: its working hard in this game :-) ibd [13k\]: how strong are these bots on 9x9? ibd [13k\]: dan+? MaLa [1d\]: mogo is dan+, yep, yogo i don't know ibd [13k\]: isn't it quite close on 9x9? ] ;W[de]WL[886.979]C[ibd [13k\]: because it seems to be dominated by MC bots ] ;B[dd]BL[1527.806]C[gogonuts [4d\]: it seems to be difficult to play "obvious" moves quickly ibd [13k\]: yeah, or too risky ibd [13k\]: because it's hard to define "obvious" gogonuts [4d\]: obviously MaLa [1d\]: maybe those obvious moves are a human weakness? ^^ ] ;W[hf]WL[788.291]C[gogonuts [4d\]: there are a human shortcut gogonuts [4d\]: someties a human pitfall ibd [13k\]: maybe... sometimes the obvious response is a trap MaLa [1d\]: because humans often believe in "obvious moves" and there might be a better forcing somewhere else before ^^ ] ;B[gf]BL[1486.025]C[ibd [13k\]: looks like mogo ahead gogonuts [4d\]: g4 is a zinger ibd [13k\]: zinger? ] ;W[gg]WL[701.585]C[gogonuts [4d\]: the word defines itself :-) ] ;B[ge]BL[1445.197]C[ibd [13k\]: ... gogonuts [4d\]: wikipedia: A surprising or unusually pointed or telling remark ] ;W[hg]WL[622.657]C[ibd [13k\]: a4 or e4? :) ] ;B[ef]BL[1405.291]C[chiaping [?\]: A5 gogonuts [4d\]: yup ibd [13k\]: e4 is sente-ish, no? gogonuts [4d\]: nope ] ;W[ae]WL[551.243]C[gogonuts [4d\]: it makes w f5 gote, but isnt sente itself ibd [13k\]: but also a6 sente chiaping [?\]: ko? ] ;B[if]BL[1366.287]C[chiaping [?\]: lose gogonuts [4d\]: yup ] ;W[bd]WL[488.599]C[MaLa [1d\]: hm? ibd [13k\]: I think b lost with 0.5 with b6 MaLa [1d\]: white had any threat? Bodano [1d\]: Did the games on 19*19 already start? xiefan [?\]: losing is the same for MC Gos ] ;B[ig]BL[1328.254]C[xiefan [?\]: no matter more or less MaLa [1d\]: @gogo ? gogonuts [4d\]: e4 at a5 would have been biggest, but mogo would have won by about 2.5 MaLa [1d\]: what was the problem with that ko? MaLa [1d\]: black had one threat... white none, or am i completly stupid? ^^ ] ;W[ih]WL[433.134]C[ibd [13k\]: is the ko useful at all? gogonuts [4d\]: w ignores f5 MaLa [1d\]: not f5 MaLa [1d\]: f3 MaLa [1d\]: ... gogonuts [4d\]: finishes the top left ibd [13k\]: gg gogonuts [4d\]: then wins the ko around f3 MaLa [1d\]: what ko? gogonuts [4d\]: ah, your right gogonuts [4d\]: b threatens at f3 not f5 MaLa [1d\]: f3, white ignores, F2 MaLa [1d\]: then corner is dead MaLa [1d\]: and B8 is not as big gogonuts [4d\]: i just played it out gogonuts [4d\]: winning the ko still loses MaLa [1d\]: yeah, just noticed MaLa [1d\]: :( gogonuts [4d\]: funny how b seemed to have a good fuseki gogonuts [4d\]: but the komi just got to be a too big burden MaLa [1d\]: are there already stats for this year? MaLa [1d\]: white/black win/loss? gogonuts [4d\]: looking back, w f4 was strong gogonuts [4d\]: and d4 gogonuts [4d\]: those moves looked slow, but they were very good at putting up a miai ])