(;GM[1]FF[4]CA[UTF-8]AP[CGoban:3]ST[2] RU[Chinese]SZ[9]KM[7.50]TM[1800] PW[FlexGo]PB[Fuego]DT[2009-05-12]PC[The KGS Go Server at http://www.gokgs.com/]C[Fuego9 [-\]: GTP Engine for Fuego9 (black): Fuego version 0.3.SVN ]RE[B+Resign] ;B[ee]BL[1799.605]C[mmueller [-\]: Round 5, vs FlexGo(W) ] ;W[ec]WL[1756.925] ;B[dd]BL[1799.284] ;W[dc]WL[1749.645] ;B[gd]BL[1798.823] ;W[fe]WL[1687.345]C[xiefan [?\]: it's out of my open book now ] ;B[fd]BL[1737.901] ;W[ed]WL[1640.942]C[xiefan [?\]: prof. martin, xiefan [?\]: your openning lib is created recently? ] ;B[ef]BL[1693.772] ;W[cd]WL[1589.206]C[xiefan [?\]: I have been watching the fuego's games in CGOS for a long time, I do not see such a open ] ;B[ce]BL[1687.055] ;W[de]WL[1546.413] ;B[cf]BL[1628.413] ;W[gf]WL[1488.412]C[derPlumps [2d\]: he cannot read it during the game ] ;B[fc]BL[1548.793]C[mmueller [-\]: score? nove [?\]: .47 ] ;W[fb]WL[1444.649]C[xiefan [?\]: excuse me, what does "score' mean? ] ;B[gb]BL[1496.739] ;W[hd]WL[1402.613]C[derPlumps [2d\]: nove seems to have access to the computer running fuego ] ;B[eb]BL[1446.165]C[nove [?\]: Yes, I am running the remote Fuego. derPlumps [2d\]: score means perhaps the estimated probabilty of winning :) derPlumps [2d\]: nove should know it better ] ;W[fa]WL[1351.491]C[xiefan [?\]: oh, thanks nove [?\]: Yes, Fuego's estimate of winning prob. of its best move. ] ;B[ga]BL[1396.518]C[xiefan [?\]: are you all members of fuego team? derPlumps [2d\]: not me ;) nove [?\]: Sort of. I am at IBM Research and collaborating with the Alberta team. ] ;W[ge]WL[1296.918] ;B[ea]BL[1385.61] ;W[fb]WL[1251.675]C[derPlumps [2d\]: these bots are probably stronger than me ] ;B[gc]BL[1305.384]C[xiefan [?\]: is fuego now running in a big machine? ] ;W[db]WL[1194.739] ;B[he]BL[1247.319]C[derPlumps [2d\]: strange move ] ;W[hf]WL[1144.773] ;B[hc]BL[1234.246] ;W[ie]WL[1070.811] ;B[fg]BL[1189.291] ;W[bc]WL[1001.442] ;B[hh]BL[1144.367]C[derPlumps [2d\]: oh? ] ;W[gg]WL[941.365]C[xiefan [?\]: ..... derPlumps [2d\]: sad ] ;B[gh]BL[1105.825]C[xiefan [?\]: even play h3, lost as well derPlumps [2d\]: kill? derPlumps [2d\]: or points? ] ;W[fh]WL[880.549] ;B[eh]BL[1069.183] ;W[df]WL[823.773] ;B[dg]BL[1036.021] ;W[dd]WL[770.423] ;B[hg]BL[1002.258] ;W[cg]WL[712.638] ;B[ch]BL[972.092] ;W[fi]WL[667.525] ;B[ei]BL[941.423] ;W[di]WL[622.797] ;B[eg]BL[919.561] ;W[ib]WL[583.555] ;B[ic]BL[898.677] ;W[da]WL[545.848]C[xiefan [?\]: I resign derPlumps [2d\]: hehe ] ;B[fa]BL[878.268]C[xiefan [?\]: congratulations to fuego derPlumps [2d\]: xiefan, your bot is based on monte-carlo, too? xiefan [?\]: yes ])